Zajady – how to deal with them?

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Sore, or erosions, also known as angular cheilitis or angular cheilitis. Bacteria and fungi, located in the corners of our mouth, contribute to the formation of cheilitis. This is due to the favorable environment that fosters the growth of microorganisms, i.e. heat and moisture. The formation of painful cracks is also the result of reduced immunity. People with diabetes or anemia struggle with it. The decrease in immunity may be the result of irregular physical activity or an improper diet, poor in vegetables and fruits.

  1. The sores are often confused with herpes labialis. Unlike cold sores, chews can persist for a long time and are very difficult to get rid of
  2. Tears can form on dry and chapped lips. Cracks at the corners of the mouth can turn into painful erosions
  3. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The hepatitis appears more often in pregnant women and those taking birth control pills. Taking antibiotics and vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Sores also appear in infants and young children. It is related to the nipples used by the youngest. People at risk of cracks include patients wearing dentures, which provide additional space for bacteria to grow. Interestingly, tears also occur when our lips are dry and chapped, for example as a result of sunbathing.

What do chews look like?

In order to heal ourselves, we need to be aware of what we are treating. So let’s know how do they look bites. It happens that they are confused with herpes labialis. The main difference is that cold sores are characterized by blisters with serous fluid, after which they break and dry out of the mouth in a relatively short time.

Tuberculosis may be a consequence of a decrease in immunity. To counteract the weakening of the immune system, try immune-boosting dietary supplements with acerola and vitamin C.

Unfortunately, it does not go so fast with it. They can persist for a long time. In the first stage, dry skin cracks at the corners of the mouth. Cracks turn into painful, difficult to heal wounds in the form of erosions. Failure to treat the seizures results in the formation of scabs that build up, which may leave scars after the symptoms have subsided. It is worth knowing that chews are not contagious and do not spread to other parts of the body. They appear only in the corners of the mouth. Unfortunately, they can appear in both at the same time.

The poisoning may be related to vitamin B12 deficiency. It happens that some people have problems with its metabolism, which may contribute to, among other things, reduced immunity or the feeling of constant fatigue. A genetic test for vitamin B12 metabolism will help to find out if the problem may also apply to you. If you’re suffering from a B-vitamin deficiency, check out Whole Red, a vitamin B12 supplement.

  1. Also read: Blue lips signal illness

The rest of the article under the video:

How to cure seizures?

Knowing causes of formation indulgences, we can fight them. One way is to use a diet rich in B vitamins and vitamin C. You can buy supplements that will help enrich your diet with important micronutrients at a low price on Medonet Market.

Tired, stressed and undernourished people struggle with chewing. It is worth consuming citrus, forest fruits and meat, peas, beans and leafy vegetables, including lettuce, cabbage and spinach. Dairy products will also have a positive effect on the body. It is worth reaching for kefirs, sour milk or yoghurts with live bacterial cultures that restore the proper bacterial flora of the digestive tract.

W treatment of seizures remedies applied externally, directly to the wound, also help. At home, we can make a cream with vitamin B2. Just crush the tablet and mix it with a little greasy cream. The specificity is best applied at night, because it has an intense yellow color, coloring the skin. Are you looking for a good cream? Reach for Regenerace hemp regenerating cream or Actisoftin – a chewing cream that not only soothes irritations and regenerates cracks, but also moisturizes and nourishes, creating a natural protective barrier on your lips.

Another method is to use yeast. They can be mixed with water and used externally or made into a drink. For the second option, a teaspoon of fresh yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and 100 ml of warm milk are used. The drink is drunk once a day for a week.

Another salvation is garlic, which has a fungicidal and bactericidal effect. Therefore, it quickly fights yeasts, staphylococci and streptococci. It is used directly on the skin or with food. Aloe has become a very popular ingredient. It is used on skin, hair and wounds. Its leaves juice soothes and regenerates the skin. It has a disinfecting effect, stopping the multiplication of bacteria. Aloe can be applied directly to the skin thanks to the Aloesove serum or taken as a DuoLife Aloe dietary supplement. A good method is also applying cucumber slices, which bring relief due to their soothing properties. Additionally, it is easily available and cheap.

Honey also turns out to be beneficial. All thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. This delicious, sweet product not only tastes great, but also helps heal wounds, including seizures. You should smear the corners of the mouth with the mixture – 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of cod liver oil. In addition to home remedies, you can buy a variety of ointments in pharmacies. However, it is worth taking care of your mouth, and in particular of your body, to avoid chewing.

It often happens that you cannot deal with skin problems on your own. Online teleconsultation at a dermatologist on the website is a fast and safe way to contact a specialist. You will get answers to your questions and appropriate help.

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