Zoxiderm – the use of cream and emulsion

Zoxiderm emulsion is a preparation that is used to treat diseases of the scalp and other parts of the body. It is recommended for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and tinea versicolor. Zoxiderm cream is also available on the market, which will take care of the appropriate level of hydration of our skin.

Zoxiderm cream

Zoxidrem cream can be used for the daily care of seborrhoeic and sensitive skin. This is also the solution for dry and rough skin. It will even work as a cosmetic for skin tension and excessive peeling of the epidermis. Zoxiderm cream soothes irritations and any unpleasant symptoms that accompany them. The content of hyaluronic acid guarantees effective water binding in the epidermis, which contributes to skin hydration. The appropriate composition of ingredients contained in the cream contributes to the improvement of the overall appearance of the facial skin. The cream in its composition contains dexpanthenol, hyaluronic acid and zinc pyrithione. Dexpanthenol has a moisturizing effect and also prevents water loss. Additionally, it soothes irritations and symptoms caused by allergenic factors. In turn, the content of zinc pyritonate is responsible for inhibiting the excessive secretion of sebum. Regular use of Zoxiderm cream will make the skin soft, elastic and well moisturized, and at the same time pleasant to the touch. The composition of the Zoxiderm cream is aimed at reducing irritation and accelerating skin regeneration processes. This cream should be applied once a day. It is thanks to regularity that we will notice an improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Zoxiderm – emulsion

The Zoxiderm emulsion is suitable for the treatment of various scalp diseases. It works by filling the voids of the stratum corneum and creating a waterproof protective barrier. This barrier protects the skin against cracking, drying out, flaking and redness. This, in turn, allows you to deal with unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, burning and tightness. The method of using Zoxiderm emulsion depends mainly on the problem for which we are using it. In the case of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, the preparation should be used 2-3 times a week. If our problem is tinea versicolor, use should be as prescribed by your doctor. Most often it is once a day for 3-5 days. Even if the persistent symptoms disappear, we should not stop taking the emulsion. It is then advisable to use the preparation once a week as a preventive measure. Wondering how to use it? After washing, massage about 10 ml of the emulsion into damp skin and rinse with lukewarm water after 5 minutes, but without the addition of washing agents.

Zoxiderm – opinion

Most of the people who use the lotion or cream are very satisfied. The cream intended for the skin of the face accelerates the healing of visible changes and prevents the formation of new ones. It is also said that regular use can lighten scars and discoloration, making our skin glow. The advantage is also the perfect consistency, which is not too light or too heavy. It is thanks to this that the cream is absorbed very quickly.

It should be noted that the Zoxiderm emulsion is very convenient to use. The right consistency prevents it from flowing and sticking. We can use it on both hairy and smooth skin. The first ingredient is climbazole, which is highly active against microorganisms of the genus Pityrosporum. Additionally, it has a strong anti-seborrheic effect. Not only does it help reduce dandruff, but it also prevents its recurrence. Another ingredient is octopirox, which blocks the mechanism that produces dandruff symptoms. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect and cleans the stratum corneum of the epidermis from dead dandruff scales. The last ingredient – zinc pyritonate – destroys the growth of microorganisms. As you can see, all ingredients are designed to fight not only the symptoms, but also the cause of our problem. In addition, the content of Panthenol means that, despite everything, our skin will not be dry.

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