Zinc for special tasks! Discover the 8 properties of zinc!
Zinc for special tasks! Discover the 8 properties of zinc!

As much as 38 percent more zinc can be found in wholemeal bread than in wheat bread. It has long been known that the right dose of this element has a great effect on many areas of our lives.

So how does zinc affect the body?

  1. Shellfish, fish and molluscs and fitness in the bedroomZinc facilitates getting pregnant – in women for the sake of regulating menstrual cycles, while in men it treats infertility. Stimulates the production of testosterone in the testicles, strengthens potency. Protects the prostate. For these reasons, it is worth reaching for oysters and fish as often as possible!
  2. Introduce zinc into your diet – be smart!It has a beneficial effect on the treatment of schizophrenia, depression and intellectual performance, and also reduces the risk of dementia.
  3. Forever young, healthyTogether with zinc, the level of albumin in the blood increases, which, according to scientists, extends human life. Zinc it also eliminates free radicals, also known as carcinogens, that attack healthy cells.
  4. Shield against infectionsZinc has an exorbitant effect on the immune system, primarily because it strengthens the thymus, where thymulin is produced. This hormone promotes the formation of lymphocytes that fight germs. Secondly, zinc rejuvenates the immune system. Finally, this element leads to the increase of gamma interferon, considered to be a miraculous virus destroyer. Not only does it protect us against flu and colds, it also reduces the symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, e.g. in rheumatoid arthritis. Prevents mycosis.
  5. Skin, hair and nailsPreparations containing zinc are used in the treatment of rosacea and juvenile acne. This element heals eczema, psoriasis and burns, promotes wound healing, improves the condition of hair and nails, reduces the harmfulness of free radicals.
  6. For diabetes and internal organsIt regulates the work of the thyroid gland, pancreas and thymus gland. It reduces the symptoms of ulcers, enteritis, hemorrhoids and osteoporosis. Supports the treatment of diabetes.
  7. For the eyesIt prevents conjunctivitis and protects the macula of the eye against the progression of degeneration.
  8. For good tasteZinc deficiency can result in impaired taste – we do not feel it at all, or even too much. Sometimes there is also a metallic taste in the mouth. Studies have shown that people who consume products rich in zinc are much less likely to suffer from this type of disorder.

Where to get zinc?

Whenever possible, let’s eat:

  • shellfish – incl. lobsters, shrimps, crabs,
  • molluscs – oysters and clams,
  • sea ​​fish,
  • poultry – chicken livers, dark turkey meat,
  • calf liver,
  • whole grain cereal products,
  • dark rice,
  • peanuts and pecan nuts,
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds,
  • wheat germ,
  • vegetables – especially green peas, onions, garlic, horseradish, Brussels sprouts and beetroot.

Vegetables should not be cooked for too long. It is best to eat them raw because they contain water-soluble zinc salts.

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