Zoonotic mycosis – causes, symptoms, treatment

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The puppy given to the three-year-old infected almost the whole family. The girl was hospitalized, and her mother was treated for over half a year.

Parents bought Kasia a Yorkshire Terrier dog at the bazaar. The father was not entirely convinced by this idea, because he did not like this breed of dogs very much. The puppy was lively and cheerful. There was no indication that he was sick. A few weeks after buying the dog, red circles appeared on the skin of the mother and daughter. Since Kasia’s mother was pregnant, she was terrified by these symptoms.

The dermatologist suspected hives at first. The girl was given antiallergic drugs and steroid ointments for a month. Due to the pregnancy, the mother did not take anything. Both, new itchy red rings kept popping up. During a visit to another dermatologist, the correct diagnosis was made – zoonotic mycosis. Since the father did not like the puppy and did not play with it, he did not catch mycosis.

Zoonotic mycosis – the most common symptoms

– Zoonotic mycosis is quite a common disease with which children go to the hospital. They become infected from dogs, cats and guinea pigs – says prof. Andrzej Kaszuba is a national consultant in the field of dermatology. Prof. Kaszuba emphasizes that one kitten or a dog is enough and the whole family is ill. Children also discourage their playmates. It happens that mycosis attacks the entire kindergarten or orphanage.

Why do children get sick most often? Veterinarian Zofia Fraś from the Białobrzeska clinic in Warsaw says that they have very intense contact with animals and that is why they become infected more often.

The disease manifests itself as inflammatory lesions in the form of red rings on the skin. They may be 1-5 cm in diameter. They appear on all parts of the body.

Ringworms of inflammation on the hairless skin can be lumpy and itchy.

Inflammatory bumps similar to boils develop on the scalp. Hair falls out in these places. Children scratching to spread the disease to other parts of the body.

Atopic dermatitis and mycosis – what is the difference?

The problem is that many doctors are unable to recognize zoonotic dermatophytosis. – We come to children who were previously treated for atopic dermatitis, eczema or other dermatological diseases for several months. The patients were given ointments with steroids, and there was a slight improvement, but the mycosis continued to develop – says prof. Kashuba. He adds that he had a patient – a 12-year-old girl who had been treated for atopic dermatitis for 8 months, although in fact she had zoonotic mycosis from her guinea pig.

– The child suffered a lot because he was ashamed to undress during physical education classes. The itching caused constant irritation and trouble sleeping – she says.

  1. Learn about childhood infectious diseases

Treatment of zoonotic mycosis – what is it?

Professor Kaszuba emphasizes that there is no mycosis without a fungus, therefore the dermatologist must examine the scrapings from the patient’s skin under a microscope before starting treatment. Such a test gives an answer to the question of whether we are dealing with mycosis. Further diagnostics, i.e. the cultures say what fungus attacked the sick.

Treatment of children often requires a hospital stay. Sometimes the hair on the head needs to be removed. Oral and topical medications are administered to patients. Antifungal dyes are also applied to the skin.

Such therapy may last up to several months.

It should end with a test that will confirm that the mushrooms are gone. Untreated mycosis can cause secondary complications in the form of life-threatening sepsis.

Veterinary examination and mycosis in dogs

Zofia Fraś, a veterinarian, warns against buying animals of unknown origin. Although, as he emphasizes, there are mycoses of whole litters in the most reputable breeding farms. – Mycosis develops mainly in young but also weakened animals. That is why it is worth examining the dog before buying it or right after it – she emphasizes. The bald spots on the animal’s skin are disturbing, especially on the paws and on the head, sometimes oozing. – If mycosis appears on the paws, it is mainly around the claws. It can also be found on the buttocks and sides of the torso, but usually the first changes appear on the head – says Fraś.

  1. What do you know about bacterial zoonoses?

The veterinarian can examine the dog under a special lamp, under which certain types of mushrooms begin to glow. He may also take a scrap of the animal’s skin.

Worth knowing

– After collecting the scrap, the doctor must subject it to mycological examination. The collected material is sent to the laboratory, and the result is obtained, depending on the ordered test, within 3 or even 30 days. On the occasion of this test, you can also check which drugs a given type of fungus is sensitive to, informs the vet.

Treatment of mycosis in animals – what is it?

Ringworm is not a reason for the animal to be euthanized. – I haven’t seen a veterinarian put a dog or a cat to sleep for this reason – says Dr. Fraś. – In our clinic there was a case of the owner who brought a miniature bunny to be put to sleep because of mycosis on the head and ears. Currently, the bunny lives healthy and happy with the owner of the clinic – she adds.

Treatment of mycosis in animals takes from one month to even six months. Its course depends on the condition of the pet. Oral medications are administered and topical applied. Older, debilitated animals cannot always take oral medications because they strain the liver. – During the treatment period, it is worth maintaining special hygiene and washing your hands after each contact. It is also good to wash all toys and bedding of your pet – informs the vet.

Little York healed quickly. For two months, it was necessary to lubricate the changed places on the dog’s skin with a special drug. Kasia also got rid of mycosis in two months, of which she stayed in the hospital for a week. Her mother’s illness lasted the longest because oral medications could not be used because of her pregnancy. She definitely ended the treatment after giving birth.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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