Zucchini Sukha F1

Today there are a large number of different types of zucchini. They differ in color, size, taste. Increasingly, gardeners prefer new, hybrid varieties. Hybrids are distinguished by good resistance to diseases, friendly return of the crop and high yields.

In this article we will talk about the variety of zucchini “Dry”.

Zucchini Sukha F1


Zucchini “Dry F1” is an early ripe variety. The period from sowing seeds to harvesting is 40-45 days. The first harvest can be harvested, judging by the reviews, as early as 30-35 days after planting the seeds in open ground. The plant is bushy, compact.

Zucchini Sukha F1

The variety is hybrid, therefore, all their distinctive characteristics are characteristic of it:

  • good disease resistance;
  • high yield;
  • good tolerance of the “whims” of nature and temperature extremes.

The fruits are smooth, cylindrical and light green in color. The length of a mature vegetable ranges from 16 to 18 cm. The weight of one fruit is from 400 to 1000 grams.

The pulp of the zucchini “Dry” is dense, tender. Taste qualities are good.

In cooking, young fruits are used for frying, salads, caviar, pancakes, and also stuffed, marinated and preserved as preparations for the winter.

The yield of the variety is high. From one hectare of a garden bed, you can collect from 400 to 1200 centners of a healthy and tasty vegetable.

Peculiarities of growing

Zucchini is very unpretentious in cultivation. Caring for the plant is very simple, so even a novice amateur gardener can do it. The whole process of cultivation consists in regular watering, loosening the soil, timely removal of weeds and top dressing.

Advice! Zucchini can be planted in the garden with both seeds and seedlings.

With a seedling method of planting, to increase the chances of rooting, the plant should be planted in the early morning, in cloudy weather and at a sufficiently high air temperature.

You will learn how to properly care for zucchini during the period of growth and ripening from the video: https://youtu.be/3c8SbjcIzLo


Irina Fedorovna, 46 years old, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus
I plant zucchini in the country every year. I tried the hybrid variety for the first time. At first, I was wary of all the characteristics declared on the packaging, but later, I was convinced that it was written – true. Seeds sprouted quickly and amicably. Bushes are compact. Zucchini began to appear on the plant after a month. From one bush I collected from 6 to 12 fruits. Until full biological maturity, I had only 3 vegetables in the garden. They were left specifically for seeds. The rest she collected and prepared various dishes from them: from soups and salads to preparations for the winter. The pulp of the fruit is very tender, moderately juicy, there are few seeds and they are small. Taste qualities are excellent. The skin of the fruit is soft, does not coarsen even when stored indoors or in the refrigerator. I really liked the “Dry” variety. My family especially liked it, so the question of further cultivation was resolved by itself.
Maria Vikentievna, 53 years old, Yelsk
Hybrid varieties of vegetables on my site every year occupy an increasing amount of land. This year I decided to sow a new variety of zucchini “Dry”. The manufacturer in the description indicated the high yield of zucchini, resistance to diseases and early ripening of fruits. All the characteristics stated on the packaging were true. The harvest was indeed very large. Vegetables ripened together and quickly. I didn’t have any disease problems. Taste qualities are excellent. I will plant this variety again next year. I really liked him.
Ivan Petrovich, 51 years old, Pskov
Zucchini are my favorite vegetables. They are not only tasty, but also very useful. I grow them regularly in my garden. Since zucchini is part of my daily diet, I always harvest it in large quantities, so it is very important for me that the variety is high-yielding. To this end, I have recently been growing hybrids more and more often. The result is always excellent. A rich harvest with minimal labor costs.

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