Zakhar Prilepin: biography and work of the writer

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! In the article “Zakhar Prilepin: Biography and Creativity” – about the main stages of the life of the Russian writer.

Zakhar Prilepin is known not only in the vastness of Russia and neighboring countries, but also far beyond their borders, as a popular writer and columnist, a talented actor and an excellent TV presenter, musician and politician. He writes for LJ, has a Youtube channel and works as an editor of the Free Press website.

According to Prilepin himself, he has no “claims to life”, only regrets that there is little time left to communicate with children, of whom there are four in their family.

Zakhar Prilepin: biography and work of the writer

With his wife Maria. Children: Gleb, Kira, Ignat and Lilia.

Zakhar Prilepin

Zakhar (according to his passport, Evgeny) was born in 1975 in the small village of Ilyinka, Ryazan Region, in the friendly family of Nikolai and Tatiana Prilepin. His father was a history teacher, and his mother worked as a nurse.

In 1986, the family moved to a small town in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where they received an apartment. Tatiana worked at the Korund chemical plant, and her father was sick a lot and often. Soon he was gone. To help his parents, a guy from the age of 16 took up any job, often moonlighting as a loader.

After graduating from school, he moved to N. Novgorod, and in 1994 he was drafted into the army. Returning, the young man entered the police school, and then served for several years in the OMON. At the same time, Eugene studied at the philological faculty of the university, but did not manage to finish it.

In 1996, he was sent to the so-called “hot spot” – to Chechnya, and then to Dagestan. There he took the call sign (code name) “Zakhar”.

In the “dashing” 90s, the young man lacked the salary of a riot policeman, and he began to earn extra money as a security guard in various clubs. In 1999, Evgeny was awarded a diploma of graduation from the university and he was able to work by calling, as a journalist in the regional newspaper “Delo”, where a year later he took the place of editor-in-chief.

Works by Zahara Prilepina

Poems came from the pen of a young journalist in 2003. Two years later, a serious novel “Pathology” about the Chechen war was published. And soon Russian readers started talking about the young talented writer Zakhar Prilepin.

New books appeared like mushrooms after rain. They were different in theme and style, but they were united by one thing – the truthfulness and vitality of the characters of the heroes.

Zakhar graduated from the School of Politics. In his blog on the LiveJournal platform, he speaks openly about contemporary politics, not hiding his principled position, and answers the pressing questions facing society.

In 2009 he was awarded the Bunin Prize for collection of works. “TerraTartarara…”. His career as a TV presenter began with the “PostTV” program. The following year, the writer signed an appeal to the Russian government from the opposition, stating in an interview that “the system needs to be changed.” The oppositionist has repeatedly met with V. Putin and talked with him on various topics.

In 2011 he was awarded the Supernatsbest Prize for the novel Sin, and for the Black Monkey he received the Bronze Snail. Zakhara is very impressed with rock and occasionally writes music. In 2011 the debut of the album “The Four Seasons” took place, which was recorded with his band “Elefunk”.

In 2012, Zakhar published a textbook on literature “The Book-Cheater” and new stories, which were included in the collection. “Eight”.

The next year, the writer becomes the TV presenter of the Prilepin program, in which the guests shared their plans and had to demonstrate a small excerpt from their work.

In 2014, the author was awarded the Big Book Prize for the new novel “Abode”. It was founded by the business circles of the Russian Federation and its jury includes one hundred famous creative personalities.

2015 Zakhar continues his career in television and hosts the “Salt” music show, where he talks with representatives of show business on some hot topic of the day. More than 60 issues were created, and then the “Tea with Zakhar” program was launched.

Ukrainian question

Zakhar became seriously interested in the “Ukrainian question”. His blog tells about the real situation in Donbass. He was nominated to the post of adviser to the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko and participated in the battles, being deputy. battalion commander of special forces, with the rank of major.

Zakhar Prilepin: biography and work of the writer

In 2017, Prilepin, having a charter, according to him, “to carry“ humanitarian aid ”to Donbass, assembled a battalion of local residents and became its commissar. And then he announced that he no longer gives interviews to TV channels, since his words are completely distorted.

All the money that he earns, he spends on helping families who have suffered in the protracted military conflict.

According to the writer, Donbass is likely to expect an “Abkhazian version”. Both self-proclaimed republics are recognized by the Russian Federation and they can enter, like Crimea, into Russia. But this will only happen if the Kremlin considers this serious political step appropriate.

Since November 2017, he has been broadcasting a very popular and highly rated program “Russian Lessons …” on NTV.

In 2018 Prilepin returned home, having managed, being in Donetsk, to star in the short film “Duty”. The picture was included in the Oscar long-list.

Now he holds the position of Deputy Artistic Director of the Moscow Art Theater. In a recent interview, Prilepin mentioned a new project.

He plans to present a new format of theatrical performance about the poets and musicians of Russia, where many contemporary musical groups of Russia will take part. Their work, according to the writer, differs sharply from the show business that has flooded the air.

For several years in a row, the writer has been among the people of the year, the writer of the year, the most promising politicians, and his books occupy the top lines in the rating of the best-selling.

Recently, Prilepin’s new book “Not Everyone Goes to Hell” has arrived in bookstores. Queues line up for a new novel by a famous writer. This work has already begun to be translated into Serbian and French. And now the author is finalizing his new book dedicated to fellow countryman Sergei Yesenin.

XIII International Chekhov Book Festival

In May 2019, the XIII International Chekhov Book Festival took place in Taganrog. I was fortunate enough to be present at the creative meeting of Zakhar Prilepin. An interesting conversation with the audience: about life, about Donbass, about Chekhov and contemporary literature. I learned a lot of interesting facts from the biography of Sergei Yesenin.

Zakhar Prilepin: biography and work of the writer

XIII International Chekhov Book Festival. With Zakhar Prilepin


A documentary film will complement our theme “Zakhar Prilepin: biography and creativity”

Zakhar. Film by Alexey Uchitel. Biographical documentary film. Rock. StarMedia

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