
Useful properties and application of creeping tenacity

Useful properties of tenacity

Zhivuchka is a herbaceous perennial plant of the popular mint family. It has creeping shoots, the height of which reaches 30 cm. The ovoid leaves are narrowed into long petioles. The flowers of the tenacious can be white, pink and bluish. Small flowers are collected in discontinuous spike-shaped inflorescences.

Such a wonderful plant as tenacious has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, astringent, diuretic, wound healing, expectorant and antispasmodic effects. Due to this, it is able to improve metabolism. For medicinal purposes, mainly the aerial part of the herb is used. In addition, the tenacious boasts a hemostatic effect and an enveloping effect on the human body.

Such an amazing plant helps with rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, inflammation of the uterine appendages, and it is also indispensable for cholelithiasis. This herb is shown in the treatment of tonsillitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. Along with this, it is effective for wounds, ulcers and bruises. Regular use of such a plant can significantly stop the process of baldness.

The use of tenacity

A decoction of tenacity is used as an excellent emollient and effective expectorant in chronic and acute bronchitis and other serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. An infusion of herbs is indicated for frequent colds and stomach ulcers. With a small weight, a decoction of the leaves of the survivor is prescribed in the form of baths. In addition, it can be used to effectively strengthen hair.

In order to prepare a healthy decoction, you need to pour 8 grams of chopped grass with a glass of boiling water. Then, after the mixture has cooled, it is recommended to strain it well and you can start taking the decoction 1 tablespoon up to 5 times a day. With tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, remedies from the survivor are applied topically. Fresh grass juice can be used to lubricate calluses, burns and bee stings to alleviate the patient’s condition. Pharmaceutical preparations containing tenacity are indicated for long-term non-healing wounds.

For the infusion, you need 2 teaspoons of flowers and leaves of the plant, which must be poured with 250 grams of hot water. Infuse such a mixture should be one and a half or two hours, after which it must be filtered. Take such a healing infusion should be 1 tablespoon before each meal. Hot infusion is prescribed for peptic ulcers of the stomach, as well as the duodenum.

For external use, we prepare the infusion as follows: pour 5 tablespoons of grass with one liter of boiling water, filter after three hours of infusion. After that, you can wash purulent wounds with this infusion, moisten burns or rinse the scalp. In addition, gruels from crushed leaves can be applied to large wounds.

Flowers of the tenacious

The tenacious delights with its elegant leaves and abundant flowering. This grass blooms in the warm season until the first frost. Small flowers are collected in original inflorescences, thereby giving the plant a spectacular look. The colors of the flowers are white, blue, blue and pink. The very first flowers may appear in May.

Growing tenacious

Graceful tenacious is considered an unpretentious plant. It quickly adapts to a variety of conditions and soils. However, the tenacious prefers soils that are well moistened and rich in humus. In hot weather, the plant can do without water for up to four weeks. In one place, the tenacious can grow for several years without growing. She is not afraid of sunlight and frost with snow cover.

The survivor reproduces vegetatively. From April to the end of September, overgrown bushes can be divided into rosettes, followed by rooting. Even small sockets with tiny roots will easily take root in the ground. They should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other so that the apical bud is on the surface of the soil. For the first seven days after planting, it is recommended to water the tenacious daily.

Varieties of tenacity

Among the popular ornamental plant varieties, the most widespread varieties are Atropurpurea, Burgundy Glow, Multicolor, Variegata, Black Scallop.

The Atropurpurea variety has wrinkled leaves of a bronze hue. It is distinguished by light love and dense leafy cushions.

Delightful ornamental variety “Burgundy Glow” has beautiful small leaves. It is most preferred for semi-shady and dark places.

The variety “Multicolor” has bright purple leaves with yellow spots that attract attention. “Variegata” boasts greyish-green leaves with a beige edge.

The unique cultivar ‘Black Skullop’ has blue flowers and glossy purple leaves that have an interesting serrated edge. Almost all varieties can easily tolerate cold.

The tenacious creeping

Creeping tenacious is a special medicinal plant that has a straight, shaggy tetrahedral stem. Long creeping shoots of such a perennial grass reaches a height of 35 cm. Obovate leaves are oval in shape. One-lipped flowers of bluish and sometimes pinkish shades are collected in 6 pieces in small false whorls.

The flowering of such a plant is observed in mid-May and in June. The creeping tenacious is common in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and also in the European part of Russia. The plant prefers to settle in meadows and fields, in glades and edges, as well as in swampy areas and in shrubs.

Tenacious Geneva

Zhivuchka geneva is a brush-rooted perennial with horizontal outstretched roots that transform into large root offspring. The hairy-hairy stems of the Geneva tenacious reach a height of up to 40 cm. The basal rosette is formed by lower leaves with short petioles. The stem leaves are sessile and elliptical in shape. As a rule, the flowers have a blue tint, occasionally there are specimens with white flowers.

The flowers are in whorls, which are connected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms Geneva tenacious from May to early August. This plant grows in the Crimea, in the Mediterranean, in the Caucasus, as well as in Iran and Asia Minor.

Contraindications to the use of tenacity

Individual intolerance can be attributed to contraindications for the use of funds based on tenacity. It should also be noted that it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosages in the treatment of various diseases. Moreover, tenacity is contraindicated for people prone to constipation.

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