10 life lessons that will make you more successful

Often the best lessons are the ones we find hardest to accept. They challenge our ability to learn from life, says Travis Bradbury. And they, if learned in due time, will make you more successful.

We all have had successes and failures in our lives. But you know what? There are no defeats. There is only feedback. Successful people never stop learning, both from defeat and triumph.

What lessons has life prepared for us?

1. The first step is always the hardest.

When you want to achieve something important, you will certainly have to overcome resistance. The inertia of the material itself, the situation, the inertia within you – fear, apprehension, indecision.

People who throw themselves into cold water and swim are not much stronger than us – everyone else. They just learned one important lesson: courage and speed pay off. They know that pain, fear and excitement are inevitable and will always be. But when you slow down, they become stronger.

2. Not everyone will support you.

In fact, most won’t. Some will start to infect you with their negativity, passive aggression, anger or envy. But none of that matters.

Those who are important don’t mind, those who object are not important. It’s impossible to win the support of everyone in the world, and it’s definitely not worth spending a lot of time trying to win the approval or respect of those who are not initially inclined to support you.

3. You will not be able to control everything the way you would like.

It is inevitable, however much you may wish otherwise. You cannot control all the people (even the closest ones) and all the events in your life. You cannot have everything. And you cannot win every battle in your life.

But with the right approach to defeat, you will win the whole war.

4. All good things take time

Success takes time and effort. Think of Henry Ford, who twice experienced the failure of his car business before, at the age of 45, he came up with a revolutionary model of a car – then still called not “Ford”, but simply “Model T”. But even at that time, he, in fact, remained a failure, because he did not have an efficient assembly line – and he developed it only at the age of 60.

Charles Darwin was out of touch in many ways: he enjoyed collecting plants and butterflies on distant islands. At 50, he wrote The Origin of Species.

5. Fuss and bustle – does not mean work

Success is not at all a product of movement and speed. It comes from focus – making sure your time and energy are being used properly. Make sure your efforts are focused on what will bring results.

The number of hours and minutes in a day is the same for everyone. Use yours wisely.

6. You are only as good as the people you associate with.

What about people who drag you down? Why do you let them be a part of your life? The one who makes you feel insignificant, stupid, makes you worry and worry, wastes your time. And quite possibly, he makes you become like him.

Life is too precious to be wasted on such communication.

7. The biggest problems are in your head.

Do you know which trips are the most popular? Time travel. We do not miss a day to go to them.

We travel back in time and regret what we did or what happened to us. Then we go into the future and worry about things that don’t even exist yet.

And you know what happens when you do that? You lose control of the only thing you can control – your present.

8. Confidence will come from within

Regardless of whether you are being scolded or praised at the moment, only one thing is known: you will never be as good or bad as they say you are.

If you gain self-confidence by comparing yourself with others, it means that you are not the master of your own destiny. If you yourself feel that you have done something very well, do not let someone’s harsh statement dissuade you from this.

After listening to someone’s opinion, you need, as the British say, “eat it with a pinch of salt.” Then you can digest a sour or bland response and not get carried away by its sweetness.

9. Perfection does not exist

Don’t make perfection your goal or principle. It doesn’t exist, it’s human nature.

If you chase perfection, then there will always be a vague feeling that you have not completed something somewhere, you could have done better. This is often debilitating, preventing you from moving on.

Choose between spending your days regretting what you didn’t succeed or rejoicing in what you did and will do.

10. Fear is the number one resource

What will you regret when all is said and done? About those things that once did not dare – and much more than about their defeats. And the reason, the resource that feeds our indecision is fear. Don’t be afraid to take risks.

It is often said, “Think about the worst that could happen? Will it kill you?” But you know, it’s actually not the worst. There’s something even worse: letting yourself die inside while you’re still alive..

About the Developer

Travis Bradberry Co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, translated into 23 languages, co-founder of TalentSmart, a consulting center whose clients include three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies.

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