10 interesting facts about cacti

Cacti are a family of flowering plants. They grow in arid regions of our planet, because. adapted to store water and use it economically. South America became the birthplace of these plants, they gradually spread throughout the Western Hemisphere, came to Asia and Africa.

Their appearance is not particularly attractive, but the flowers that appear from time to time are of particular beauty. Cacti can survive in extreme conditions, where other plants die.

Some of their species survive in deserts, where there is almost no rainfall and with large temperature fluctuations. Others grow in extreme humidity that kills other plants.

10 interesting facts about cacti will help you learn something new about them, and take a different look at this unsightly prickly plant.

10 Appeared on the planet about 35 million years ago

10 interesting facts about cacti A group of scientists led by Dr. Monica Arakaki, from the American Brown University, found that the first cacti appeared about 35 million years ago. For a long time there were only single plants, but 5-10 million years ago they began to grow actively, new species arose.

Scientists believe that this was due to the fact that the climate has changed, has become more suitable for these plants. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dropped sharply, the amount of precipitation dropped sharply, and cooling began. Not all plants were able to survive such stress, and cacti, adapted to difficult conditions, felt great.

9. Easily tolerate heat and drought

10 interesting facts about cacti All plants need water, and in the desert there is very little of it. But cacti have adapted to these conditions.. They have a large, fleshy stem that has no leaves. Due to this structure, they evaporate water in small quantities.

The long roots of the cactus go deep into the soil, thanks to which they can extract water. In the stems they have special aquifers in which they store liquid during rains. In addition, cacti use CAM photosynthesis, which allows you to save water as much as possible.

8. The natives of South America used cactus needles for surgical purposes.

10 interesting facts about cacti Some natives of South America, especially the Incas and their predecessors, achieved great success in surgical healing. They knew how to treat fractures and wounds, did amputations of arms and legs, and even performed trepanation of skulls.

They used cactus and agave thorns as needles.. From the juice of cacti and other plants, infusions of herbs with a narcotic effect were made, which were used for pain relief.

7. Still eaten in Mexico

10 interesting facts about cacti Mexicans love cacti, they have many species of this plant, even on the country’s flag there is an image of it. Cacti feed this country. There you can find many types of prickly pear, which is characterized by rapid growth, is not afraid of either heat or cold, and easily reproduces.

Mexicans eat the leaves of this cactus raw, they prepare various dishes from them.. The main thing is to correctly remove the thorns. Raw prickly pear leaves taste like sorrel or lettuce, they are juicy, with a slight sourness.

Cactus can be stewed with meat, put in soup. It is somewhat reminiscent of stewed peppers. The leaves can be pickled like cucumbers, spicy snacks and even sweet desserts are prepared from them, boiled and fried. In addition to leaves, they also eat cactus fruits, which are called tuns here. Inside they are soft, slightly sinewy, they have small black seeds. The taste is sweetish.

The Mexicans love them very much. From the blue agave, locals prepare a popular drink here – Mexican tequila. Another type of strong Mexican drink is mezcal, which is obtained from several types of agave and spices. Often in mezcal, a caterpillar is placed at the bottom of the glass, which should confirm the quality of the drink.

6. About 3 types of cacti

10 interesting facts about cacti The first to classify the family of cacti was Carl Linnaeus. But gradually botanists learned about new genera and types of cacti, new classifications appeared.

Now, according to different classifications, there are a different number of species – from 1750 to 5 thousand. There are many classification systems, including from the German botanist Carl Schumann, from the Americans N. Britton and N.J. Rose, from the Austrian F. Buxbaum, from the German Kurt Backeberg. It is the latter that enjoys special confidence.

5. Some species can grow hundreds of years

10 interesting facts about cacti Domestic cacti live from 10 to 50 years, and in nature they can exist up to 100 years or longer. So, Cactus Stenocereus Tubera lives up to 150 years. Its other name is organ pipe. An adult plant grows up to 7-8 m, its period of greatest growth is from April to June. Only after becoming an adult, the cactus blooms. The fruits taste like watermelon. Considered a rare species.

Another long-lived cactus – Pachycereus Pringle, which does not die until 200 years old. It can grow up to 20 m. In spring it is covered with flowers, with white petals. The cactus blooms for 4-5 weeks. The fruits are reddish, contain narcotic substances.

4. Cactus Giant cereus can grow up to 25 m

10 interesting facts about cacti Another name for this cactus California giant. It is a long-liver, growing for about 200 years. The largest specimens of the Giant Cereus reached 25 m in height.. In the first 10 years of his life, he grows only 2-3 cm, and his period of rapid growth begins after 30. He grows in Arizona, is a symbol of this state.

A cactus that has reached 12-15 m weighs at least 6-10 tons. There are about 2 tons of water in the branches and trunk of this cactus. It begins to bloom at the age of 50. The berries of this cactus are eaten, moonshine is driven from them.

3. Blossfeldia – the smallest species

10 interesting facts about cacti In South America grows the smallest species of cactus – Blossfeldia, named after the botanist Harry Blossfeld. It can be found in Bolivia and Southern Argentina, on the slopes of the Andes.

This is a miniature cactus, whose diameter is 1-3 cm, without tubercles of ribs. It has no spines and is woolly. The flowers grow on the top of the cactus, last 205 days, they are also small, up to 1 cm in diameter.

2. Red dye is obtained from some species

10 interesting facts about cacti Mexicans use prickly pear cactus fruits to make paint.. They are bright orange. In addition, special aphids are bred on cacti, and a natural dye, cadmine, is prepared from it.

It is collected, made into powder, treated with ammonia. This produces a substance of bright red color, which is used in the food industry and in cosmetics. Tourists often buy clothes made from fabrics dyed with this dye.

1. Prickly pear cacti almost caused an environmental disaster in Australia

10 interesting facts about cacti In 1787, prickly pear was accidentally brought to Australia. The best pasture lands were filled with this, one might say, weed, they could not get rid of it for 150 years. It multiplied rapidly and became a real environmental disaster. Cows if its leaves, and then died from thorns that got into the stomach.

Neither pesticides nor cutting down could cope with this tenacious cactus. But in 1925, the Argentine moth, which feeds on prickly pear, was brought to Australia. This moth ate all the thickets. The Australians, who understood that she saved them, erected a monument to this butterfly.

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