10 folk remedies for mosquitoes

These nasty annoying insects are just like us, sensitive to odors. But unlike us, they hate the smell of cloves, basil, eucalyptus and anise. Thanks to them, you can ensure yourself a restful sleep.

1. Deterrent agents include the smell of valerian and tobacco smoke. 100 grams of camphor, evaporated over the burner, will keep flies and mosquitoes out of even very large rooms.

2. In the old days, a decoction of wheatgrass roots, one of the most common weeds, was used to scare away mosquitoes and other bloodsucking insects.

3. You can use finely chopped fresh leaves and flowers of bird cherry or basil.

4. It repels mosquitoes and smells like cloves, basil, anise and eucalyptus. Any of the oils of these plants can be used for protection – it is enough to lubricate open areas of the skin or drop the oil into cologne (5-10 drops), as well as on a fire source – in a fireplace, a fire, on a candle or a heated frying pan. Moisten a cotton swab with the oil of these plants and put it on the windowsill.

When you run out of liquid for an electric fumigator, do not rush to the store for a replacement unit. Pour 100% eucalyptus extract into an empty bottle. Mosquitoes will forget their way to your home.

5. Tea tree oil can also be used as a repellent and can help relieve itchy bites.

6. If you live in a country house or spend the night in the country, plant an elderberry under the windows or arrange a tomato garden. Bring fresh elderberry branches into the rooms, they scare away mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.

7. If you decide to sit out in nature, boil a samovar on pine or spruce cones, or throw slightly dried juniper needles into the fire.

8. An old folk remedy for mosquitoes is Persian, Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile (also known as feverfew). Dried inflorescences, stems and leaves of these types of chamomile, ground into powder, infect the nerve cells of insects. It is enough to spread a few bunches of chamomile around the apartment or house, and you will be spared mosquitoes for a week.

9. The smell of cedarwood oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.

10. Not a single insect will touch your face if you wash your face with a decoction from the roots of wormwood. It is simple to prepare the broth: a handful of chopped roots are poured with one and a half liters of water, brought to a boil and insisted.

If you have already been bitten

  • Itching from a mosquito bite can be removed with a solution of baking soda (0,5 teaspoon per glass of water), ammonia (half with water), or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

  • Bite sites can be greased with kefir or yogurt.

  • Lightly mashed fresh leaves of bird cherry, plantain, parsley or mint relieve pain and itching from a bite well.

  • And do not forget about the good old balm “Zvezdochka”. By the way, it also perfectly repels mosquitoes.

Yellow color – no passage!

Some fighters against flying bloodsuckers argue that mosquitoes hate yellow. So, leaving for the country, in the forest, on the river, look for clothes of a suitable color scheme.

Also interesting: flies dream

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