We have already had enough of fresh vegetables and fruits, it’s time to think about preparations for the winter. One of the most popular twists is zucchini and eggplant caviar. Both vegetables are rich in vitamins, microelements, and have a lot of healing properties. In particular, eggplants lower cholesterol levels, and zucchini stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, are indicated for hypertension, cardiovascular diseases.
Vegetable caviar is easy to prepare and keeps well. It can be eaten as an independent dish, used as a side dish for meat, fish, smeared on bread. The taste depends on the products used, and the consistency depends on whether you use a blender or a meat grinder. We suggest you cook caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter. The recipes presented to your attention contain approximately the same sets of products. Due to their different ratio, the caviar will turn out completely different. The first option is more of an appetizer with a rich taste, and the second, if garlic is not added, is a more dietary product that does not irritate the stomach.
Caviar diner
This simple and delicious recipe for vegetable caviar does not require pasteurization, which will surely appeal to many housewives.
Products Used
You will need:
- eggplants – kg 3;
- zucchini – 1 kg;
- red tomatoes – 1 kg;
- bow – 1 head;
- carrots – 0,5 kg;
- black peppercorns – 10 pieces;
- salt – 1,5 tablespoons;
- vegetable oil – 1 glass;
- sugar – 3 tablespoons;
- vinegar essence – 1 tablespoon.
Cooking caviar
Wash the eggplant thoroughly, cut off the nose, stem, remove the damaged parts. Cut into pieces, soak for 20 minutes in well-salted water.
Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, fry in a saucepan with a thick bottom, in which zucchini-eggplant caviar will be cooked.
Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, pour over with cold water, make a cross-shaped incision on the top, remove the skin. Cut the stem, cut into pieces, chop in a meat grinder or blender. You can rub the tomatoes through a large sieve.
Add eggplant slices, as well as mashed tomatoes to the onions and carrots. Season with salt, sugar, add peppercorns, simmer for 40 minutes.
Wash the zucchini, cut off the stalk and nose. Clean the old fruits, remove the seeds. Young zucchini do not need to be peeled for cooking vegetable caviar, there is also no need to remove the seeds in them. Just wash them thoroughly and remove the damaged areas.
Cut the fruits into small pieces.
Put the zucchini in a saucepan, stir, after boiling, simmer for another 20 minutes.
If you add garlic, then chop it with a press and add it to the caviar at the same time as the zucchini. Don’t forget to mix thoroughly!
Pour vinegar essence into boiling vegetable caviar, immediately put it into jars sterilized in advance.
Roll up and turn the twists upside down, then wrap in a blanket or old towels. Leave until cool. Store in a cool dry place.
Yield – 10 cans of half a liter volume.
Caviar with various combinations of vegetables
This, strictly speaking, is not one recipe, but at least four:
- base;
- with pumpkin instead of zucchini;
- with garlic and herbs;
- with green tomatoes.
Products Used
When using the basic set of products, you will get caviar with a mild, mostly squash flavor. When adding green tomatoes, the twist will become completely different, and garlic and herbs will make it spicy, spicy.
Mandatory set of products:
- zucchini – 2-3 kg;
- ripe tomatoes – 2,5 kg;
- eggplants – kg 1;
- onion – 0,3 kg;
- carrots – 0,3 kg;
- refined oil – 1 glass;
- salt, pepper, sugar – to taste.
Additional Ingredients
This recipe for eggplant and zucchini caviar for the winter can be changed by adding:
- green tomatoes 1-2 kg
and (or)
- dill, parsley – 50 g each;
- garlic – 1 head.
When adding one or another product, the taste of caviar will change greatly, you can try all the options, and choose the one you like for permanent cooking.
Cooking caviar
Eggplant must be thoroughly washed, then baked in the oven.
When they cool down a little, remove the skin, chop into small pieces.
Wash the carrots, peel, grate. Pass it separately in vegetable oil.
Cut the onion into cubes, fry until transparent in another pan.
Pour boiling water over red tomatoes, cool in cold water, make cross cuts, remove the skin.
Remove the parts adjacent to the stalk, cut, stew separately.
Decide which caviar you will cook – pumpkin or squash, peel the fruits, free them from seeds.
Cut into small pieces, fry separately until soft.
If you add green tomatoes, wash them thoroughly, cut them, chop them in a meat grinder.
Pour a little oil into a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, put the tomato mass, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Mix onions, carrots, pumpkin or zucchini, tomatoes with eggplants, beat with a blender.
Salt, add sugar, pepper, mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add a little vinegar or citric acid for taste.
Peel the garlic, then run it through a press. Wash, finely chop the herbs. Enter them into the vegetable mass.
If you have not used all the vegetable oil, add it to the bowl with eggplant caviar for the winter, put it on a quiet fire.
Simmer with constant stirring. Taste from time to time, adding spices and acid if necessary.
The oil has floated up – the caviar is ready. Immediately place it in sterile jars, roll up hermetically.
Turn the homemade caviar upside down and wrap it in a blanket or old towels. Cool, put in the refrigerator.
This preparation is remarkable in that it can be eaten cold or hot. It is very tasty, and the introduction or replacement of ingredients will allow the hostess to please the housewives with something new every year in the winter.
Using these recipes as an example, we have shown how you can prepare completely different taste preparations from the same products, simply by changing the proportions or introducing something new. Experiment and you. Enjoy your meal!