Zenge Zengana strawberry: description
Strawberries “Zenge Zengana” bears fruit with sweet berries of a rich cherry color, they are fragrant, tasty and very healthy fresh, suitable for cooking jams and compotes. The advantages of the variety include ease of maintenance and frost resistance. When properly grown, Zenge Zengana produces high yields.
Description of the strawberry variety “Zenge Zengana”
German variety, bred in 1954. Its advantages include compact bushes, a small amount of mustache and dense, sweet and sour berries with a pronounced strawberry aroma. The photo shows a real Zenge Zengana strawberry of small size, the average weight of the berries is about 10 grams, but there are large specimens – up to 30 grams.
Strawberry “Zenge Zengana” is a high-yielding variety, up to 1,5 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush
There is a variety with a similar name “Zenge Gigan”, also bred in Germany. It is distinguished by large berries, conical shape, weighing up to 60 grams, with a very good taste. It is sometimes confused with “Zenge Zengana”, attributing to the latter large berries and a very sweet taste
The ripening period for “Zenge Zengan” is late, the first berries can be tasted in mid-June. The yield is high, about 1 kg of berries are harvested from 4 square meter of beds. Strawberries tolerate frost well and are resistant to diseases, but can be affected by gray rot.
Strawberry seedlings are planted in well-lit beds with fertile soil in August or spring, after the frost leaves. Planting holes 10 cm deep are made at a distance of 15-20 cm, manure up to 4 cm thick is placed on the bottom of each. The seedlings have good survival rate, therefore, one bush is planted in each hole.
The variety is unpretentious in cultivation. For long-term and abundant fruiting, it needs regular mineral dressing. To prevent the development of fungal diseases, the plant is treated with fungicides.
It is believed that the flowers of “Zenge Zengana” are unisexual. Therefore, other varieties of strawberries must be planted nearby to harvest.
Strawberry beds should be regularly watered, weed and loosened. After loosening, the soil around the strawberry bushes can be mulched with straw to reduce moisture evaporation and prevent gray mold damage to the ripe crop.
The disadvantages of the variety include instability to strawberry mites and gray rot. When ripe, the berries lie on the ground and quickly deteriorate in damp weather.
Zenge Zengana strawberry is easy to care for, its berries have a pleasant taste and aroma. This variety can be used for freezing, making jam and compotes, so as not to forget the amazing strawberry smell in winter.