Zinc deficiency in women
Zinc is called the “beauty mineral” and for good reason. It is he who is responsible for the health of the skin, hair, teeth, as well as for the female libido. How to recognize the deficiency of this element and how to fill it, we will learn from doctors

Blooming appearance, excellent mood and inexhaustible performance are signs of a healthy woman. But what is the source of beauty? From a medical point of view, only those representatives of the fair sex are considered especially attractive and youthful, whose body is sufficiently nourished by the same “beauty mineral” – zinc.

 It is difficult to argue about the importance of zinc. This microelement, according to the observations of scientists, is the second on the pedestal of importance after iron. Zinc among the main minerals is considered the guarantor of the normal functioning of the immune and reproductive systems, is responsible for the growth of bone and muscle tissue. The health of the skin, hair, teeth and oral cavity depends on its sufficient amount in the body, and a decrease in the concentration of the mineral slows down the processes of regeneration and wound healing, affects the level of memorization and brain activity. Libido in women also increases due to the normalization of the amount of zinc.

According to Rospotrebnadzor experts, the body of a healthy, mature person should receive about 12 g of zinc.1. In this case, the largest amount is redistributed to the muscles (60%) and the skeletal system (30%). It is important that for women this figure varies: 9 g for all age categories (at least), but more than 11 g for those who are just planning to become a mother or are already in an interesting position.

Causes of zinc deficiency in women

Lack of zinc, as a rule, is associated with the lifestyle of the fair sex. There is a deficiency in vegetarians, whose diet is oversaturated with grains and legumes. And they significantly reduce the content of zinc due to the production of phytic acid.

But even female meat-eaters are prone to zinc deficiency if they exclude red meat from the general list of proteins. Experts recommend not to give up on it and build your own nutrition program with its obligatory use in the amount of at least 40 g per day.

During pregnancy, the level of zinc in the female body is distributed between two, so its dose must be increased. The normal formation of bone, muscle and immune systems in a child maturing in the mother’s womb depends on this.

Any stressful situations for women also lead to zinc deficiency, so it is necessary to keep the body in good shape and feed it forcibly.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in women

Lack of zinc is not a sentence, but manifestations are evident.

The first of them is abundant cross-section and hair loss. The fact is that zinc is an essential trace element for normal cellular replication, so luxurious hair appears only with its active participation in vital processes.

Nails are a similar story. If they become brittle, grow slowly and become covered with white spots, this is a sign of zinc deficiency.

A healthy oral cavity and strong, snow-white teeth indicate a normal level of zinc in a woman’s body. It is noteworthy that this trace element is found in saliva and tooth enamel. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the appearance of wounds in the oral cavity.

The appearance of acne is also associated with a lack of zinc. Smooth and radiant skin is a sign of a woman with a sufficient level of this microelement in the body.

Women’s reproductive health is under the control of zinc. Disruptions at the hormonal level, painful menstruation and a decrease in libido are felt by women with zinc deficiency. Pregnant women with this diagnosis are prone to giving birth to premature babies, and in the worst case scenario, to miscarriages.2.

An equally dangerous consequence of zinc deficiency is bone fragility. Without it, collagen is not produced, which is responsible for the normal formation of bone tissue.

Effective treatments for zinc deficiency in women

It is possible to restore the normal state of immunity, accelerate the healing process of wounds, eliminate acne and stop hair loss with timely and proper treatment. Only experienced and qualified diagnosticians will help with this, who will insist a woman with zinc deficiency on the right course of recovery. What is the most commonly recommended? The most effective drug, according to the rating of experts on the analogist.ru portal, is Zincteral-Teva. Tablets do their job 100 percent in the complex therapy of zinc deficiency. This universal drug is recommended to take from 3 to 6 tablets per day until the symptoms are completely eliminated.


The use of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes also gives a good effect. Among the recommended ones is the dietary supplement Zincorol. It helps to strengthen the immune system, is recognized as an effective antioxidant and bioregulator. However, the course of its application should be prescribed only by a medical professional.

Dietary supplements Zinc AP and Zinc + D + C + Quercetin, Zinc + Selenium and Solgar Flavo-zinc also have similar properties. These are advanced complexes saturated with vitamins. However, they are not suitable for everyone: there are restrictions on admission for pregnant and lactating women.

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As practice shows, a properly selected diet helps women to normalize the level of zinc. What foods can benefit if only 20-40% of zinc is absorbed from food? As already mentioned, this is red meat, mainly veal. This protein must be used in a lightly fried or boiled form, cooking over low heat for no more than 15 minutes.

It is recommended to include in the daily diet and milk. It promotes better absorption of zinc from cereal products (lentils and other cereals).

But the leaders in the content of zinc, according to nutritionists, are eggs, oysters, beans, turkey, chicken breast, salmon, sardines, cheese and almonds.

Vegetarians are advised to eat sprouted legumes or soak the grain for a couple of hours before cooking. These actions are aimed at better absorption of zinc.

Consequences of zinc deficiency in women

Due to the lack of zinc in women, the appearance and hormonal levels change. The consequences may be irreversible. Sexual problems appear – libido decreases. Menstruation becomes especially painful, the reproductive function works in “sleep mode”. All this echoes with neurological problems: insomnia, loss of concentration and memory impairment appear.

Zinc deficiency affects the level of immunity, manifesting itself in frequent colds and delayed wound healing.

Prevention of zinc deficiency in women at home

To maintain normal zinc levels, women are advised to:

  • follow a healthy diet rich in zinc-containing foods;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • lead a mobile lifestyle;
  • observe the regime, giving sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • take vitamin complexes as recommended by a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

Answers Igor Makar, neurologist of the highest category with 30 years of experience.

Which doctor should I contact for signs of zinc deficiency?

Physicians, as well as specialists such as a nutritionist, gynecologist, neurologist and other highly specialized doctors, will help diagnose a lack of zinc both at the primary level.

For example, at an appointment with an immunologist, women will be sure to be told that without zinc, the immune system simply will not work at 100 percent. After all, it is this microelement that is responsible for the growth of T-cells, which contribute to protection against all kinds of viruses and bacteria.

A neurologist will definitely advise that zinc is the main character in the work of the brain and central nervous system. In a few words, it is responsible for the connection of neurons and the hippocampus, thereby regulating cognitive processes and memory function.

Gynecologists will tell you how important zinc is for the female body and the development of the unborn child, taking into account the use of supportive drugs for pregnancy planning and timely delivery.  

How is zinc deficiency diagnosed?

As practice shows, identifying the symptoms of zinc deficiency is both easy and difficult at the same time. Signs of worsening condition overlap with other, more serious diseases. In this case, the symptoms of zinc deficiency at the initial stage make themselves felt as follows:

women have skin problems (rashes, acne, sometimes even psoriasis), hair falls out rapidly, nails begin to bloom with white spots;

concentration decreases, memory worsens;

Immunity is weakened, chronic diseases remind of themselves;

Prolonged healing of wounds on the skin is detected;

Reduced libido in women, minimized sexual activity (up to two times a month);

During pregnancy, there may be problems in the intrauterine development of the child (failures in the formation of bone tissue and the nervous system), in some cases even premature birth.

In this regard, women need to be careful about their health. Remember that the general condition of the body, which means your appearance and level of peace of mind, depends on such an important trifle as zinc.


  1. Zinc deficiency. http://cgon.rospotrebnadzor.ru/content/62/2683/
  2. Olina A.A., Sadykova G.K. The significance of zinc deficiency in the formation of reproductive health disorders (literature review) // Perm Medical Journal. 2015. No. 5. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/znachenie-defitsita-tsinka-v-formirovanii-narusheniy-reproduktivnogo-zdorovya-obzor-literatury

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