Zucchini Tristan F1

Zucchini is perhaps the most common and especially loved by many gardeners relative of the common pumpkin.

Vegetable growers fell in love with him not only for the ease of cultivation, but also for the large number of useful properties that he possesses.

Zucchini is perfectly absorbed by the human body, therefore it is recommended for consumption even by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and even have diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Bright, and perhaps one of the highest-yielding representatives of the vegetable family, is the Tristan variety.

Zucchini Tristan F1


Zucchini “Tristan F1” is an early ripe hybrid variety. The process of full ripening of the fruit is only 32-38 days. The bush of the plant is quite compact, slightly climbing. The fruits have an oblong cylindrical shape, smooth, dark green in color. The length of a mature vegetable reaches 30 cm. Each individual zucchini weighs from 500 to 700 grams. The flesh of the fruit has a white tint, the taste is very tender and fragrant. Zucchini squash, which is Tristan, tolerates excess moisture in the soil well, and is also resistant to low temperatures.

The yield of the variety is quite high – up to 7-7,5 kg per square meter of beds or up to 20 fruits from one fruiting bush.

In cooking, the fruits of the Tristan variety are used for:

  • frying;
  • extinguishing;
  • canning and pickling;
  • young ovaries are consumed raw as a vegetable salad.

Zucchini Tristan F1

Zucchini hybrid variety “Tristan” perfectly retains its properties and marketability for 4 months.


Irina Fedorovna, 46 years old, Kletsk, Republic of Belarus
I grow zucchini in the country all the time. I plant both regular and zucchini. This year I tried to plant a hybrid variety. The result was very satisfied. The fruits are small, since the Tristan zucchini belongs to the category of zucchini, smooth, tasty. The yield is high.
Olga Petrovna, 37 years old, Perm
I started growing zucchini a couple of years ago. This occupation was connected more with necessity than with passion. My son had digestive problems and the doctors advised him to include zucchini dishes in his diet. Now my child feels great, and the problems of the gastrointestinal tract no longer bother him. Here is such a useful and tasty medicine now always grows in my beds.

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