Zodiac Sign Fitness Exercises

Zodiac Sign Fitness Exercises

Bright and impetuous “fire” signs, light “airy”, strong and hardworking “earthly”, flexible, artistic “watery” – fitness can also be selected by the sign of the zodiac.

“Air” signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

The main features of people born under the signs of the element of Air are mobility, lightness and activity. These are creative individuals who need constant movement. Spiritual development is also very important for “air” signs.

Therefore, for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, fitness is best suited, which not only tones up the body, but also requires brain work.

For example, you can do Chinese tai chi gymnastics, qigong breathing exercises or some kind of yoga – during such training, a person listens especially deeply to himself, improving not only the body, but also the soul.

As people with excellent reaction and quick thinking, “air” signs are suitable for sports games, for example, basketball, volleyball, tennis and table tennis.

The signs of the element of Air usually have good coordination of movements, so dances are recommended for them, from classics to street funk with elements of acrobatics. Speaking of acrobatics, why not try a trampoline?

“Fire” signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Bright, dynamic, strong and confident – these are the people of the element of Fire. They are full of life and energy, constantly strive for self-improvement and take pleasure in attracting the attention of others. Single jogging in the park in the early morning is not for this element, they need to be in sight all the time!

The signs of fire are perfect for group activities in the hall, for example, vigorous step aerobics or shaping. Get in the very first row: let everyone see how clever you are at everything, and be inspired by your example!

Team sports for fire signs are also good, but here they are more suited to the position of a leader, for example, a team captain.

Lions, Aries and Sagittarius have a lot of energy, the main thing is to direct it in the right direction. Intense strength training in the gym, swimming, cycling and rollerblading, long walks, even boxing or karate – choose what you like and work out with friends.

“Water” signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

“Water” people are plastic, flexible and dreamy, they live primarily with feelings and emotions, which is why they are sometimes unpredictable, but bright and original. They are artistic and close to creativity, but sometimes changeable and slightly lazy. They find it difficult to accurately follow a regular training plan, for example, in the gym. Therefore, it is better for them to choose fitness that allows them to relax and improvise.

Of course, first of all “water” signs are close to what is connected with water. Regular swimming and water aerobics, scuba diving and surfing, water skiing and sailing – not all of this is available to us every day, but you can go to the pool at least once a week.

Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios are well suited for dancing: movements to the music are what is needed for these emotional people. Jogging is a great option. A player with your favorite songs in your ears – and forward.

Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Strong, seasoned and constant, calm and surprisingly hardworking – these are people born under the signs of the Earth. They tend to plan everything in advance – that’s for whom a training plan clearly scheduled for six months in advance is suitable. You don’t have to worry about the result: if a “earthling” gets down to business, he persistently and consistently does everything to achieve success.

True, it can be difficult for the signs of the Earth to start doing something. It is useful for them to weigh the pros and cons, walk around several halls in the area, take a closer look at the groups and instructors. Then the decision will be deliberate, and it will be possible to start classes calmly, having calculated everything.

Exercises on simulators at home or in the gym, yoga, Pilates, stretching, breathing exercises are suitable for “earth” signs. Skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, dancing – the main thing is that you really like what you do, then you will surely have fun and achieve success.

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