Zibert (“Zibert”)

Zibert is a brand of Ukrainian beer produced by the Zibert Brewery, a former Fastiv plant. Located in the Kiev region, the company is a subsidiary of PrJSC Obolon. The plant also produces beer under its own brand “Fastovskoe”. The design capacity of the brewery is 12,7 million decaliters per year. Products are presented in more than 20 countries of the world.

Historical information

The brewery was built at the beginning of the 1906th century – the first fast beer was brewed in XNUMX. The brewery was founded by German colonists J. Siebert and G. Saalman, master brewers were also invited from Germany. High-quality beer quickly gained popularity, it was poured into barrels and delivered to rural taverns and taverns in the Kiev province. The production of products did not stop even after the outbreak of the First World War, part of the brewed beer was sent free of charge to the participants in the front and to military hospitals.

After the October events, the enterprise was nationalized, and in the 50s it was reconstructed. Since 1992, the plant has been part of Obolon: at its facilities, in addition to Zibert and Fastovsky, 3 varieties are brewed under this brand. In 2006, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary, the brewery was given back its historical name.

In 2009, a marketing concept and a visual range for the Zibert trademark was developed. The idea was that the appearance of the bottle would give rise to direct associations with German beer. For this purpose, an ellipsoidal frame with a heraldic coat of arms placed inside it, a classic Gothic font, was used in the design of the label. This move had its effect: beer sales doubled the planned figures, Siebert won 3% of the market for itself in a year.


International competition of beer, non-alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks, mineral and drinking waters, Kiev:

  • 2009 – Grand Prix (“Zibert White”), 2 gold (“Zibert Bavarian”, “Zibert Light”) medals;
  • 2010 – 3 gold (“Zibert Bavarian”, “Zibert Light”, “Zibert White”) medals;
  • 2011 – 3 gold (“Zibert Light”, “Zibert Bavarian”, “Zibert White”) medals;
  • 2012 – 4 gold (“Zibert Barrel”, “Zibert Light”, “Zibert White”, “Zibert Bavarian”) medals;
  • 2013 – 2 gold (“Zibert Light”, “Zibert Bavarian”) medals;
  • 2015 – Grand Prix (“Zibert Light”, Zibert Weissbier);
  • 2016 – Zibert special beer line award.

100 best goods of Ukraine:

  • 2011 – “Siebert Brewery” was awarded the diploma of the winner of the competition.

Great Moscow Beer Festival:

  • 2009 – Silver Osiris (“Zibert Bavarian”).

Effie Awards Ukraine:

  • 2011 – Silver Award for Zibert Beer Relaunch Company.

Types of beer Siebert

Zibert Keller, 4,6%

The niche product was added to the range of special varieties produced by the brand in 2016. It is a classic unfiltered lemon-yellow beer with a characteristic yeast sediment and natural haze. The bouquet is dominated by typical Kellerbier tones: fresh grain, rye bread crumb, sweet clover. The taste develops the same scale – notes of milk-grain sweetness, candy sourness, light spice are added. The finish is long, distinctly grainy. It is generally accepted that such beer reveals its flavor and aroma characteristics best in a Weissbier Vase-type glass – wide, slightly tapering at the top.

Zibert Light, 4,4%

A typical pale lager, the most titled beer in the brand line. For production, hop varieties imported from Germany, malt from the Khmelnytsky region, water from the brewery’s own well are used. Absolutely transparent, poured with a straw-golden color, medium-grained foam forms a lace on the walls of the glass. The aroma is clean, with malty sweetness and herbaceous-floral tones. It has a fairly dense body, medium carbonation. The taste is pronouncedly malty, with biscuit-bread notes, a slight hop bitterness turns into an aftertaste.

Zibert Weissbier, 5%

The variation of the Ukrainian brewery on the theme of clarified wheat beer turned out to be quite successful, but it is difficult for local consumers to assess its quality: all products are exported. Weissbier contains at least 50% wheat malt, which gives it a specific haze and a yellowish-white hue. When poured into a glass, an abundant fine-grained cream-colored foam is formed. The bouquet is made up of banana and spicy-clove tones inherent in the variety. The body is dense, floury, the taste is dominated by bread and wheat notes and sweetness with a hint of dried pear. Refrigerate before serving is recommended.

“Zibert Bavaria”, 5,6%

The style of the beer is reminiscent of the German Dortmunder – it has a higher initial gravity than classic pale lagers. The composition, in addition to traditional ingredients, includes maltose syrup. Wine tones and a slight hint of hops sound in the aroma against the background of a malt base. The palate is dominated by the same notes, with an unobtrusive bitterness more associated with the alcohol than with the hops. Will make an excellent company with Bratwurst sausages and Speyer pretzel.

Zibert (“Zibert”)

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