
Do you think the difference between rabbits and hares is exclusively in their habitat? Not only. Outwardly, they may be similar, but when it comes to cooking the meat of these animals, taste and nutritional characteristics, the differences cannot be overlooked.

What is the difference between rabbit meat and rabbit?

Hares are common on all continents except Antarctica. There are many varieties of these animals in the world, but only two of them are found in our latitudes: hare and smaller hares. Adult hares weigh in kilograms 5, while white hare rarely fall short of this indicator, more often their growth stops at 3-4 kg. Hares belong to sedentary animals that rarely leave their homes. Only in case of danger can they run 2 km from home, but then return. Their diet, as a rule, consists of tree bark, grass, roots and root crops. By the way, because of the passion to nibble the bark from the trees, these animals fell out of favor with gardeners. They hunt hares, as a rule, in the fall. Gourmets say that it is at this time that their meat is the most delicious and healthy.

Interestingly, hare on the tables of our ancestors appeared not so long ago – approximately in the XIX century. Earlier, for several centuries in Russia, hare was considered an “unclean” product and was not eaten. But in the XIX century, the meat of this game became the main thing on the festive tables. But in the Finno-Finns and some other nations hare in all ages has been held in high esteem. Cubans also love this product. By the way, they consider hare their national product.

Today, hares are one of the most popular varieties of small game. Unlike rabbit meat, hare meat is slightly tougher, more fragrant and less fatty. The fillet is also different in appearance: it is darker in hares, and the game carcass is noticeably larger than that of its domesticated relative. It is not difficult to recognize the hare and to taste – its meat is slightly sweetish.

Chemical composition and nutritional characteristics

Like other types of meat, hare is an excellent source of protein. In addition, the protein contained in this product is very easily absorbed by the human body. And this is one of the key reasons why rabbit meat belongs to dietary food. The fillet of this game contains 19 amino acids, including essential for humans, which makes the product especially useful. But it is worth saying that the amount of protein in hare can vary: the older the animal, the less protein and more fat in its meat. The carcass of a young animal contains an average of 13,5 g of protein and almost 13 g of fat.

We must not forget about the extremely rich vitamin and mineral profile of this type of meat. Zaychatina is rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, fluorine and cobalt, but contains a very small amount of sodium. The vitamins found in hare are mainly ascorbic acid and substances of group B. For example, the product contains vitamin B6 in an amount sufficient to have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, bone tissue and muscles. Thanks to this vitamin, hare can prevent cramps and cramps.

Hare meat belongs to the group of low-calorie foods. Judge for yourself if in 100 g of pork there is almost 400 kcal, a little more than 300 kcal in the same amount of mutton, then in the hare fillet there is no more than 125 kcal. And by the way, his domesticated rabbit relative, although not by much, also contains more calories: about 180 kcal for every 100 g of meat. Biologists explain this difference by the fact that wild hares live in a state of constant stress and movement, as a result of which the fat in their carcasses quickly turns into energy, thereby reducing the calorie content of meat.

Who is helpful hare

Zaychatina is not only tasty, but also a useful, easily digestible diet product. The meat of this game is known for its hypoallergenic properties, which allows nutritionists to recommend this product to people who are prone to food allergies. And due to its high nutritional value, this type of meat is useful for people in old age, children, pregnant and nursing mothers. By the way, some pediatricians advise including hare in baby food.

Zaychatina, like other meat, is useful as a source of energy for people whose lifestyle requires a lot of physical or mental costs. As a source of valuable protein, this product is well included in the diet of professional bodybuilders and amateur athletes.

Dietary hare is allowed for people with diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, or gall bladder. Being almost completely devoid of sodium, rabbit is useful for people with hypertension and some other diseases of the cardiovascular system. For the cardiac system, this product is also suitable because it does not contain cholesterol and does not cause an increase in its indices in the blood, thus we can talk about hare as a product useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

It’s good at least from time to time to use dishes from this game for people with weak bones and lack of phosphorus. Useful hare fillet for vision, improve skin condition and restore mucous membranes in the body. Meat of hares is good to include in the diet of people with malignant tumors or for the prevention of their occurrence.

What is useful meat hares

The researchers found that in the first 7 months of life the body of the hare is not able to accumulate strontium-90, which is the product of the decay of pesticides, herbicides. And this fact is one of the reasons why nutritionists advise to take only young animals carcasses for cooking (up to 1 year).

This product is also useful because it is a rich source of vitamin B12, which the human body needs to synthesize DNA and melatonin (the so-called sleep hormone). In addition, if you regularly eat wild hare meat, you don’t have to worry about insufficient oxygenation of brain cells, and with it the possible occurrence of hypoxia.

In the list of benefits, hare is called the ability to maintain blood sugar levels at a healthy level (due to the presence of chromium). This feature makes the product extremely useful for those suffering from diabetes. And for people with anemia or low hemoglobin, vitamin B12-rich rabbit is useful as a natural remedy.

Hare fillet is a good source of the amino acid lysine. Due to this, meat is useful for respiratory diseases, since lysine gives the product antiviral properties. Thanks to the same amino acid, hare is also beneficial for people affected by the herpes virus.

Many argue that meat is not the best choice for dinner. But if it’s a hare, then don’t worry. On the contrary, a portion of dietary meat helps calm in the evening and improves sleep. And the whole secret is that the product contains tryptophan, an amino acid that causes the production of sleep hormone melatonin.

Zaychatina is useful for maintaining proper fat metabolism, which makes it an excellent choice for losing weight and keeping fit. In addition, we should not forget that this is one of the most low-calorie types of meat.

How to choose and cook

As already mentioned, the younger the animal, the tastier and healthier the meat. It is possible to determine the approximate age of the hare by the ulna of the bone: young animals on it clearly feel the knob, the older ones do not have it. In addition, young hares can be identified by the fragile bones of the front paws, thick knees, wide neck and soft ears. The carcasses of old individuals are thin and long.

Zaychatina is great for preparing different dishes. But, like any other game, it has a specific smell, which actually “scares off” some cooks. However, there are several ways to get rid of an undesirable aroma. For example, before cooking, the carcass can be left for 10-12 hours in water acidified with lemon juice (some advise vinegar, but this is a bad idea: vinegar “burns” hare) or in milk whey. Also, to get rid of the smell in the cooking process, it is useful to add several berries of juniper. It is important for novice cooks to know that the taste and nutritional value of hare is significantly affected by the way the carcass is stored. In air and light, the meat quickly darkens, and after defrosting the fillet almost completely loses moisture.

Before cooking, the carcass of the hare is divided into parts – front and back. In this case, the carcass should be cut exactly along the line of the last lumbar vertebra. They do this because the meat in both parts of the rabbit is different and it must be prepared in different ways. The back, for example, is a more tender meat that cooks pretty quickly. Fillets from this part are used for frying, cutlets, kebabs, schnitzels and rolls are prepared from it. The meat of the front of the hare is more rigid and requires more thorough heat treatment. As a rule, this half is stewed in sour cream.

It is good to stew carcasses of this game, shpigat and bake, cook under sauces and make them roast. Also, hare is great for making broths and soups. Gourmets like to combine hare with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and as a drink for meat they serve young wine. The taste of the finished dish favorably emphasize dill, rosemary, sage. Before baking or roasting, you can grate the meat with a mixture of coarse salt and herbs.

How useful rabbit fat

In addition to meat, rabbit fat is also beneficial for humans. This product has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In particular, this fatty substance is useful to put on wounds in order to accelerate their healing. In case of bronchitis, it is useful to take medicine on the basis of hare fat, as well as make it rubbing. In addition, traditional healers advised to apply hare fat to the skin during frostbite.

This product also helps with otitis – it is enough to drop a few drops of warm animal fat into the sore ear.

Many manufacturers of cosmetics in their products willingly include rabbit fat (besides, it is a hypoallergenic ingredient). In combination with other bioactive substances, it is useful for smoothing, moisturizing, tightening the skin, improving its color. Masks containing fat from hares are useful for flaky, chapped or irritated skin. This product is useful to apply on cracked or coarse skin. In winter, fat will help prevent chapping and frostbite. And masks from rabbit fat are useful for dry, damaged hair.

Hare wool in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, not only meat or fat from hares was used. Our ancestors have found clever use and wool of this animal. For example, it was believed that the hare’s hair was useful:

  • to stop nosebleeds (put a piece of wool to the nose);
  • for insomnia (useful to sleep on a pillow of wool);
  • for treatment of phlegmonous inflammations (so-called false erysipelas);
  • with boils and inflammations (applied to the sore spot);
  • when coughing (laid on the patient’s chest with the inner side, after having previously smeared the skin with sour cream);
  • with mastitis (applied mezdra to a sore chest).

Possible harm to hare

Zaychatina has many advantages, but nutritionists do not recommend too much to get involved in the product, especially those prone to arthritis or gout. Experts explain this by the presence of purine substances in meat, which contribute to the deposition of salts and the formation of stones in the body. Also, purines in a large number of dangerous kidneys, cause the deposition of uric acid in the joints (and this leads to the development of gout). Also, hare is prohibited for people with individual intolerance to the product.

For many, hunting a hare is just entertainment. But the eared carcass is not just a useless hunting trophy, but in fact a very valuable and tasty prey. And if the hare is cooked correctly, then it can become the “highlight” of the most exquisite festive table. No wonder our ancestors did not imagine a feast without hare.

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