Zumba dance training

ZUMBA fitness has become very popular in recent years. This is one of the few areas that people of any age and level of physical fitness can do.

Difficulty level: For beginners

ZUMBA, or zumba fitness, is a relatively new type of workout offered by gyms and fitness centers. Appearing on the list of possible options for physical activity, he interested many, and for millions of women became a favorite destination. Men also go to zumba fitness classes, but they are much less common there.

Classes are more often held in groups than individually:

  • Zumba is a cross between fitness and dancing. This is not just a body workout, but also a charge of positive energy, and this effect is best achieved through joint exercises in a group of several people.
  • Zumba doesn’t require any particular skill level. Exercise safety is the only thing you need to know. This is not a dance – there is no requirement to work out every movement to perfection: everyone does everything to the best of their physical abilities. Therefore, group training is well suited, and individual training does not make much sense.

Zumba fitness is a program with a dance bias, in fact, a lifestyle brand that combines dance, fitness, and entertainment. Initially, the basis was Latin rhythms, although this is now not mandatory.

Top Reasons to Start Zumba Dancing

Workouts are recommended for those who want to do fitness for health or weight loss, but most of the proposed types of physical activity are boring or difficult for them. In the process of training, almost all muscle groups are involved, which allows you to achieve harmony and get a load sufficient to keep the body in shape.

Zumba is ideal for those who love and want to dance, but do not want or cannot go to clubs and parties for this, and do not want to dance professionally.

It is optimal to start training by signing up for classes at the selected fitness club. You can also try self-training on videos, but there is a nuance here: without a coach, it is easy to harm yourself by getting a dislocation or sprain. Therefore, it is worth attending at least one class. In addition, it is likely that without the company of like-minded people, Zumba will not bring the promised emotions, and this is its important component. Dynamic Zumba is one of the youngest fitness trends and continues to steadily gain followers around the world.

Zumba is not just a workout aimed at working out various muscle groups, but a real dance fitness party to Latin American rhythms. Even the most shy beginner in these classes will feel comfortable.

Zumba dance workout basics

The basis of Zumba is simple movements of the arms and hips, which are sure to turn out even for a person without sports or choreographic training. Despite the apparent ease of movement, Zumba burns a significant amount of calories. And although it is not a panacea for excess weight, classes are excellent for increasing overall tone and reducing body volume. In addition, a charge of vivacity and good mood after such training is guaranteed. 

On the basis of the classic Zumba, several more specialized areas have appeared.

  • Zumba Gold Program – Adapted for older people or people undergoing a recovery period after serious injuries and operations.
  • Zumba Kids, Kids Jr. and Zumbini — Special programs for children of different ages.
  • Zumba Toning Program – Dance program, supplemented with special dumbbell maracas.
  • Zumba Sit – Dance fitness program using a chair.
  • Zumba Step – Dance training with exercises on the step platform.
  • Aqua Zumba – Special training in the pool.

Zumba is a great exercise for beginners. It will help loosen up, increase muscle tone and get a taste for physical activity before moving on to more serious strength programs. And people with good preparation will help to cheer up, relax and relieve nervous tension.

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