Zucchini – small varieties

The first zucchini were grown as ornamental plants – they have beautiful carved leaves, long lashes with large yellow flowers. The plant itself belongs to the same species as African creepers and exotic orchids. Later, people began to dry the seeds of ripe fruits and use them for food. And just a few centuries ago, they thought of eating the whole fruit as a whole. Zucchini turned out to be not only very tasty, but also an extremely useful vegetable, especially for children and people who need a diet.

Zucchini – small varieties

To date, more than 150 varieties of zucchini have been created, all of them have their own characteristics. There are colored fruits, striped, round and pear-shaped, fruits with an unusual taste and interesting properties. This article will describe all these varieties, but special attention will be paid to small squash varieties – bush plants.

Bush squash

Zucchini – small varieties

Initially, the zucchini grew in lashes that were woven along the ground. Such crops are still grown, there are many varieties of weaving plants. But most of all summer residents and gardeners fell in love with bush varieties – they are compact, do not take up much space.

In conditions of cramped areas and vegetable gardens, bush zucchini is considered the most successful solution. And yet, the bushes of this vegetable are not so small – no more than one plant should be planted on one square meter of land.

Only in this way can the zucchini be provided with a sufficient amount of heat, light, nutrients and moisture. Bushes planted at such an interval will be well ventilated, which means they will not become infected with fungus and mold.

Care for courgettes

Zucchini – small varieties

As a rule, zucchini are unpretentious plants. All they need is sun and water. But in order to get a good harvest, it is better to pay more attention to the plants:

  • plant at the end of May, when a constant temperature of at least 18 degrees is established;
  • plant seedlings to get an early and abundant harvest;
  • grow in greenhouses and hotbeds if the air temperature in the region is low;
  • water often and plentifully, it is better to use warm, settled water for this purpose;
  • fertilize and dig up the ground before planting, lime the soil, loosen;
  • choose areas with loose soil;
  • harvest on time, preventing overripe fruits;
  • tie climbing varieties on trellises so that the plant is ventilated and does not rot;
  • choose sites on the sunny side, with deep groundwater.
Advice! It is better to plant zucchini in the place where tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers were grown last season.

Zucchini – small varieties

This is the only way to get high yields, which are enough not only for canning and cooking, but also for sale.

hybrid zucchini

For to get as many small zucchini as possible, the fruits need to be plucked while they are young. Vegetables overripe very quickly – they increase in size, the peel hardens, many large seeds appear. All this spoils not only the presentation of the vegetable, but also its taste.

Hybrid varieties are characterized by rapid maturation and the fact that zucchini does not outgrow for a long time.. That is, even with irregular harvesting, the harvest of young fruits will be the same.

Zucchini – small varieties

This is great for summer cottages, the owner of which cannot come every day. Hybrid zucchini can be harvested over the weekend, and the fruit will be just as small and tender.

Among other things, all hybrid varieties are very productive – up to 16 kg of vegetables can be harvested from one bush. They are resistant to low temperatures, and some even to frost.. Therefore, hybrid zucchini can be planted not only in the south, but also in Siberia.

Another quality of hybrids is resistance to diseases. Good breeding companies treat their seeds for both pests and most of the diseases common to this vegetable.


Zucchini - small varieties

The most famous and most productive hybrid variety is Iskander. This plant was bred by Dutch breeders. With proper care, you can collect about 17 kg of zucchini from one hybrid bush.

The fruits do not overripe – for a long time they retain a small size and delicate peel and pulp. The zucchini of this variety has a pale green or beige color, an oblong shape and a smooth surface. There are practically no seeds inside the fruit, which makes its pulp very tender and tasty.

The Iskander hybrid ripens very quickly – already on the 40th day after sowing the seeds, you can collect the first fruits – small squash, weighing up to 0,5 kg. The culture endures any climate and pest attacks, is resistant to many diseases.


Zucchini - small varieties

The zucchini, which Italian breeders bred specifically for their Mediterranean climate, is a Genovese hybrid. Domestic scientists have adapted the variety to the climate of central Our Country – it can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in a garden.

The hybrid is very early – the first vegetables can be tasted already on the 35th day after planting in the soil. Fruits differ in fine taste and the small sizes, for a long time keep gentle pulp and skin.

Among other merits, the hybrid gives high yields and staunchly resists diseases of a humid climate – powdery mildew and bacteriosis.

“White Bush”

Zucchini - small varieties

Another early hybrid bred by Danish breeders is the White Bush squash. The first fruits can be enjoyed already on the 40th day after planting the seeds in the ground.

Zucchini are distinguished by an excellent presentation – a flat surface, a regular cylindrical shape, a light green color. More mature vegetables acquire a white skin color.

The flesh of the zucchini is tender, creamy in color, has an unusual sweetish aftertaste. The plant is resistant to diseases, tolerates the local climate well.

yellow zucchini

Many housewives prefer yellow fruits to ordinary zucchini of a white or greenish hue. Varieties that give a golden harvest are distinguished by good keeping quality and excellent taste.

Zucchini – small varieties

They have a slightly sweet taste, suitable for fresh consumption, salads and side dishes, and for canning. After pickling, the zucchini retains its bright yellow hue, which looks very beautiful.

Zucchini – small varieties


Zucchini - small varieties

Japanese breeders have developed this very early hybrid variety. “Yasmin” also refers to high-yielding zucchini – up to 14 kg of vegetables can be removed from one bush.

The fruits grow large – their maturity occurs at a length of 25 cm. The most interesting thing about this zucchini is the golden color of the peel. The flesh also has a yellow tint. It has a sweetish aftertaste, provided by a high content of carotene – the same useful substance that carrots are rich in.

The plant is resistant to high humidity, can be grown both in a greenhouse and in a garden. Zucchini is not afraid of rot and mold. Another plus is long-term fruiting. Fresh vegetables can be harvested within two months – new ovaries on the plant will appear very often.


Zucchini - small varieties

Another early ripe hybrid is Golda. These zucchini have a bright orange skin and cream-colored flesh. The hybrid tastes sweetish, contains a lot of sugar and carotene.

The fruits are very large – their weight reaches 3 kg, and the length is 0,5 meters. With such dimensions, high taste characteristics are not lost – the zucchini remains just as tender and juicy.

For salads and fresh consumption, it is still better to pick young fruits until their length has reached 30 cm.

The plant gives good yields (which is not surprising given the size of the fruit), is well transported and stored for a long time. All this allows you to grow a variety for sale, and not just for your own use.

“Gold Rush”

Zucchini - small varieties

The Dutch version of yellow-fruited zucchini is the Gold Rush hybrid. The plant is early ripe – the first vegetables can be eaten already on the 40th day after planting the seeds.

Zucchini grow small, their weight reaches only 150-180 grams. But outwardly, the fruits are very attractive – they have a smooth peel with an orange color. Their flesh is creamy, slightly sweet and very tasty.


Zucchini - small varieties

The pride of domestic breeders is the Zheltoplodny zucchini. Zucchini grow large – young vegetables reach a weight of 0,7 kg, but even overripe 2 kg zucchini remain just as tasty and tender.

The peel of the vegetable is glossy, smooth, has a bright orange color. A distinctive feature of the variety is its long fruiting period – fresh zucchini can be picked throughout the season, the plant bears fruit for about three months.

round zucchini

Round-shaped zucchini are very interesting – they can have different colors and different sizes. Such fruits can decorate any suburban area, because their appearance is quite exotic.

Zucchini – small varieties

The taste of such zucchini is no worse than ordinary, cylindrical fruits. BUT round shape allows you to use vegetables in various culinary experiments – for baking, stuffing, marinades.

One of the uses of a round zucchini is arts and crafts. Here, the fruits are used to make various vases, vessels and other souvenirs.

Almost all varieties of round zucchini are perfectly adapted to the climate – they can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Such crops do not require any special care – they need enough watering and fertilizers.


Zucchini - small varieties

Zucchini variety “Ball” is easy to confuse with an ordinary pumpkin – they are round and striped. The hue of the peel is green, and the flesh has a creamy color.

The taste qualities of round zucchini are very high – they are tender and juicy fruits with pulp without large seeds. “Ball” grows up to 0,5 kg, retaining all the taste.

Most often, young fruits are used in cooking, they are plucked when the mass reaches only 100 grams. Such “balls” are easy to stuff, and you can even pickle them whole – such a dish looks very presentable.

“F1 Festival”

Zucchini - small varieties

The hybrid belongs to the most unusual varieties – it is often used as a decorative species, decorating summer cottages and country houses.

The fruits grow small – up to 0,6 kg. They have a round shape, similar to a decorative pumpkin. The color of the zucchini is very bright and colorful – stripes of yellow, green, black and white shades alternate here.

You can not only look at zucchini – they are quite tasty. They are marinated, baked and stuffed.

“Orange F1”

Zucchini - small varieties

Another very interesting variety is round zucchini “Orange F1”. The fruits look like tiny pumpkins – they have a bright orange color and a round shape. The mass of such zucchini rarely reaches 200 grams – they are quite small.

An exotic type of zucchini is quite suitable for eating, in addition, they are very healthy and rich in trace elements and carotene.

Fruits can be salted, pickled, stewed, baked and stuffed.

The best domestic varieties

What varieties can be called the best? For some, the color and shape of the zucchini are important, someone is interested in the timing of its ripening, and someone wants to devote less time to the garden and chooses the most unpretentious crops. But probably for each owner, the yield of zucchini is most important, because vegetables should be enough for the entire hot period and conservation.

Zucchini – small varieties

Important! It turns out that many varieties of zucchini are suitable for long-term storage. Some fruits can last until spring, while their beneficial properties and taste are fully preserved. Zucchini are stored in a cool dark place where a constant temperature of about 18 degrees is kept.

Zucchini – small varieties

Plant resistance is also very important, especially in the domestic climate. Zucchini must tolerate heat, cold, drought, and high humidity well.. The plant must be disease resistant and not attract insects and other pests.


Zucchini - small varieties

One of these versatile varieties is the zucchini “Anchor”. You can plant this variety simply in the ground, and the zucchini belongs to the early ripening ones and gives the first fruits already on the 40th day after planting the seeds.

The fruits have a pale green tint, a smooth surface and a cylindrical shape. The mass of a mature zucchini reaches 1 kg, and its shape becomes slightly rounded.

The fruits of this variety perfectly tolerate not only transportation, but also long-term storage – within a month, all useful substances and trace elements will remain in them.

The pulp is very tasty and fragrant, rich in vitamins. Zucchini “Anchor” can be stewed, fried, marinated, baked and canned – the variety is versatile and tasty in any form.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the care of the plant – the variety does not tolerate diseases very well, needs timely watering and regular loosening of the soil. But with proper care, you can easily get up to 7 kg of zucchini from each bush.


Zucchini - small varieties

Zucchini varieties “Zebra” refers to the very early – the first vegetables appear already on the 35th day after planting the seeds. But this is not all the achievements of the variety. In addition, zucchini have an interesting color – they are decorated with light green and dark green stripes.

The variety is also high-yielding, predominantly female flowers appear on the plant, producing fruits. Bushes “Zebra” are very compact, they can be grown in greenhouses, and in greenhouses, and in the beds.

Another advantage is resistance to cold, which allows planting this variety of zucchini in any region of Our Country.

How to get small zucchini

All zucchini can be picked when young and have the same taste and composition as technically mature vegetables. Small zucchini can be stuffed, baked and marinated whole. They look beautiful in jars and on a plate.

Zucchini – small varieties

There are varieties of zucchini that have medium-sized fruits, which, even when overripe, rarely reach 25 cm in length. The smallest zucchini can be found among round varieties, among them there are fruits weighing up to 180 grams.


Growing zucchini, zucchini and squash in a tricky way

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