A variety of varieties, forms, names, colors of plants sometimes mislead us, when you yourself are not sure whether you are calling this or that vegetable correctly and whether you take it for something else. The age-old question – what is the difference between zucchini and zucchini? Opinions multiply on the basis of their own conjectures, while the answer is quite simple – everything and nothing. Let’s look into this confusing issue together so that in the future you will have no doubts.
What is the difference
Let’s start with the general points: both zucchini and zucchini come from the pumpkin family, that is, they are relatives. The differences start with the shape and color of the vegetables. Zucchini – bushy plants that spread along the ground, actively branching. Their fruits can grow to really gigantic sizes, oblong, white, rarely yellow, contain seeds inside. They cannot be consumed raw. The skin that covers the fruit is hard and rarely eaten, since it is necessary to boil the fruit into porridge to soften it.
Zucchini – grow in a neat bush, without obvious branches. The fruits are much smaller than zucchini, dark green in color with a mottled pattern. Compared to zucchini, they have softer, crisper flesh, smaller flowers and leaves. The fruits can be consumed raw, they do not contain seeds inside.
The delicate skin of the fruit does not need to be removed during cooking, which increases the value of the product. They are less caloric, but at the same time contain a rich vitamin complex, which is found in large quantities in the vegetable skin. Unlike zucchini, they ripen much faster and give a larger harvest.
In fact, these are similar plants that differ from each other in the same way as two varieties of any crop – the structural features of the fruit, taste and nuances of agricultural technology. These are two different vegetables that belong to the same family.
Video “All about growing zucchini, zucchini and squash”
An informative video to help every gardener grow healthy and prolific zucchini and squash.
Features of agricultural technology
In matters of growing zucchini and zucchini, they differ in preferences in living conditions. Otherwise, like any pumpkin plant, they like moderate fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers, they do not tolerate an excess of nitrogen compounds in the soil. Zucchini is less whimsical – loves neutral soil, sun, moderate watering. Moreover, they do not need to be weeded regularly due to the fact that they creep along the ground – weeds simply cannot grow in its shade. Harvest ripens only by the end of August – beginning of September. They can grow both outdoors and in greenhouses or greenhouses. They are prone to root rot, so be sure to thin out the leaves in the root zone, as well as monitor the temperature of the soil and water.
Zucchini in this regard are also thermophilic, but prefer moist soils, abundant watering, high humidity. If zucchini can live in one place for several years (although this is not recommended because of the danger of fungal diseases), then their relatives do not get along well in one place. The first harvest can be collected in June. Basically, they are grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or under film. They are more susceptible to the invasion of powdery mildew, root rot, downy mildew.
Both varieties of cucurbits require careful selection of fertilizers. A complex of NPK minerals is suitable, which is applied foliarly. Plants respond well to potassium, wood ash, mullein infusion, urea, saltpeter. Requires three to four top dressings per year to produce the best yield.
The first feeding is best done when transplanting seedlings into the ground, with a solution of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. Every two weeks, you can make a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate and 1 g of boric acid, which are dissolved in 10 liters of water. A good effect on growth is an iodine solution, which is used to disinfect the soil and stimulate vegetative processes, as well as a yeast solution that nourishes the plants with essential mineral trace elements.
For seedlings, zucchini is grown in cups, just like zucchini. However, unlike zucchini, the first seedlings are less ready for transplanting – only 25-30 days, while the growth of zucchini needs to wait 45-50 days. This is where the actual differences in agrotechnical procedures between species end. Both species need top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers, watering, ventilation, and prevention of fungal diseases.
In fact, to get a juicy vegetable as soon as possible, you should grow zucchini, and to amuse yourself with a delicious vegetable towards the end of summer, zucchini. The difference is only in the name, species variety and taste. Otherwise, zucchini and zucchini are pumpkin, which will decorate any table and any dish.
Video “How zucchini and zucchini grow”
A video selection of photos that will show how similar two varieties of fruits called zucchini and zucchini are.