Zucchini Black handsome

Zucchini “Black Handsome” lovers of this useful vegetable appreciate the increased productivity, as well as for the unique appearance, unpretentiousness.

Zucchini Black handsome

General characteristics

It is early ripe. This variety of zucchini is distinguished by dense fruit pulp, in which there is no bitterness. The zucchini of this variety itself reaches a length of 20 centimeters, the fruit has a dark green color. The average weight of harvested fruits is 600-900 grams. Zucchini zucchini “Black Handsome” has a long shelf life. Reviews and interesting tips on growing zucchini of this variety, see the video clip:

Zucchini Zucchini Black Beauty. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of cucurbita pepo

In addition, these zucchini are suitable for preparing any culinary delights, from frying, stewing, to canning.

Zucchini Black handsome

Peculiarities of growing

Let’s talk about how to grow Black Beauty zucchini. To begin with, the seeds of this variety can be sown immediately in open ground or planted in a greenhouse. The option of planting the Black Handsome zucchini (according to reviews) depends on the climatic features of the region. It is best to choose light soil for this vegetable.

Advice! When caring for crops, it is desirable to systematically loosen the space between the beds, water the plants, and weed them.

This is especially true during the flowering and fruiting of the Black Beauty squash.

Zucchini Black handsome

“Black Handsome” rightfully belongs to the early ripe varieties, because the duration of the growing season is 50-55 days. The fruit is cylindrical, the ribs are slightly pronounced. Fruits by weight can reach almost a kilogram. The fruit has a light and tender pulp, unique taste characteristics.

This variety has a high resistance to powdery mildew, but requires compliance with certain growing conditions. If the air temperature is above ten degrees, you can count on getting the first shoots in seven days.

Attention! Planting seedlings of the analyzed variety in open ground should be carried out only after the morning frosts have stopped, and the temperature will be about 25 degrees.

Zucchini Black handsome

It is advisable to select fertile, medium loamy soil for this variety of zucchini. Professionals recommend giving preference to a landing pattern of 80 by 70 centimeters. The interval between planting seeds and harvesting the first crop is about 50-60 days. This plant is considered a bush, the fruits are compact, glossy at the base. “Black handsome” has a characteristic color. Zucchini lovers note the versatility of this variety of zucchini. It is equally good for cooking, frying, pickling, pickling. These zucchini contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, so the product is recommended by nutritionists. Young fruits are suitable for fresh consumption, for example, you can make delicious vitamin salads from them.

Special requirements for cultivation are not expected, as for all varieties of zucchini, it is advisable to add organic and mineral salts to the soil in advance.

Harvesting is carried out after two or three days, trying to prevent overripe zucchini.


Irina, 56 years old, Krasnodar
The planting of zucchini “Black Handsome” was carried out on the advice of a friend. I used those parts of the garden where potatoes, tomatoes, and onions had grown before. Harvest pleased, I recommend!
Olga, 43 years old, Kazan
I tried to plant “Black Beauty” in the country. I didn’t make any special efforts, I rarely visited the country house. But the zucchini came out without my participation, it turned out delicious pancakes. A good variety for lazy people.

Zucchini Black handsome


Among the many species, zucchini species “Black Handsome” occupy a separate place. The reason for the demand lies in their excellent taste, good germination, unpretentiousness. Of particular importance is the resistance of the variety to typical diseases characteristic of zucchini. For example, “Black Beauty” is not subject to powdery mildew. Attracts lovers of this vegetable crop and a good yield, because with proper care for the “Black Handsome” you can collect from one square meter (in your backyard) up to ten kilograms of a healthy vegetable. Among the advantages of this fruit, which attract the attention of domestic professional gardeners, we also highlight the beautiful appearance of the fruit.

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