Zucchini caviar without frying

Zucchini caviar is a truly favorite delicacy of s. In Soviet times, it was sold in stores, and it did not stay on the shelves. Housewives also prepared squash caviar, each according to their own recipe. It always turned out tasty and unusual, because you can cook caviar with different additives. The ingredients can be fried or dispensed with this procedure.

Today we offer you an unusual recipe for an amazing beetroot snack. It can be eaten at any time, even with bread, even with potatoes. For our zucchini caviar, frying is not required, which will significantly reduce the cooking time.

Zucchini caviar without frying

The s did not always grow zucchini. It is, in fact, an exotic vegetable that grows in Mexico. First, he came to Europe, and only from there to gardens.

A vegetable contains a minimum amount of calories, so it is considered a dietary product containing many different trace elements, vitamins, and, most importantly, healthy fiber. It is recommended for young children and the elderly. Nutritionists also turned their eyes to zucchini and advise using dishes with it when losing weight.

Unusual caviar

Today we offer to cook an unusual zucchini caviar. The fact is that in its composition, in addition to the usual vegetables, there is beetroot.

Zucchini caviar without frying

Attention! In addition to the fact that beets are a real pantry of useful substances, together with other ingredients, the finished snack will have an indescribable bouquet of taste.


So, what products you need to stock up for caviar:

  • young zucchini, carrots, beets, turnip onions, ripe tomatoes – 1 kilogram each;
  • garlic – 1 medium head;
  • vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • G. – 2 st. l.;
  • a mixture of black and red ground pepper – just half a teaspoon;
  • vinegar essence – 1,5 tablespoons.

It will take about two hours to prepare unusual caviar from zucchini. But we assure you, it’s worth it. You will get a snack – you will lick your fingers.

How to cook

Before you start cooking zucchini caviar with beets, you need to prepare vegetables.

Comment! Since all ingredients are related to the earth, they must be washed thoroughly.

Preparation of vegetables

  1. Zucchini, beets and carrots are soaked separately in cold water to wash off the adhering earth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  2. After the vegetables have dried, we clean the peel from them, and from the zucchini also the middle, if the seeds have already formed. We remove the husk from the onion. We wash the vegetables again and put them on a clean napkin.

    Zucchini caviar without frying

  3. For caviar, you need tomatoes without skins. Scald them with boiling water, then dip them in ice water. Cleaned up no problem. After that, the tomatoes are ground into a separate cup.

    Zucchini caviar without frying

  4. Vegetables are first cut into pieces, and then grind in a meat grinder. Zucchini needs to be ground separately to drain excess liquid. Garlic is crushed on a garlic press.
Important! Shredded vegetables significantly reduce the cooking time.

Brewing process

To cook caviar, you need to choose dishes with a thick bottom. It is undesirable to use an enamel pan, because the snack burns in it.

  1. We put the chopped vegetables (except tomatoes and garlic) in a saucepan, salt, sugar, pour in the oil and mix thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
  2. As soon as the caviar begins to boil, transfer to a slow fire and cook for about an hour. The pot must be closed with a lid.
  3. Add the crushed mixture of ground peppers and tomatoes, cook for another 40 minutes without a lid. If you add tomatoes immediately, then the cooking time of the beets will increase.
  4. After 10 minutes, you need to add garlic, boil for 5 minutes and pour the essence. After 3 minutes, the caviar is ready.
Attention! Taste the dish before infusing the essence. If not enough salt, add.

A hot appetizer of zucchini with beets, prepared without frying vegetables, is laid out in sterile jars, closed with screw or tin lids. Turning the jars upside down, wraps them in a blanket.

You can store it in any cool place.

Zucchini caviar without roasting:

Zucchini caviar for the winter | Recipes for zucchini


As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and delicious fragrant squash caviar will always be at hand. Make a small amount to test. Trust that next time you will make caviar using the full recipe. By the way, lovers of spicy snacks can add garlic and pepper.

It’s great to get a jar of zucchini caviar with beets from the underground and enjoy the unusual taste.

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