10 signs that the energy of an apartment is ruining your life

10 signs that the energy of an apartment is ruining your life

And how to fix it.

To say that the quality of life is highly dependent on the atmosphere in the house is to say nothing. If you are surrounded by comfort and positive energy, then you are lucky – you have a rest with your soul and any difficulties of the outside world are nothing to you. When you feel that the atmosphere has begun to crush, it is impossible to relax and you constantly want to leave, then it’s time to clean the space.

Negative energy affects not only psychological well-being, but also health. This invisible power can destroy the aura every second. Often, many illnesses, personal failures and work difficulties are associated precisely with the dysfunctional energy in the house.

Signs of negative energy

1. Cockroaches and other insects were introduced.

And this is not an accidental parasite that wandered from neighbors, fleeing pest control, but a real natural disaster.

2. Things are lost.

You remember exactly where you put your keys / glasses / TV remote, but you can never find them on the spot. Sometimes the brownie, dissatisfied with the atmosphere in the house, plays in this way.

3. Households often get sick and quarrel.

In children, a runny nose and a cold replace each other in a circle. Plus eternal scandals that magically subside, if you all go somewhere together – there are no quarrels outside the house.

4. Plants wither.

Plants are said to take on an energetic blow directed at the host.

5. There are wiring problems.

If the house is old and the wiring naturally requires replacement – one thing. And when everything is repaired and changed on time, and sparks fly, short-circuits happen now and then – it’s unclean.

6. Drafts.

Unpleasant, chilling cold on the back – and this with closed doors and windows.

7. Sleepiness and fatigue.

Something can be attributed to the autumn avitaminosis and off-season blues. But, if the case drags on, you need to dig deeper.

8. Groundless anxiety.

Do you worry about trifles all the time, and too much? Drive your worried thoughts away and take care of your home.

9. Feeling of outside presence.

This is already very serious. It is not always possible to cope with such a phenomenon on its own.

10. Crockery breaks, objects fall.

A plate or cup is broken – this is an ordinary phenomenon. Unless, of course, this happens every week.

Why does the energy in the apartment deteriorate

Firstly, we do not always come home “positively”: we bring sadness, anger, resentment with us, we quarrel over this with our loved ones. This all affects the egregor (an energy-informational structure created by emotions and thoughts, which affects the state of a person. – Ed.) Of the dwelling. Each item absorbs the owner’s energy.

Secondly, you should not exclude outside influence – someone may wish you not the best life in their hearts.

Thirdly, the energy of an apartment building also matters. If everything is bad with the neighbors, then the shadow of their trouble may lie on your home.

How to reset the energy of an apartment

The most important thing is not to be afraid to come into contact with negative energy, otherwise you will attract it even more. To keep it calm, do not do the cleansing alone. Clean up in a good mood and with confidence in a bright future. After all, the owner’s energy, we recall, is transmitted to each item in the apartment.

1. Start with yourself.

Be sure to take a sea salt bath. She absorbs bad thoughts and cleanses from the evil eye. Close your eyes, relax and sincerely refer to the space: “Forgive and renewed.” After which the effect will not be long in coming. You will feel lightness and warmth.

2. Training.

Wear comfortable, neutral colored clothing. Open all windows and the front door. In general, create a good draft for at least ten minutes. Imagine how all worries go away with him.

3. Cleansing.

Get rid of old things. After all, what lies idle for more than a year accumulates negative. Conduct an audit of electronic equipment. Throw away what cannot be repaired. Recycle newspapers and magazines. Review all utensils. If you notice chips or cracks somewhere, then feel free to throw it away. Wipe the mirrors with a white cloth clockwise – as many times as the age of the mirror. If you are not in the know, then do thirteen laps. Get into the habit of washing dishes straight away. In the Vedas it is written that if a mountain of dirty dishes or any garbage has accumulated, the egregor of the apartment begins to get sick.

4. Sprinkling.

Spray the entire area of ​​the apartment, especially the corners, with holy water (no tap water). Then, light a few sprigs of St. John’s wort, wormwood, or heather. Fumigate your home with herbal smoke and imagine how you expel negative energy.

5. Cleansing the house with a candle.

Put on a white cloth glove, light three church candles. Start walking around the house from the front door in a clockwise direction. Remember to carry candles near the bell and outside handle. Then over shoes, rugs, hangers and furniture.

Pay special attention to the walls. Move the candles slowly along them. Stop where the bed and desk are. Cross this place three times. Next, go to the bathroom and stay there. Dispose of the burned-out candles in the trash chute.

Do not forget that the negative energy remained in your hands! Wash them well with soap and salt.

How to control energy

  • Candles

Do not be lazy to create a cozy atmosphere and light candles in the evenings. Fire is able to deal with any negativity.

  • Fragrances

Find pleasant aromatic oils. They will help restore the aura of the apartment and will have a beneficial effect on your condition.

  • Cleaning floors

Add wormwood or pine decoctions and essential oils to the water.

  • Bellflowers

Hang up the bells. Their ringing will scare away negative entities and maintain high vibrations.

What kind of energy is impossible to clean

Before living in an apartment (renting or buying), ask the owners what happened in it. As much as you like the nest, do not agree to sign a contract if something bad happens there. Over time, the euphoria will pass and terrible everyday life (in the literal sense of the word) will begin: knocking, rustling, voices, etc. It happens that a part of a person’s soul remains where he left this world. No matter how you ransack her in the church and no matter how you clean the house, this place will attract her like a magnet over and over again.

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