Making love not only brings you closer to your partner, but in itself is an exercise for the cardiovascular system. So instead of visiting the doctor, maybe it’s better to spend more time in the bedroom?
The chemicals released during sex have a calming effect and create a good mood. In addition, according to psychology professor Gordon Gallup of New York University, semen contains a substance that acts as an antidepressant in women.
Some believe that having sex increases the risk of heart attack, but experts deny this. Professor Peter Weissberg, director of the British Heart Foundation, says that sex is actually good for the heart: “In terms of fitness, it is equivalent to walking a mile and a half or going down and up two flights of stairs.” Research confirms that men who have sex at least twice a week have a lower risk of heart attack. Increasing estrogen levels during sex also helps women cope better with heart disease.
Orgasm is a powerful stress relief. This is surprising, because the more stress we experience, the lower our libido falls. How does sex relieve stress? It turns out that this is due to deep breathing, which oxygenates the blood and creates a sense of peace.
A slight headache is not a reason to shirk sex. On the contrary, according to studies, lovemaking reduced the intensity of pain by about 30%, while 17,5% of the subjects had migraines completely gone, reports.
Dermatologist Amy Wexler of Weill Cornell Medical College claims that hormones released into the bloodstream during physical intimacy make skin youthful and firm. “Sex releases beta-endorphins, which help protect skin collagen, and oxytocin, which lowers stress-causing cortisol.” Also, the younger we feel, the slower we age. American scientists have shown that older women who regularly have sex are healthier and happier, and more easily tolerate aging.
Sex frees up creative energy and helps to overcome a creative crisis, for example, to break the deadlock of an author who has stopped writing. Researchers have even found that creative energy grows with the number of partners. According to psychologists from the University of Newcastle, professional artists and poets have roughly twice as many sex partners as those in less creative professions. Moreover, the more sex partners they had, the greater success they achieved in creativity.
Swiss scientist Manfred Schadlowski argues that sex can cure the common cold because the number of phagocytes, which are part of the immune system that attack and kill germs and viruses, grows during sex and doubles after orgasm.
While sex cannot repair the damage done to the body, especially the liver, it can help him recover from a hangover faster and easier than a fatty, overcooked breakfast. During sex, endorphins and oxytocins are released, which stimulate muscles and improve mood.
Joint movement during sex helps people with arthritis. Specialists of the Arthritis Foundation insist that sex is good for such patients. Dr. George Ehrlich found that 70% of people with arthritis experienced less pain after having sex. Sex leads to increased production of cortisone in the body, which helps reduce inflammation – the cause of joint pain.
Studies have shown that kissing and oral sex can help prevent tooth decay. During these actions, salivation increases, which reduces plaque on the teeth and reduces the acidity in the mouth, which is the cause of tooth decay.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor, Psychotherapist, Sexologist
Sex is definitely a useful activity.
Especially if it is good, it is done for pleasure and preferably with orgasmic release. Orgasmic cramps cleanse the body by expelling bacteria from it, make the lungs breathe deeper and cleaner, and make you calmer. It strengthens the general condition of the body and especially improves the activity of the cardiovascular system. There is also research that regular sex with your beloved partner improves blood composition for a while and rejuvenates it. Sex with a loved one is more useful, it is even better if you are married to him: this way you are more liberated, which has a positive effect on quality. And women even get smarter from such sex.