Zozulya cucumber: description, photo
Zozulya cucumbers are universal. They are suitable for growing in almost all regions of Russia. They can be planted outdoors or in greenhouses. In addition, it is one of the most productive varieties of cucumbers.
Description of the variety of cucumbers “Zozulya”
The main advantage of the variety is its ultra-high yield. From just 1 sq. m of land can be harvested up to 10-12 kg of cucumbers!
Cucumbers variety “Zozulya” large, covered with tubercles
Here are the main technical characteristics of the variety:
- the variety belongs to the early maturing, the crop can be harvested on the 46-48th day after planting;
- the shape of the fruit is cylindrical, there are large tubercles;
- the weight of one fruit is 150-300 g, the length is 14-22 cm;
- the variety is self-pollinated, which only simplifies its cultivation in greenhouse conditions;
- cucumbers are resistant to all typical diseases – root rot, olive spot and others;
- the taste of the fruit is delicate, but with a lack of moisture, bitter notes may occur.
The only drawback of the variety is that cucumbers are not suitable for pickling.
Cultivation of cucumbers “Zozulya”
To grow this variety of cucumber, you must first germinate the seeds. Spread them out on damp gauze. After two days, you can plant the seeds in containers with soil. Before germination, keep the air temperature at 27-28 ° C, after germination, lower it by 5 ° C. In open ground, seedlings can be planted 20-25 days after the first shoots appear.
If the seedlings have 3-4 leaves and a lot of thin roots, then it is ready for planting
Before planting, prepare holes in the ground with a depth of 2 cm and a diameter of 40 cm. In order to maintain a high temperature in the ground, put some biofuel – manure or bird droppings – on the bottom of each hole. Transfer the seedlings with a lump of earth to the holes and dig in. Pour warm water over it.
If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, insulate the walls to create a greenhouse effect. In the evenings, turn on the backlight for a few hours. Both in the open field and in the greenhouse, do not fill the seedlings, but also do not let the ground around them dry out completely. Before flowering, feed the seedlings with any mineral fertilizer every 2 weeks.
The photo of Zozulya cucumbers shows that outwardly they are unremarkable. Therefore, it is important to buy seedlings or seeds from trusted locations so that something else is not sold to you. If you choose the right planting material and follow all the growing tips, you should be able to achieve an impressive harvest.