Zatogrip – indications and composition. When to give Zatogrip to children?

Zatogrip is a series of products intended for children. They will be used in the case of the first symptoms indicating a decrease in immunity or a cold, such as cough, increased temperature or rhinitis, in the youngest. Zatogrip products are based on ingredients of natural origin.

What is Zatogrip?

Zatogrip are preparations popular on the Polish pharmaceutical market, intended for use by the youngest patients. Zatogrip is used when you get flu-like symptoms, such as rhinitis or sinusitis. Zatogrip’s preparations include three different syrups and one supplement in the form of tablets, intended for use in children of all ages. All over the counter available in most pharmacies.

The Zatogrip line includes:

  1. Zatogrip baby 1+,
  2. Zatogrip kids 3+,
  3. Zatogrip junior 6+,
  4. Strong Zatogrip 12+.

Zatogrip preparations are produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company LEK-AM Sp. z o. o., located in Zakroczym near Warsaw.

Zatogrip baby 1+

The first of the preparations included in the Zatogrip line is Zatogrip baby 1+. It is a preparation intended for use in children over one year of age. Administration of Zatogrip baby 1+ helps to improve the work of the respiratory system, facilitates the expectoration of excess secretions, and alleviates the symptoms of cough and sore throat. Moreover, Zatogrip baby 1+ soothes irritations developing in the area of ​​the mouth and larynx and supports the natural work of the immune system.

Zatogrip baby 1+ is in the form of a syrup intended for oral administration. Its composition includes plant extracts of natural origin, including African geranium root extract and elderberry fruit, minerals and vitamins C and D. Zatogrip baby 1+ does not contain any preservatives, dyes or artificial flavors.

Zatogrip kids 3+

Zatogrip kids 3+ is another product from the Zatogrip line. It is intended for use in children over 3 years of age. The composition of Zatogrip Kids 3+ also includes only substances of natural origin. Compared to Zatogrip baby 1+, Zatogrip kids 3+ has a slightly broader spectrum of action, including the alleviation of irritation located in the upper respiratory tract and vocal cords.

The composition of Zatogrip Kids 3+ includes extracts of African geranium root, elderberry flower and herb, verbena herb and acerola.

Zatogrip junior 6+

Zatogrip junior 6+ is intended for use in children over 6 years of age. Its method of application is similar to that of the previous two preparations. The composition of Zatogrip junior 6+ also includes substances of only natural origin, but present in a higher concentration than in the previous Zatogrip preparations.

When are Zatogrip syrups used?

All three Zatogrip preparations presented above are used in the event of the following symptoms:

  1. flu
  2. colds,
  3. rhinitis,
  4. sinus rhinitis
  5. infection that develops in the tissues of the middle ear.

Each of the preparations is administered orally, twice a day. The recommended dose is 2 teaspoon (approx. 1 ml of liquid), administered in the morning and afternoon. These are the optimal hours for the Zatogrip application, compliance with which will also ensure free rest for your kids.

Before application, shake the jar containing Zatogrip syrup so that the natural sediment is distributed throughout the liquid. Zatogrip preparations in the form of a syrup should be consumed within 30 days of opening them. The ingredients and their concentration in individual preparations are adjusted to the age of children and changes in their developing respiratory system.

Strong Zatogrip 12+

Zatogrip forte 12+ is the last of the preparations included in the Zatogrip line. Unlike the others, it is in the form of tablets administered orally. Its composition includes standardized extracts of African geranium root, medicinal primrose, ginger root, verbena herb, mullein flower and elderberry. Regular use of Zatogrip forte 12+ supports the immune system and helps maintain the proper level of mucus secreted in the respiratory tract.

Zatogrip forte 12+ is only used in patients over 12 years of age. Zatogrip forte 12+ can be used prophylactically – also outside the period of colds – in order to maintain the optimal functioning of the immune system.

Take 1 tablet of Zatogrip forte 12+ daily, preferably in the morning. Zatogrip forte 12+ can be taken with or without food. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended daily dose, as it will not affect the effectiveness of Zatogrip in any way.

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