12 diseases that are transmitted to a child from a mother
How strong and healthy the baby is born depends on the well-being of the expectant mother. But even if everything is in order with the body, it is important to know which diseases are most often transmitted to the child from her.
It is impossible to protect oneself from everything in the world. But you can play it safe. If you know your pain points, monitor your well-being and undergo regular examinations, healthy children will certainly appear. Well, or at least you know if you are a carrier of diseases that are highly likely to be transmitted to your baby. This can be done through genetic testing.
doctor-geneticist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics “Nova Clinic”
“Unfortunately, I often come across the opinion that if no one has had hereditary diseases in the family, then they will not affect their children. This is wrong. Each person carries 4-5 mutations. We do not feel it in any way, it does not affect our life. But in the event that a person meets his soul mate with a similar mutation in this gene, the child can be sick in 25 percent of cases. This is the so-called autosomal recessive type of inheritance. “
“Sweet” disease can be inherited (if the mother has an established diagnosis), and the child may not inherit the disease itself, but an increased susceptibility to it. Scientists believe that the likelihood of passing on diabetes mellitus (type 5) from mother to child by inheritance is about XNUMX percent.
But if the expectant mother is diagnosed with type 70 diabetes, then the risk that the child will inherit it increases to 80-100 percent. If both parents are diabetics, then the probability that the baby will have the same diagnosis is up to XNUMX percent.
This is another commonly inherited ailment. If the mother had dental problems, then the child has a 45 to 80 percent chance of caries. This risk is reduced if you maintain perfect dental hygiene from the very first teeth in your baby and are regularly monitored by the dentist. But even this does not guarantee that the child will not develop caries.
The fact is that the child inherits the structure of the teeth from the mother. If there are many grooves, depressions on them, food will accumulate there, which will lead to the formation of carious plaque. Other important genetic factors include how strong the enamel is, what is the composition of saliva, immunity and immune status in the mother. But this does not mean at all that you need to wave your hand and not monitor the child’s oral cavity. Still, good hygiene is the best prevention of any dental disease.
Color blindness, or color blindness, is also considered a hereditary disorder. If the mother has the condition, the risk of transmitting color blindness is up to 40 percent. Moreover, boys inherit this ailment from their mothers much more often than girls. According to scientists, men are 20 times more likely to suffer from color blindness than women. Color blindness is transmitted to girls only if both mom and dad suffer from this disease.
It is also called the “royal” disease, because it was previously believed that this disease affected only the most privileged. Perhaps the most famous woman in history to carry this disease is Queen Victoria. The gene, due to which blood clotting is impaired, was inherited by the granddaughter of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. And by evil fate, the only heir of the Romanovs, Tsarevich Alexei, was born with this disease …
It has been proven that only men suffer from hemophilia, women are carriers of the disease and transmit it to their child during pregnancy. However, scientists also argue that hemophilia can be contracted not only due to poor heredity (when the mother has a disease), but also due to a gene mutation, which is then passed on to the unborn child.
This is a skin condition that cannot be confused with any other: red scaly patches all over the body. Unfortunately, it is considered hereditary. According to medical experts, psoriasis is inherited in 50-70 percent of cases. Nevertheless, this disappointing diagnosis can be given to children whose parents and close relatives did not suffer from psoriasis.
These diseases are akin to the lottery. It has been established that both myopia and farsightedness are inherited, but it may turn out that the expectant mother is a “bespectacled man” with experience, and the child who is born will have everything in order with his eyesight. It may be the other way around: the parents never complained to the ophthalmologist, and the baby who was born either immediately showed eye problems, or his vision began to sharply sit down in the process of growing up. In the first case, when the child does not have vision problems, most likely, he will become a carrier of the “bad” gene and pass on myopia or hyperopia to the next generation.
Nutritionists are sure that not obesity itself is inherited, but a tendency to be overweight. But the statistics are relentless. In an obese mother, children will be overweight in 50 percent of cases (especially girls). If both parents are overweight, the risk that the children will also be overweight is about 80 percent. Despite this, nutritionists are confident that if such a family monitors the children’s diet and physical activity, then the babies will most likely not have weight problems.
An allergic child can also be born to a healthy woman, but still the risks are much greater if the expectant mother is diagnosed with this disease. In this case, the probability of having an allergic child is at least 40 percent. If both parents suffer from allergies, then this disease can be inherited in 80 percent of cases. In this case, it is not necessary, if the mother, for example, was allergic to pollen, then the child will have the same reaction. The baby may be allergic to citrus fruits or any other intolerance.
This terrible diagnosis is given today to seemingly healthy people. If one of the direct relatives has been diagnosed with cancer, both parents-to-be should be on the alert. The most common cancers among women are breast cancer and ovarian cancer. If they were diagnosed in a woman, then the risk that this type of cancer will manifest itself in her daughters, granddaughters, doubles.
The male type of cancer – prostate cancer – is not inherited, but the predisposition to the disease in direct male relatives still remains high.
Cardiologists say that heart disease, especially atherosclerosis and hypertension, can be called familial. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are inherited, and not only in one generation, there are cases from practice when diseases manifested themselves in the fourth generation. Diseases can make themselves felt at different ages, so people with aggravated heredity need to be regularly examined by a cardiologist.
By the way
It is necessary to distinguish between hereditary and genetic diseases. For example, Down’s syndrome – no one is immune from it at all. Children with Down syndrome are born when an egg cell brings in an extra chromosome during division. Why this happens, scientists have not yet fully understood. But one thing is clear: the older the mother, the higher the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome. After 35 years, the likelihood that the baby will get an extra chromosome increases significantly.
But such a pathology as spinal muscular atrophy occurs if both mom and dad are carriers of a “defective” gene. If both parents have a mutation in the same gene, there is a 25 percent chance of having a baby with SMA. Therefore, before conception, it is advisable to be examined by a geneticist for both parents.
Alfiya Tabermakova, Natalia Evgenieva