Testosterone is a hormone responsible for masculinity. It is present in both men and women, but in very different amounts.
In males, the testes are the genital gland that produces it. The development of hair, deep voice and musculature justify the presence of testosterone.
This hormone thus leads to differentiate between women and men. Hormonal disorders or even a dysfunction of the sexual glands can reduce its level in men.
Here are the 10 natural solutions to increase your testosterone.
Losing weight
Testosterone levels in overweight men tend to drop. Fat in obese people contains more aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen.
Follow a weight loss program thus helps to regain hormonal balance.
During physical exercise, exercise a large number of muscles. Lifting weights while lying or squatting or bending over is more effective.
Get enough Zinc
Zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in testosterone levels. Since zinc is a mineral, you can find it in half-raw foods.
So make sure you don’t overcook your meals.
Zinc is a testosterone booster. One effective solution is to consume oysters regularly.
In addition, you can eat meat, fish rich in protein or dairy products.
Here is the list of foods to consume regularly to boost testosterone (1):
- The grenade
- Oysters
- Cruciferous vegetables
- Coconut
- Garlic
- Spinach
- The tuna
- The egg yolk
- Pumpkin seeds
- The mushrooms
- onions
Get enough sleep
Sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours ruins your circadian rhythm.
Testosterone level is highest in the morning after getting a good night’s sleep. So if you’re surfing pornographic sites at 2 a.m., don’t be surprised that your libido is dropping.
Sleep prevents the drop in testosterone levels. Hormonal disturbances are also the result of poor sleep.
When you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day, your body has enough time to produce testosterone.
According to research from the University of Chicago, a 10 to 15% drop in testosterone levels is recorded in men who slept less than 5 hours per night for a week.
Electronic devices pose a threat to the quality of your sleep. It is best to turn them off before sleeping.
Also avoid hot showers; they also promote falling asleep.
Get rid of excess estrogen
Excess estrogen promotes fatty tissue gain that can lower testosterone levels. Eat raw vegetables. They constitute a large reserve of “diindolylmethane” or estrogen-scavenging DIM.
Toxins in the body cause excess estrogen production. Consuming foods rich in fiber helps you purify your body organically.
Cabbage and spinach encourage the production of this male hormone through IC3 or indole-3-carbinol.
According to the study conducted at Rockefeller University Hospital in the United States, a 50% drop in estrogen levels was seen in men who took 500 mg of IC3 for 7 days (2).

Avoid xenoestrogens and anti-androgens
Xenoestrogens have negative effects on the production of testosterone. They are concentrated in pesticides and plastic objects.
Avoiding xenoestrogens comes down to:
- Wash vegetables and fruits before consumption,
- Use glass containers,
- Ban perfumes containing parabens,
- Ban products stored in plastic from your food,
- Use organic products.
Phthalates and parabens are among the anti-androgens contained in cosmetic products. They are endocrine disruptors to be avoided.
Avoid stress
Stress releases Cortisol, a hormone that blocks the production of testosterone. It is also responsible for the formation of fat.
When a person is under stress, they produce aromatase and 5-alpha-reductase. The coexistence of cortisol and testosterone influences individual behaviors such as aggression and antipathy.
Allow 10 to 15 minutes a day to relax and help your hormonal system regain balance.
Perform specific physical exercises
Great short-term efforts to the detriment of long exercises
Compound exercises are recommended to train you better. You can successively perform Power Cleans, Deadlifts, Squats, Bench presses, Dips, Chin-ups. It is enough to perform 3 to 4 repetitions per set.
Emphasize hard workouts and short half-hour resistance exercises to the detriment of 2-hour exercises (3).
This process helps you produce more testosterone, build muscle and speed up your metabolism.
Runners over 60 km per week have lower testosterone levels than those running short distances, according to research at Columbia University.
The principle of 30 seconds of intense activity and 90 seconds of cool-down exercises is effective. This sport should be repeated 7 times to obtain better results; besides, it only takes 20 minutes.
Endurance racing helps lower the level of this hormone. This fact is demonstrated by a study conducted at the University of North Carolina in the United States after which too frequent training can cause testosterone levels to drop to around 40%.
So plan for resting time intervals to avoid the overproduction of cortisol associated with excessive training.
There are two main benefits of physical activity: reducing testosterone levels and preventing overweight. Using a professional trainer will help you achieve these goals quickly.
Cardio training
Cardio exercises such as running, walking, aerobics, and swimming help keep your testosterone levels up. They are effective in burning fat and therefore losing weight. Cardio training also helps relieve your stress.
Make some changes in your daily life by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or riding a bike instead of driving to work. These small efforts have a positive impact on your testosterone level.
Consume natural plants
The Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is a plant that contains flavonoids, steroid hormones, glucosides, saponins, phytosterols and beta-sitosterol.
These active ingredients act on the secretion of luteinic hormone or LH which controls the functioning of the testes.
Tribulus terrestris also promotes the activities of the follicular hormone FSH on the Sertolli cells in the testes. Leydig cells, which generate testosterone, are stimulated by consuming this natural remedy.
In athletes and bodybuilders, Tribulus terrestris decreases their fat mass and increases their testosterone level as well as their muscle mass.
In your fruit juice or yogurt, you can add Tribulus terrestris powder and then consume 1 g to 1,5 g per day depending on the dose.
Yohimbe bark
The bark of this plant native to Africa makes the body gain testosterone and oxygen. Its consumption solves heart problems and depression.
You can make a decoction of the bark of Yohimbe for 3 minutes at the rate of one teaspoon per cup and then make an infusion for 10 minutes. The result is to be filtered then to drink at the rate of 2 cups / day.
The benefit of oats on increasing testosterone levels has been verified since 2012. This high fiber cereal contains avenacosides reducing the harmful effects of reducing blood cells of sex hormones.
This mechanism helps the testes to produce a large amount of testosterone.
The root of Maca
To increase your testosterone levels, try la racine de la maca. It stimulates the libido and acts effectively on the health of the reproductive systems.
Maca root can be found in powder form. It is consumed in portions of 450 mg to be taken 3 times a day.
This plant is one of the natural steroids used for muscle mass gain; which therefore eliminates adipose bodies.
It fights against baldness and positively impacts sexual performance. The preparation is based on tincture and the dose is 3ml x 3 per day.
The Nuts
Nuts have a high content of monounsaturated fats, a component with a high level of testosterone in humans.
Also try sesame seeds and peanuts to encourage the secretion of testosterone by your testicles.
Vitamin D
The consumption of vitamin D helps to have a good level of testosterone. The sun also has plenty of it in store for you.
Your body needs on average 15 µg of vitamin D per day. Cod liver oil is the number one resource of this substance. In 100 g of cod liver oil, there is 250 µg of vitamin D.
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid or vitamin C reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels. Daily intake of this compound will increase your testosterone levels.
It also works in your endocrine system by reducing aromatase – the converter of testosterone into estrogen.
Vitamins C are most concentrated in black currants, parsley and raw red peppers.
Vitamins A and E
These vitamin classes are favorable to the production of androgens and the proper functioning of the testes.
Cod liver oil precedes lamb, pork and poultry liver in terms of vitamin A or retinol content.
You can also supply your body with vitamin E from wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower seeds, or hazelnuts.
Avoid overheating your testicles
Provide the best condition to the testes by avoiding their exposure to high temperature. When these nuts are overheated, the production of testosterone drops.
Tight pants and underwear should therefore be avoided to provide a temperature of less than 35 ° C to these sperm and testosterone generators.
Taking a hot shower also constrains the functioning of this gland.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol dramatically lowers the level of zinc in the body. It also complicates the elimination of estrogen by the liver and promotes the production of cortisol. All of these conditions are not good signs for testosterone production.
Drinking beer is like drinking the female hormone since hops are made up of a significant amount of estrogen.
The effect of this drink on testosterone is tolerable by stopping after two or three drinks. So gentlemen, you have been warned.

Small recipe to try at home
Dried beans with oysters
You will need:
- 12 oysters, cleaned beforehand
- 1 cup of dried beans
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 finger of ginger
- ½ teaspoon of pepper
- ¼ teaspoon of salt
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil or peanut oil
- Beans
Beans are packed with nutrients and delicious too. However, the fact that homemade beans often cause bloating and gas works against the regular consumption of this dish, which is very beneficial to our health.
Here is how I prepare my beans to avoid bloating and gas.
You should soak the beans overnight, or at least 8 hours, in a utensil. For a cup of bean, use 3 cups of water because beans absorb a lot of water.
After soaking your beans, pour in the soaking water and rinse your beans under the tap. Cook them 45-70 minutes so that the beans soften well.
Pour the water that was used for cooking because this water is a source of bloating and flatulence.
Rinse the beans, drain them and set them aside. You can cook more beans and save the rest for other recipes.
This will prevent you from going through this long process each time, which is however very important.
In a pan, brown your onions, grated ginger, garlic and beans. Add a little salt and pepper. After 5 minutes at low or medium heat add ½ glass of water to your cooking.
Boil 2 to 3 minutes then add your oysters. Close the cooking for 5-10 minutes, while the oysters cook. Adjust the seasoning and take off the heat.
I prepare the beans with a little sauce to add more flavor to the dish.
Some people add a little liqueur or broth instead of water. It’s up to your taste buds. I just want here to give an idea of a healthy, therefore quite natural, recipe.
Nutritional value
Beans are rich in silicon, a trace element. They are also rich in several other minerals such as Cooper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, iron, zinc.
They are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The active properties of beans act on hormones primarily testosterone to stimulate more testosterone production.
In women, moreover, several studies have confirmed the effects of the consumption of beans on late menopause.
They also support the woman in this phase in order to reduce the unpleasant effects of menopause.
Ginger also acts on mainly male hormones. Remember ginger is an aphrodisiac and this is true for all.
If you have trouble with your testosterone, eat dishes that contain ginger, turmeric, and chili.
Garlic is a superfood composed of allicin, the active component that acts on hormones and against premature aging, among other things. It is also composed of vitamins, minerals.
The drop in testosterone is not just linked to sex. This is a deeper imbalance than we think. Problems with testosterone lead to muscle weakness, baldness, depression and low self-confidence.
Men talk little about it out of pure ego. If you notice any warning signs in your partner. Get to work right away to help her raise the testosterone slope or at least reduce the rapid decline.
The production of testosterone is also linked to age (5).
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