10 tips to stop comparing yourself to others

Identify your strengths
Identifying your strengths, qualities, successes and resources is essential to stop being in the comparison. Indeed, it allows you to get rid of the feeling that others are doing better, have a better life. We must realize that we all have strengths that are unique to us, one succeeds in one area, you succeed in another …
Get to know each other
To be able to identify your strengths, it is still necessary to know yourself, to know your tastes, your desires, your values, your priorities, what makes you happy or unhappy. You are not as rich as your neighbor, but do you really want to work 12 hours a day under pressure? Would you like his life?
Practice gratitude
Practicing gratitude allows you to focus on what is positive now rather than ruminating on the past or thinking about what could be better in the future. Jotting down or just thinking about the things you are grateful for on a daily basis allows you to pay more attention to what you have rather than what you don’t.
Take a step back
To stop comparing yourself to others, you must also know how to take a step back from what you are shown, especially on social networks. Are other people’s lives really that perfect? Is this photogenic couple doing so well? Was their vacation so heavenly or was it the angle of the photo? And still, do you really want your life to be like an Instagram feed?
Surround yourself with the right people
It is essential to surround yourself with people who uplift you and encourage you in what you do. If you have low self-esteem and are surrounded by people who put themselves forward and put you in a form of competition, you will never feel up to the task.
Inspire yourself without comparing yourself
It is important to differentiate between admiration and envy. Envying someone’s situation won’t get you going, it only produces negative feelings. On the other hand, admiring a person and being inspired by his journey, his achievements can help you learn, to surpass yourself, to achieve a goal.
Accept yourself as you are
You have your baggage, your fears, your flaws… It all makes you who you are. From the negative, positive things are born. If you can improve in certain aspects, certain things cannot change, you have to accept it and stop wanting to be perfect, nobody is. Embrace your imperfections!
Avoid triggers
Take the time to identify the people, things, or situations that are causing the dissatisfaction. Notice how they affect you negatively so that you become aware of them, then avoid them. Again, focus instead on the comparisons that are useful to you, the ones that inspire you, such as human qualities that you like in certain people or activities that allow you to improve your well-being.
Do yourself good
Be kind to yourself! Give each other compliments, throw flowers at each other, smile at each other! And above all, remember to identify, even note your successes. We do things every day, big and small, but we still need to be aware of this. A good meal, help given to someone, a job well done… Every day has its share of successes
If every day contains its share of successes, it also contains its share of failures. But the good news is that everyone is in the same boat. Even the person who seems to have the most perfect life has had setbacks and setbacks in life. Take the first step and share your bad experiences (with the right people of course!), You will see that others will in turn confide in their failures.
Marie Desbonnet