10 tips for not getting angry with children in the car

1-Think “smart bison”

When planning an outing, a weekend, a week of holiday, always check that you will not fall on one of these dates where “sees red”. If you are forced to leave with the herd, at least postpone the departure time. And above all, look for alternative routes or a way to cut the journey in half by taking a break for lunch or overnight.

2-Check the car

Beyond the fuel, oil, water and tire inflation deserve to be checked regularly, at least before each departure on vacation or weekend. If you feel the slightest doubt about the mechanics (suspicious noise) or any failure (a fire for example), do not wait for a check at the garage. If you do not have peace of mind on this plan, the least doudou lost in the back can cause you a surge of stress.

3-Build a survival kit for the children

Mineral water, handkerchiefs, wrapped cookies, candies and / or lollipops, sun visors, small soft blankets, emergency comforters, plastic bags and terry towel, wipes, are the essential elements to manage trips by car with children and. Keep them close at hand in the cabin. If your children are suffering from travel sickness, take the matter head-on by consulting a doctor who can prescribe an appropriate treatment (homeopathy for example).

4-Control your itinerary

If you have a GPS, enter the precise address of your destination before leaving to become aware of the path indicated. If your cellphone is your GPS, fix it close to you without forgetting the battery to charge it, and put the phone and email function on silent so as not to be distracted. You can also plan your breaks in advance to discover a nice place (picturesque village, friends to visit) rather than themotorway service area crowded and its dry sandwiches. Also, don’t forget to inquire about possible parking on arrival.

5-take the time to leave

Before switching on the ignition, check once and for all that you have not forgotten anything in the house (the false start is terrible in family), that you have your papers, keys, telephone, change for the toll in the front, that your children are well secured and comfortably installed (especially at the level of the head which must be well wedged), that your doors, safes and couplings of all kinds are securely attached.

6-Clarify the situation from the start

If your children are old enough to understand, give them real time to Trajet and benchmarks to help them be patient (example: “we will do the picnic at 12:30 pm ”,“ we will do the guessing game at 14:XNUMX pm ”). For them the time seems much longer than for us. Explain also that in case of anger, conflicts with their brother / sister, exaggerated cries of joy, you will have to stop, which will make the journey even longer. And that there will be a time of nap at least an hour (or “quiet time” if they prefer).

7-Take breaks regularly

Stop every two hours, this is ideal to allow the driver to remain vigilant, the whole family to go to the bathroom, to eat a bite, to stretch their legs and even to put on a little. order in the back of the car before leaving. If a child feels bad, respect their request and stop as soon as possible so they can breathe fresh air.

8-With a baby, think nomad

You may have to stop on the side of the road to change a couche or make a bottle. For this, plan in the trunk, at hand, wipes, diapers, a small changing mat, something to prepare the milk (and heat it). If your baby is already eating solid, plan to mash (the carrot goes well, even cold) and relief compote in addition to his milk.

9-Vary the activities

Reading (why not with a CD that tells the story for the little ones?), Little ones board games (Dobble, Memories, game of the 7 families), kits of creative hobbies, DVD players for older children: go all out! There is even a app for very long trips with children, called. 

If your children are the kind in the car smeared, opt for music (with a special children’s play-list), a snack that doesn’t make too many crumbs, little oral games (charades, riddles), songs, observation games (count red cars, find animals). And don’t forget that boredom helps children develop their imagination and confidence! So why deny it?

10-Stay united between adults

If you are lucky enough to share the front of the car with another adult, try to be always in touch with how to manage the journey: the route, break times, heating, music… Do not comment how to drive or manage children. In the event of a conflict at the front, the rear will not hold out for long before revolting. It is a quasi-universal law. To remember especially in case of breakdown serious. If you stay calm, the kids will fall asleep while you are changing the tire (or nearly so).


In video: 5 tips for a serene car trip

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