Zerowatt Washing Machine Error Codes – Meanings and Repairs

When a Zerowatt washing machine displays an error code on the display, all the user needs to do is understand its meaning.

The self-diagnosis system works in such a way that when a malfunction is detected, it immediately shows the error code on the display. After reviewing the table, you will understand: what the code means and what needs to be done to solve the problem.

CMA Zerowatt Error Table: Meaning, Causes, Troubleshooting

Malfunction codeValueCausesHow to solve a problem
E01The hatch door is not properly closed.When error E01 is on the display of the Zerowatt washing machine, it is likely:
  • There was a breakdown of the handle or lock of the hatch door.
  • Malfunction of the hatch blocking device (UBL).
To remove the error:
  1. Press the door harder until you hear the click of the lock.
  2. Check the handle and door lock for damage. If broken, replace parts.
  3. Test the locking device with a multimeter. If the UBL is faulty, install a new part.
E02The system signals an overfilled tank.Fault code E02 was displayed on the CMA display:
  • Inlet valve problem.
  • Malfunction of the water level sensor.
How to fix the situation:
  1. Check water pressure capacity.
  2. Check the inlet valve for proper operation. Install a new valve if necessary.
  3. Inspect the level sensor (pressure switch). If there is a problem, install a new part.
E03There is no water intake or drainage.Reasons for issuing error E03:
  • Incorrect connection of the washing machine to the sewer.
  • Pressure switch failure.
  • Malfunction of the water supply valve.
To reset error E03, proceed as follows:
  1. Check drain hose connection. If it is connected incorrectly, the water will automatically drain from the tank.
  2. Inspect and replace pressure switch.
  3. Install a proper inlet valve.
E05What does error code E05 mean:
  1. The water is not heated.
  2. Washing takes place in cold water.
  3. Faulty heating element.
The reasons:
  • Break in the wiring between the heating element (heater) and the control module.
  • Breakage of heating element SM.
To solve the problem:
  1. The wiring is inspected for damage and defects. Damaged areas must be isolated or the wiring harness replaced.
  2. TEN is being tested. Replacement in case of breakage.
E09Fault code E09 on a Zerowatt washing machine appears when there is a problem with the engine.Possible causes of failure:
  • Engine tachogenerator failed.
  • The contacts of the electric motor are oxidized.
  • The wiring from the module to the engine is broken.
How to fix the problem:
  1. Changing the engine tachogenerator.
  2. Cleaning motor contacts.
  3. Checking and replacing the wiring of the CMA engine.

After reviewing the error codes of the Zerowatt washing machine and their meaning, you can try to fix the breakdown yourself. If you are not strong in repair, it makes sense to contact a service center.

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  1. Здравейте
    защо няма код Е 07 за пералня ZEROWATT.
    Как да разбера каква е причината.

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