Zucchini Aral F1

Zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables in our gardens. It will not compete with potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes in terms of planting volumes and demand. But his popularity is no less than theirs. This subspecies of the pumpkin genus, due to its low calorie content and dietary qualities, does not bypass any garden.

Zucchini Aral F1

The number of different varieties allows you to choose exactly the variety that fully meets the conditions of its cultivation and the tastes of the vegetable grower. These varieties differ from each other in terms of growing season, yield, exotic forms and storage time. All varieties have good taste qualities after competent culinary processing. Moreover, some of them can be used in salads directly from the vegetable garden.

Variety “Aral f1” – modesty and dignity

When choosing zucchini seeds, each gardener focuses on those qualities of the selected variety that reflect not only its consumer qualities, but also the possibility of effective cultivation. If a zucchini variety is characterized by a short growing season, disease resistance and unpretentiousness in agricultural technology, then it will certainly attract attention. It is to these varieties that the zucchini “Aral f1” belongs.

Zucchini Aral F1

There is not a single advantage in this variety of zucchini that would distinguish it from other plants of this pumpkin subspecies. But, according to expert gardeners, it is the simultaneous combination of all the positive features that gives him the right to have the title of one of the best varieties of early ripe zucchini. And he bears this title with dignity:

  • fruiting begins at 5 weeks after sowing;
  • the variety is resistant to most viral diseases, including root rot and mold. This guarantees the long-term productivity of the variety;
  • with proper agricultural technology, the yield of zucchini reaches 10 kg / m2, which is higher than the popular varieties of zucchini – “Gribovsky 37” and “Mountain”;
  • the variety is stress-resistant to agrotechnical adversity;
  • the optimal size of zucchini is 160 – 200 mm, the diameter of each specimen is at least 60 mm and the weight is about 500 g;
  • the flesh of the zucchini is dense with tenderness characteristic of this variety;
  • according to experts, the taste of zucchini is beyond praise;
  • picking zucchini should be done at least 2 times a week. Rare collection of ripe zucchini reduces plant productivity;
  • shelf life of fruits is at least 4 months.
Important! For long-term storage, zucchini of this variety is kept on a bush to a state of biological ripeness. Collection is carried out before the onset of frost.

Grow zucchini without loss

Zucchini Aral F1

It is possible to plan the first plantings of Aral f1 squash only when the ground has already warmed up to 120 – 14.0 at a depth of at least 100 mm. By this time, there should be no fear of returning frosts. Otherwise, cover material or small greenhouses should be prepared. Since zucchini seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place at the age of 30 days, it will not be difficult to calculate the approximate time for sowing seeds.

Almost all gardeners practice 2 different options for growing zucchini:

  • method of direct planting seeds in a pre-prepared bed or flower bed. This method will not allow you to get early zucchini, but it will also be less hassle. There is no need to grow seedlings in a city apartment. Sowing of prepared and pickled zucchini seeds is carried out in the last ten days of May or in early June. By this time, the earth should warm up well and the first shoots will not be long in coming. In early July, it will be possible to wait for the first zucchini.

    Zucchini Aral F1

  • using seedling option, zucchini can be obtained much earlier. Zucchini seeds, sown for seedlings back in April, by the end of May will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place. After 15 days, the plants can bloom and soon begin to bear fruit. If there is no danger of frost from the end of May, then the first harvest of Aral f1 marrows can be obtained by mid-June.

    Zucchini Aral F1

Important! The zucchini of this variety is at least unpretentious and stress-resistant, but still a sissy.

He loves the light and will not refuse sufficient warmth. If there is a desire to get the maximum yield for this variety early, then you need to plant “Aral f1” on the south side of the garden or flower bed.

What is the departure, such is the arrival

It does not matter which of the landing options was chosen. Maybe even both at once. The main thing is not to leave the planted zucchini to the mercy of fate.

Although they are from Mexico, they will not refuse hospitality. And they will do it with great pleasure:

  • First of all, after the emergence of seedlings, their regular watering, weeding and loosening are required. Watering should not be immediately under the root, but retreating from it about 200 mm. Each plant requires a bucket of water per week. The water temperature must be at least 200otherwise root rot cannot be avoided;
  • when 5 leaves of zucchini appear, it is necessary to spud for additional root formation;

    Zucchini Aral F1

  • at the beginning of flowering, this variety will gratefully respond to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • when the fruiting period begins, it should be fed with phosphorus and potassium compounds. Here are just fertilizers containing chlorine to be avoided;
  • with excessive growth of leaves, some of them should be removed;
  • for better pollination by insects, it is a good idea to spray the plants of this variety with a solution of boric acid and sugar. Especially when grown in a greenhouse.
Important! A significant effect is the mulching of zucchini of this variety with straw, peat or humus.

Zucchini Aral F1


According to the opinions of most connoisseurs of garden creativity and ordinary amateur farmers, “Aral f1” is the best variety of zucchini today in terms of a complex ratio of characteristics.

Nadezhda 41 years old, Serpukhov
I will be happy to grow Aral zucchini next year. I planted seeds in a warm bed by the end of May. In mid-July, the first zucchini began to appear. By the end of the season, I collected 4 kg each. from each bush. Even the bad weather didn’t stop us.
Natalia 52 years old, Tver
Aral zucchini met my expectations. For the whole season, from the very seedlings, they did not burden me with worries. The bed has been prepared and seasoned since autumn. The harvest was average, but stable. There were no illnesses. I will breed them further.
Dmitry 46 years old, Kolomna city
I grew Aral through seedlings. The yield of previous varieties was even better. I liked the taste of zucchini and the fact that they appeared unexpectedly quickly. I will not grow Aral anymore. I love to breed new varieties every time. There are varieties and more productive, there are larger fruits and even more resistant to diseases. But all this is separate. If we take all the characteristics as a whole, “Aral f1” is one of a kind.


There are varieties and more productive, there are larger fruits and even more resistant to diseases. But all this is separate. If we take all the characteristics as a whole, “Aral f1” is one of a kind.

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