Snake vodka (called “wine” in some regions) is an oriental invention popular in Asian countries, especially China and Vietnam. In our latitudes, this drink can be found more as an exotic souvenir than a real treat: after all, eating snakes, scorpions, centipedes and other “reptiles” is not included in European gastronomic traditions. However, they do not drink serpentine for pleasure or thrills – it is a healing elixir, an excellent cure for many diseases (of course, only if all the rules of preparation are observed).
Vodka with snakes – alcohol tincture on cobras or other poisonous reptiles. The manufacturing method is far from complying with GreenPeace standards, so there is no talk of mass production of the drink, it is almost always home-made.
The recipe may vary depending on the country or region, but the general technique is as follows: a live snake is kept in a clean empty container for several weeks so that the animal gets rid of excrement, then the reptile is placed in a bottle or jar, poured with rice vodka or any other strong alcohol (sometimes wine), if desired, ginseng and other herbs are added, corked and left to infuse for up to a year.
Since the snake is still alive at the time of blockage, its organs begin to work with a vengeance and produce healing substances so that the animal lasts as long as possible. Snake venom and bile are released into the drink, which are neutralized with ethyl alcohol, retaining their beneficial properties, and the result is an effective medicine.
The most popular Chinese snake vodka is made in Jilin province. The exact list of ingredients is kept secret, but the Chinese claim that this drink was loved and respected by the emperors of the Celestial Empire, and today it is recommended for consumption by the Chinese Ministry of Health.

Interestingly, “snake wine” is a reusable drink. After the vessel is empty, the contents of the bottle are again filled with an alcohol solution or vodka and allowed to brew for several months. The procedure can be repeated up to 5 times.
In addition to the tincture, the second variation of this drink is also popular: snake blood, bile and / or other snake body fluids are not insisted on alcohol, but simply poured into a glass of alcohol and drunk in one gulp. At the time of autopsy, the reptile must certainly be alive.
Legality. The importation of snakes is illegal in many countries, as snakes, scorpions and other animals listed in the Red Book are often used for production.
History of snake vodka
It is difficult to imagine that someone would come up with the conscious idea to fill the cobra with alcohol, and then evaluate the result after a while. All legends agree that it was a pure accident: the unfortunate animal accidentally drowned in a vessel of wine, which the unsuspecting patient then drank and was suddenly completely healed.
The Chinese version says it was a young girl suffering from leprosy. In those days, more than 2000 years ago, it was believed that there was only one way to get rid of leprosy: by passing it on to your spouse, so they began to prepare the maiden for the wedding. The bride did not want to endanger the life of another person, and therefore ran away to the distillery and drank wine drunk. Waking up in the morning, she found that she was completely healthy: of course, a vessel with a snake turned up under her arm, and so the Chinese learned about the wonderful medical properties of poisonous reptiles.
Historical evidence refers us to the era of the Western Zhou dynasty, which ruled until the XNUMXth century BC. Written sources have been preserved claiming that the snake was already in use in those days, and in Chinese medical treatises of a later time – in the XNUMXrd century BC. and II in AD – describes in detail the procedure for making a drink, with a detailed story about which parts of the snake’s body are most beneficial.

Useful properties and dosage
Vodka with a snake should be drunk in small portions no more than 50 ml per day, otherwise the drink will do more harm than good. However, in Chinese folk medicine, when used wisely, it is believed that the serpentine helps with:
- arthritis;
- coughing
- hormonal disruptions;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- memory problems;
- and other diseases.
Snake wine has a restorative and rejuvenating effect on the body, increases immunity and vitality, and helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome.
Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to health, consult your doctor before use.

Harmful properties
Like any potent substance, snake vodka should be taken in homeopathic doses. In addition, before opening the bottle, you need to make sure that the snake really died, and not just fell into a coma. Reptiles are very tenacious, and even after several months of “alcohol confinement”, the animal can come to its senses and bite the taster. Since venomous snakes are usually used to make such a drink, it is very dangerous and can be fatal.
The second danger is insufficient exposure or incorrect manufacturing technology, as a result of which the poison released into the drink is not completely neutralized. It is impossible to die from it – in any case, it will dissolve under the influence of gastric juices – but the effect can be unpleasant. To minimize this risk, choose strong liqueurs rather than light wines, and purchase such “souvenirs” from trusted vendors.