Zebrina: care and planting
Zebrins are perennial herbaceous plants. They got their name from the leaves with stripes like those of a zebra. Colored stripes of different widths color the leaves in white, red, various shades of green and silver. This perennial came to us from tropical rainforests.
Caring for a zebra at home
This houseplant is easy to care for.
Zebrina is an excellent decoration for balconies and terraces in the summer
The main thing is that the conditions of its detention resemble natural ones:
- Lighting. This plant is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It will grow well in a hanging planter in a sunny room. In the twilight, its leaves grow dull.
- Air. Zebrina loves fresh air, frequent ventilation is good for her.
- Temperature conditions. The optimum summer temperature for plant development is 16-18 ° C, but even at higher temperatures it develops normally. In winter, she is comfortable at lower temperatures, but not lower than + 13 ° C.
- Watering. Water the plant sparingly, preventing the soil from drying out. With abundant watering, the leaves lose their decorative appearance.
- Humidity. The flower needs moist air. If there is no humidifier in the room, the plant can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
Taking care of a flower is not difficult at all and even a beginner grower can do it.
Planting zebrins and features of caring for seedlings
This houseplant retains its decorative appearance for no more than 3 years. By this time, a new beautiful flower can be grown to replace the old one. These flowers are planted with cuttings at any time of the year.
To do this, drainage must be placed on the bottom of the pot, and the remaining space in the pot must be filled with soil consisting of leafy, soddy earth and sand.
Cuttings can be placed in water beforehand to take root, or they can be immediately planted in the ground. Cuttings should be planted around the perimeter of a small pot. Once rooted, they can be planted in separate pots or left together for a more lush effect.
Zebrina has healing properties: heals wounds, has a bactericidal effect, purifies the air
The seedlings of this flower are unpretentious and will grow, even if the conditions for keeping them are not entirely comfortable. But with a lack of lighting, the leaves will become pale, with an excess of moisture, they will turn yellow, and the roots will rot. Excess fertilizer also affects the appearance of the plant, so it must be fed with care. It is better to give a little less mineral fertilizers than recommended by the instructions.
Taking care of an ornamental plant is not difficult at all. And even if you do not follow the recommendations for caring for it, it will not die. In this case, it will lose its attractive decorative appearance. But in order for the indoor flower to fully decorate the apartment with its splendor, it needs to create favorable conditions for this.