Zucchini: health benefits and harms – you need to know

🙂 Lowest bow to my constant readers! The article “Zucchini: Benefits and Harm to Health” provides basic information about a popular dietary vegetable. What are the benefits of zucchini for the body? Are there any contraindications? Related videos.

Zucchini is a type of pumpkin. He is a Mexican, his homeland is distant Mexico. He came to Europe in the 15th century. This vegetable has many varieties of different colors: white, yellow, green. Even its flowers are eaten! If you want to eat raw zucchini, choose smaller fruits. Zucchini up to 20-XNUMX cm need not be peeled.

Zucchini is a type of dark green zucchini with specks. It contains more nutrients and vitamin C and fewer calories (18 kcal). Unlike zucchini, squash is not directly related to zucchini. This is also a kind of pumpkin.

Zucchini: health benefits and harms – you need to know

Zucchini. It has more vitamin C and less calories

Zucchini: chemical composition

100 grams

  • 27 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 3,1 gr.
  • fats – 0,3 gr.
  • proteins – 1,2 g.
  • potassium – 261 mg.
  • Sodium – 8 mg.
  • fiber – 1 gr.
  • sugar – 2,5 gr.
  • water – 93 gr.
  • organic acids;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins: A, C, D, PP, B vitamins, carotene;
  • iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper.

Zucchini: useful properties

  • has easy digestibility and low calorie content;
  • young zucchini are added to the children’s menu;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • excellent prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis;
  • ideal for diets of heart disease and diabetics;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • very nutritious and satisfying vegetable;
  • useful for pregnant women;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack (magnesium);
  • helps to normalize blood pressure;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • helps to reduce swelling, removes excess fluid;
  • improving gastric secretion and intestinal motility;
  • helps to remove bile when it is stagnant in the liver;
  • removes salt deposits, cleanses joints (with arthritis);
  • used as a home cosmetic (gruel mask);
  • fresh juice quenches thirst;
  • available at a price in markets and shops.

Zucchini: contraindications

A healthy vegetable has a “flip side of the coin”.

  • for digestion, undoubtedly, it is useful. Not recommended for gastritis in the acute stage;
  • if you have kidney problems, do not get carried away with eating this vegetable. It contains a lot of potassium. Excess potassium is poorly excreted by diseased kidneys;
  • those suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis should not eat raw zucchini. In this form, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • allergies are possible;
  • zucchini are able to accumulate salts of heavy metals. If the vegetables are grown in ecologically safe areas, do not be afraid.

Undoubtedly, zucchini and zucchini help in the fight against excess weight. But many, wanting to lose weight, are doing the wrong thing. Do you like toasted zucchini? Your weight will increase if you fry the zucchini in vegetable oil, having previously rolled it in flour.

This vegetable, like a sponge, absorbs a lot of oil. Fried oil is a carcinogen that sometimes causes cancer. Remember this! Stewed vegetables, or squash caviar, is the best option. If you are healthy, 150 grams of zucchini in your daily diet will multiply your health!


Learn more in this video for “Zucchini: Health Benefits and Harmfulness”

ZABACHOK – benefit and harm. Everyone needs to know this!

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