Zivania Cypriot vodka: what is it made of, famous brands and types + how and with what to drink

Zivania – This is a traditional Cypriot grape vodka, which began to be produced in the XNUMXth century. In our country, it resembles grape moonshine, in Italy it resembles grappa, and in France it resembles brandy.

cocktails with vodka

Briefly about Zivania

The strength of an alcoholic drink varies from 45 to 49 degrees, and in the home-made version, it can reach 55–70%.

Cypriots call this drink “fire water”, and the secrets of its preparation are passed down from generation to generation. Since 2004, after the entry of Cyprus into the European Union, Zivania has been protected in accordance with EU rules. And a drink that is produced outside the republic, even according to a traditional recipe, has no right to be called Zivania.

Zivania: what are they made of

As we already understood, Zivania is made from grapes, but to be more precise, grape pomace is used for its preparation. Water is added to it, and by distillation a Cypriot drink is obtained.

The distillation process is not very fast, but the locals enjoy directly the ritual of making a traditional drink.

If you cook Zivania exclusively from the grapes themselves, then it will have a rather specific taste and without a pronounced aroma. Therefore, in Cyprus, natural flavors are often added to the drink: basil, cinnamon, honey or fig seeds.

Interestingly, the term “Zivania” comes from the word “Zivana” – this is how the grape pomace left after the production of wine is called in Cyprus, and not from the grape variety of the same name, as many used to think.

In 1998, rules were developed that help regulate the process of making the drink itself, and in case of non-compliance with them, the company faces the loss of a license:

  1. Before starting the production of a drink, the plant must obtain permission from the Ministry of Agriculture and some other authorities.

  2. The key ingredients are ripe grapes and water, no sugar, chemicals or dyes.

  3. The default grape varieties used are Mavro and Xynisteri. If any additional grade is added, then it must be indicated on the label.

Famous brands and types of drink

Probably in Cyprus, only the lazy one does not produce Zivania. It’s just that someone does it on an industrial scale, and someone for personal consumption.

Now it is difficult to accurately calculate the number of companies and small farms that have received a license to produce Cypriot vodka. But you can list the key players in this market: KEO, LOEL, ETKO, Tsiakkas, SODAP or SODAP.

Zivania can also be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. White – original taste, without any additives and impurities.

  2. Red – a drink with honey, cinnamon and other spices.

  3. Golden – aged for several years in oak barrels to saturate the drink with a woody aroma and taste.

How to drink and where Zivania is used

In Cyprus, it is customary to drink a drink with ice. And along with it, a national set of various cold and hot appetizers “meze” is served, which can be served with cheeses, seafood, salads, vegetables, fish, meat dishes and local sauces. It is also good to eat Zivania with nuts and dried fruits.

Due to the rather high strength of Cypriot vodka, it is used as:

  1. Pain reliever, especially for toothache.

  2. Antiseptic, for the treatment and treatment of wounds.

  3. Preventive remedy for colds.

Relevance: 07.02.2018

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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