Zucchini Tigernut

Zucchini zucchini “Tiger” is considered a relatively new vegetable among gardeners. According to its external characteristics, it is similar to a zucchini. Let’s try to find out its distinctive features, taste characteristics.

Zucchini Tigernut

Valuable vegetable in a regular garden

Zucchini is the most valuable vegetable crop, which includes B vitamins, numerous carbohydrates, carotene, and also a large amount of ascorbic acid. Zucchini “Tiger” contains about twice as much carotene than carrots.

Attention! The healing properties of zucchini cannot be ignored. With their systematic use, metabolic processes in the body are significantly improved, excess fluid is removed, and toxins are removed.

Nutritionists recommend including this miraculous vegetable in food for those patients who dream of getting rid of extra pounds.

Zucchini variety

Currently, in our country there are several types of varieties, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of interest is the variety “Tiger Cub”, which we will talk about in more detail. This low-calorie vegetable came to the taste of culinary specialists. “Tiger cub” is used to prepare delicious second courses, it is marinated, canned, and jam is made from it.

Zucchini “Tiger” is considered one of the most fruitful varieties of zucchini. Subject to all the rules for its cultivation and care, it is quite possible to get up to 15 kilograms per square meter of land. It is enough to plant two or three Tiger Cub bushes to grow tasty and healthy vegetables.

Zucchini Tigernut

Characteristic of the variety

Its fruits have a dark green color, small speck as if reminiscent of the name of this variety. The average size of the fruit is 35-45 centimeters, the diameter of the fruit reaches 10 centimeters. By planting tiger cub bushes on one square meter of land, you can collect up to 15 kilograms of fruits.

Zucchini “Tiger” is resistant to numerous diseases, but in rainy summers, the vegetable cannot resist fungal diseases.

Advice! Professionals do not recommend growing “Tiger Cub” to the maximum size, as it becomes tasteless.

After carefully watching the video clip, you can learn a lot of useful information about the care of seedlings, the rules of care:


Growing rules

In Italy, zucchini has been cultivated for several decades. It is from here that zucchini seeds came to our country. Gardeners will not have any particular difficulties in growing Tiger Cub zucchini. The cultivation algorithm is similar to the cultivation of ordinary zucchini.

Zucchini Tigernut

Advice! It is advisable to water the seedlings of the “Tiger Cub” with nettle infusion every 7-8 days. Thanks to this, the leaves of the bushes will be strong, and the plant itself will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

First you need to select the seeds, soak them in a solution that stimulates growth, then place the seeds in a damp gauze. After pecking the seeds, you can plant them in open or film-protected soil.

Some gardeners prefer to cook Tiger Cub seeds in the refrigerator. They place the seeds for 2 days at zero temperature.

When choosing a site for planting seeds of this variety, it is desirable to give preference to areas illuminated by sunlight. This variety is considered light-loving, in the shade you can not count on a high yield.

Advice! In order to guarantee germination, 2 seeds must be planted in one hole.

Zucchini Tigernut

Soil preparation for zucchini should be done in early spring. First, the site must be dug up, then phosphorus fertilizer and humus are introduced into the soil.

Advice! Before planting “Tiger” zucchini, pre-pour the entire earth with a weak solution of ammonium nitrate. Then protect the seedlings from numerous fungal diseases by watering the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).


Irina, 54 years old, Voronezh
I tried to plant “Tiger Cub” at my summer cottage, and was attracted by the unusual name of the variety. I didn’t spend much effort when leaving, the harvest was not bad, despite the cold summer. I recommend this variety to zucchini lovers.
Natalia, 46 years old, Moscow
Seeds “Tiger” planted in the soil in May, taking into account the climatic features of the area. I put a small amount of ash into the wells, then planted zucchini seeds. I got a good result, I was satisfied with the variety.


To increase the yield of Tiger Cub fruits, flowers are often sprayed with a solution prepared from a gram of boric acid and one hundred grams of sugar dissolved in one liter of water. The zucchini variety “Tiger” demonstrated to gardeners its high yield, excellent taste, and therefore is in demand among summer residents.

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