10 effective workouts for pregnant women from Amy BodyFit

If you want to stay in shape even during pregnancy, then you will surely enjoy a series of Prenatal Workouts, youtube channel, BodyFit by Amy. We offer you 10 effective workouts for pregnant women at home that will help you stay slim during all nine months.

Amy created a workout Prenatal Workouts while you’re pregnant, so everything in the video she experienced personally. The coach chose affordable and safe exercises that are appropriate for any trimester of pregnancy. Calendar no classes, you can combine the videos at their own discretion.

Before you start training for pregnant women consult a doctor. Malaise and discomfort during exercise stop the exercise. Amy offers a very gentle program, however, your body can react to load differently. Don’t be afraid to skip exercise or stop exercise as required. Also try to drink more water during class and not train on an empty stomach.

Review workouts for pregnant women from the BodyFit by Amy

1. Cardio workout for pregnant women (20 minutes)

  • Inventory: not needed
  • Load: cardio

Easy cardio workout for pregnant women Prenatal Cardio Workout includes simple exercises to raise heart rate and burn fat. This is mainly a variety of steps with the active involvement of the muscles of the hands and body. Also Amy made a few squats, lunges and light jumps. The program is also perfect as it is charging.

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20 Minute Prenatal Cardio Workout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

2. My stomach workout for pregnant women (15 minutes)

  • Equipment: 1 dumbbell (2-5 kg)
  • Loading: exercises for the bark of standing and on the floor

This exercise for pregnant women helps to strengthen the back muscles and abdomen. The first half of the exercise is standing (bending to the side with dumbbells) and the other half on the Mat. You are waiting for the leg lifts, side plank, the pose of the table. A simple lesson, but it is better to perform it only if you have already had training experience before pregnancy.

15 Minute Prenatal Core Workout: Ab exercises for pregnancy

3. Strength training for pregnant women (30 minutes)

  • Equipment: weights (1-4 kg)
  • Load: power

Strength training for pregnant women Prenatal Strength Workout will help you strengthen the muscles of the body, to work on problem areas and improve the quality of the body. You will perform the classic exercises with weights for upper and lower body. The last 5 minutes is on the Mat. The load can be adjusted weight dumbbells.

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30 Minute Prenatal Strength Workout: Dumbbell exercises for all trimesters of pregnancy

4. Pilates-exercise for pregnant women (20 minutes)

  • Inventory: not needed
  • Load: Pilates on the floor

In this exercise for pregnant Amy has included exercises of Pilates to tone the core muscles, thighs and buttocks. Training is completely on the floor. You will exercise on all fours, side planks, leg lifts lying on your side, exercise for stomach back.

20 Minute Prenatal Pilates Workout

5. Kickboxing-a workout for pregnant women (20 minutes)

  • Inventory: not needed
  • Load: cardio

This aerobic exercise for pregnant women at home will especially appeal to fans of kickboxing. There are various punches and kicks at a gentle pace, squats, lunges, knee lifts to the stomach. The program is a little more active than Prenatal Cardio Workout, but it can handle absolutely every.

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20 Minute Prenatal CardioKick Workout for all trimesters of pregnancy

6. Workout with TRX for pregnant women (20 minutes)

  • Equipment: TRX
  • Load: power

TRX is not the most popular home inventory, but if you have, then you can try exercise for pregnant women Prenatal TRX Workout. This inventory will help you efficiently and safely to develop muscular corset. It should be noted that Amy’s offers a fairly simple exercise with loops, so you will successfully cope with the program, even if not engaged with the TRX before.

20 Minute Prenatal TRX Suspension Training Workout: Safe for All Trimesters of Pregnancy

7. Training with exercise ball for pregnant women (20 minutes)

  • Equipment: exercise ball, dumbbells
  • Load: power

Fitball is a very useful tool for pregnant women, so Amy could not ignore it. Her program Prenatal Stability Ball Workout features exercises with fitball and dumbbells to strengthen the muscles and toned body. The trainer has prepared for you a variety of wall squats with a fitball, exercises with dumbbells for back muscles, shoulders and arms, a variety of functional exercises based on a fitball.

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20 Minute Prenatal Stability Ball Workout---Pregnancy Workout for All Trimesters

8. Exercise for pregnant women with weights (20 minutes)

  • Equipment: kettlebell (dumbbell)
  • Load: power

For you to be able to achieve a tone body and elastic muscles, Amy offers another strength training for pregnant women at home, but this time with weights. If you don’t have weights, you can substitute it for a dumbbell or perform the exercises without weight (if you are a beginner). You are waiting for the following exercises: squats, standard and side attacks, the rise of the biceps, bench press for shoulders, bench press for triceps, deadlifts for back, tilt, deadlifts with single leg raise ago.

20 Minute Prenatal Kettlebell Workout-- Workout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Trimesters of Pregnancy

9. Training for the whole body (20 minutes)

  • Inventory: chair
  • Load: power + light aerobic

This exercise for pregnant women at home does not require any additional equipment except your own body weight. You will perform simple strength exercises with active involvement in the work of the muscles of the upper and lower body. Exercise can complicate the dumbbell, the exercise is quite allow. For push-UPS in the second half of the class, you will need a chair.

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25 Minute Prenatal Bodyweight Workout---No equipment workout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Trimesters

10. Two short stretches for pregnant women (7 minutes)

  • Equipment: not needed/fitball
  • Load: stretching

Regardless of whether you actively exercise during pregnancy, take a few minutes daily stretching is a must. This will help you to relax muscles and relieve stress. Amy offers two 7 minute stretches for pregnant women: one is without stock, the other with a fitball.

Without stock:

Prenatal Stretch Workout---Stretch and Relaxation for Any Trimester


Prenatal Stability Ball Stretch for all trimesters of pregnancy

Want to stay slim body aligned even during pregnancy? Try high-quality, safe and effective workouts for pregnant women, which are suitable for all skill levels. Stay lean and healthy for the entire nine month along with the youtube channel, BodyFit by Amy.

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