Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

Sometimes conventional garden tools are ineffective or ineffective when killing weeds. For such cases, a reliable and easy-to-use drug is needed, by treating the malicious weeds, you can get rid of them once and for all. This set of characteristics has Zenkor ultra – herbicide, which occupies a leading position in the line of weed control products.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

This article will focus on the benefits and features of the drug, as well as its characteristics. In addition, you will learn how to use Zencor Ultra to remove weeds.

Herbicide Benefits

The Zenkor drug has certain advantages, paying attention to which many gardeners prefer it if they want to quickly get rid of weeds.

  1. Zencor herbicide can be used both before and after emergence of shoots and weeds.
  2. Kills both grass and broadleaf weeds.
  3. The active substance metribuzin is easily absorbed into the roots and sprouts of the weed. It can penetrate the plant and through the foliage.
  4. To enhance the spectrum of action, Zencor liquid can be used as the basis of a tank mixture. That is, it can be mixed with other herbicides.
  5. The period of action of the herbicide is until the tops close in the potato rows.
  6. Cultivated plants are not damaged during tillage.

The principle of operation of Zenkor

According to the instructions for use, Zenkor can be used for both domestic and industrial soil treatment against weeds. Especially effective means for controlling weeds on potatoes. It inhibits the growth of weeds, while not having a negative effect on cultivated plants.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

After the product enters the ground, the percentage of weed development is almost zero. At the same time, the action of Zenkor does not depend on whether the weed has sprouted or not. Thus, after the first treatment, weeds are completely removed from the site.

Due to the formation of a protective film on the ground after herbicide treatment, the appearance of weeds on the site becomes impossible for a long time.

Composition Zenkor ultra

The active ingredient of the herbicide is metribuzin. The chemical formula looks like this – C8H14N4OS. The active substance is a systemic pesticide. The death of weeds occurs due to the inhibition of electron transport during photosynthesis. This causes the immediate death of weeds. Zenkor ultra destroys both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

Metribuzin penetrates the plant through the roots and leaves. Due to this double effect, the drug has a long-lasting effect. The active substance in the composition of Zenkor is 600 g / l.

Soil preparation before processing

Before diluting Zencor, prepare the soil. This involves breaking up lumps of clay and leveling the site. Further, Zenkor ultra weed must be diluted according to the instructions for potatoes. The method of application consists in spraying the drug over the surface of the site.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

Important! Light rain will improve the dynamics of the drug.

So, the soil will be moistened and the action of metribuzin will increase. However, heavy rains will neutralize the effect of Zenkor, so it is important to observe the weather forecast before tilling the soil.

Instructions for diluting the drug

The herbicide should be diluted depending on which plant needs to be destroyed. So, for cereals, 1–0,2 l per 0,3 ha, for tomatoes – 0,7 l per 1 ha, for potatoes – 0,75 l per 1 ha. For carrots – 0,2–0,3 l per 1 ha.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

The use of Zenkor can have a negative effect on pumpkin, beets, cabbage and peppers. Therefore, before the destruction of weeds in the area with these plantings, it is important to test on one bush. Despite the fact that the herbicide can not treat the soil against weeds on all plantings, it still remains the market leader. The drug is sold in the form of a powder or small, easily soluble granules.

Before carrying out soil treatment from weeds, it is not recommended to eat, drink and smoke. After carrying out all work, the face and hands should be thoroughly washed with soap. The right approach to business will allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate weeds on the site. So, it is recommended to use a special tool for spraying the product, for example, a spray gun. Thanks to him, you can evenly apply the product on the ground.

Zencor: instructions for use on potatoes 

The instructions for use and the description provided in this article show that the entire weed control process consists of several simple steps. If you want to expand your knowledge in this matter, we suggest you watch a video on the topic:

Video clip of plant protection products “Zenkor Ultra”


Marina, 42 years old, Perm
I like Zencor Ultra and Zencor Liquid. These tools helped me effortlessly destroy the weeds in the beds. I recommend this drug. True, in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction, it is better to protect the skin by wearing a long-sleeved shirt, gloves and covering your face with a protective bandage.
Vera Ivanovna, 60 years old, Astrakhan
The granules of the drug dissolve easily. I decided to try out Zencor Ultra on a small area before watering the entire garden. I liked the effect, so I subsequently processed the garden. There are no weeds! Finally, my dream came true! Now it’s even easier to take care of the beds.

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