Zero belly fat: three workouts for a flat stomach

Zero belly fat: three workouts for a flat stomach

Gemelas Pin

Three workouts with the Pin Twins to achieve the result you are looking for in your abdomen

Zero belly fat: three workouts for a flat stomach

As professional trainers that they are, Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, know first-hand that the abdomen is the part of our body that we like to train the most because of what we show it with pride, mainly now in summer. And although they have workouts for everything: glutes, legs, back, strength … they recognize that abdominal exercises are somewhat addictive.

This week they not only bring exercises to get a flat stomach, but they gather three of their abs workouts most famous and most visited.

Here you can find three different workouts and up to thirteen different exercises to work the abdomen:

Abs workout

1 Exercise. Lying on the floor with our hands touching the back of our neck, we sit on the floor while keeping our legs straight, doing all our strength with our own weight. When we have already adopted the posture of sitting on the floor with our legs straight, we turn our torso as far as we can to the right and return to the center. Then, we return to the starting position and when the moment of the turn comes, we do it to the other side, in this case the left. We do this exercise 20 times.

Exercise 2. Lying on the ground, we put our legs in a 90 degree position to one side, one on top of the other as it appears in the photo. Afterwards, we climb the trunk as much as we can, repeating this climb up to 20 times. Remember that in two sets you do it with your legs to the right and the other two with your legs to the left.

3 Exercise. Also lying on the ground, we put our legs in the air at an angle of 90 degrees. While the arms are stretched out to the sides of the trunk, with the palms of the hand resting on the ground, we rotate the legs from left to right without placing them on the ground. We repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise 4. On the ground and with the legs in the air making a 90 degree angle, we slightly lift the head and part of the back from the ground to bring the hands to the heels. We do 20 ascents with their respective descents, maintaining position and rhythm.

5 Exercise. Nicknamed as ‘the bicycle’, this exercise is also done on the ground, with the hands supporting our head and our legs, in the air, emulating pedaling, so that one leg is stretched when the other tries to reach the bent chest, and so on. It is repeated 20 times.

Flat stomach workout

1 Exercise. Lying on the floor and with our feet together, we push our legs up vertically, taking our buttocks off the ground. After that rise we put our knees in a 90 degree position and we gain momentum again to repeat the exercise, which we do 12 times. Remember not to support your legs at any time.

2 Exercise. Sitting on the floor with the left forearm supported and the right leg stretched out, we bring the right elbow to the left knee and then we stretch that leg and bring the hand to the tip of the foot. This exercise is repeated 12 times. Do not forget that in the next round you have to change legs and hands.

3 Exercise. As if it were a cuckoo clock, lie on the floor with your legs facing upwards and while one remains in that position (vertically projecting to the sky), lower the other stretched out without touching the ground. Then lift it up again and when both are up, lower the other leg. Repeat this exercise 12 times alternating between right and left.

4 Exercise. The last exercise in this abdominal routine is also done on the floor. Place your hands under the head and with the knees at 90º, bring them up to the chest by slightly detaching the buttocks from the floor and withdrawing them in the same position until the upper part of the legs is parallel to the floor. Then gather momentum again to bring your knees to your chest again. Repeat this 12 times.

Strong abdomen with four daily exercises

1 Exercise. Lying on the floor with our legs in the air, knees spread and feet together, we bring our hands to our feet as many times as we have time in 30 seconds. Remember to support your entire back on each descent.

2 Exercise. In this exercise we are lying on our back on the floor with our arms stretched out on both sides of the trunk. The legs are projecting to the ceiling and we are going to pass the right leg over the left, then the left leg over the right, and we are going to lower the left leg while the right remains stretched vertically. When the left leg returns to the vertical position, it is the right leg that comes down. Remember that at no time do they touch the ground. We do the exercise for 30 seconds.

3 Exercise. On the floor, with your back fully supported, take momentum and stand up with only your glutes supported and your legs semi-flexed in the air. Then swing back to the starting position, bringing your knees to your chest to start over. Do the exercise for 30 seconds.

4 Exercise. This exercise is called “side crunches” because the legs are constantly stretching and contracting, from side to side, while only the hands are supported behind the back and the buttocks and abdomen are not resting. Stretch and curl your legs on each side for 30 seconds. Remember not to touch the ground with your feet.

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