Zhukovsky potato: variety description with photo and video

In Our Country today there are about 260 varieties of potatoes, 7 of them can really be eaten at the end of July, since they have an early ripening period. Potato Zhukovsky is one of them, and for all its positive characteristics and qualities, it does not require special care. What is the description and features of this one of the best varieties of domestic selection?


If we talk about the positive qualities of this early variety, then we can dwell on its extreme unpretentiousness to growing conditions. That is why it is planted on the territory of all Eurasia. Also, this early variety has a good degree of adaptability to different types of soil. If you adhere to just a few features of care, then it is quite realistic to get about 40 tons of root crops from 1 hectare of area. Also, potatoes of this wonderful variety are well preserved, without losing their presentable appearance and excellent taste characteristics. Unfortunately, this early seed variety can suffer from a fungal disease such as late blight.Zhukovsky potato: variety description with photo and video

But this trouble can really be avoided if only healthy root crops are selected before planting. The early ripening of a potato crop of this variety can also help, if all tops are removed a week before the proposed harvest. But at the same time, he has excellent immunity to other, no less insidious ailments – potato nematode, cancer, rhizoctoniosis, alternariosis. In addition to all that has been said about the seed potatoes of this variety, its drought resistance should also be mentioned. The exception is dry weather in the second half of July, when experts still advise doing mandatory morning watering.

If we talk about the description of the variety, then it is worth starting with the characteristics of the shoots. Shrubs of this early variety are able to grow not very tall, as well as slightly branched. Flowering is observed quite abundant, on the floor of sprawling bushes of medium height you can see small leaves that have a dark green color, as well as red-violet flowers that have white tips that are collected in beautiful inflorescences. Such a picture in potatoes of this variety can be observed a month after germination. It is also noteworthy that this variety is not able to form fruits from inflorescences. This is with regard to the description of shoots and bushes.

Zhukovsky potato: variety description with photo and video

We turn to the description of tubers. Under each of the bushes of the root crop of the Zhukovsky variety, about 10 tubers may appear. They differ in a rather large size – the average weight of each is from 100 to 150 grams. This variety of seed potatoes has regular oval-shaped roots, they are pleasant and smooth to the touch, and also have a light pink, sometimes beige color. In the latter case, the presence of sufficiently bright eyes should be added to the description of the tuber. If you carry out a small watering, then the yield may be somewhat less, and when the proper conditions are created for this early variety, it can be above average.

Although experts classify this variety as pink, if you focus on the description of its tubers, you can understand that they do not have a rich color. As for the description of the pulp, its characteristics are as follows – it has a pure white hue without any inclusions, it has a wonderful taste, it does not start to darken on slices, and does not boil soft during cooking. The content of starch in the tubers of this seed potato is about 15%.

Video “Potatoes under mulch”

“Potatoes under the mulch”


Above is a description of a wonderful potato variety, which I focus on, you will not be able to confuse its root crops with any others. It is recommended to plant tubers in mid-spring. Before that, they are advised to germinate by putting them in boxes, and then leaving them for a week in a comfortable room. Potatoes are considered ready for planting when the sprout is about 1 centimeter long. They are also advised to be treated with an insecticide that can protect against insects in the future. It should be planted at an average length and with an average density, and to protect against frost, it is best to cover the area with a special agrofiber.

Zhukovsky potato: variety description with photo and video

If we talk about the measures for the care of this magnificent vegetable, then they are as follows. First of all, for normal full-fledged growth and development, this potato variety needs weeding and loosening of the soil, which must be carried out long before the first shoots hatch.

During weeding, this covering material is removed and then placed back and left on the site until the threat of frost damage to the vegetable crops has passed.

Also, plants must be protected from harmful insects by treating them with preparations specially created for such cases. It is also necessary to carry out hilling, as well as watering in moderate doses. At the end of July, a week before the expected harvest, it is recommended to remove all tops in order to prevent the appearance of dangerous late blight. Harvest dates for Zhukovsky potatoes – for an early harvest, it is produced from about July 1 to July 21, and for seed – from August 1 to August 14. As the practice and experience of many gardeners shows, even in a small area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe personal plot it is realistic to grow a rich crop of this kind of root crop.

Video “The best varieties of potatoes”

What are the varieties of potatoes and how to determine the best of them? Find out in the video below.

The most delicious and fruitful varieties of potatoes!

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