Zaax – application, indications, dosage

Zaax is a capsule supplement; its task is to support the proper aggregation of blood in the body. This preparation can provide relief from numerous symptoms of circulatory disorders, such as headaches and dizziness, migraines, leg swelling, problems with concentration and sleep, and tinnitus. Zaax also prevents the formation of blood clots and inhibits the clumping of platelets, while not interfering with the natural clotting of blood in the event of an injury.

The active substance of the preparation Zaax is the Fruitflow substance, which is a composition of 37 bioactive compounds: polyphenols, nucleotides and isoflavonoids. The compounds in Fruitflow are also present in tomatoes. The remaining ingredients of the supplement Zaax are maltodextrin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, gelatin and iron oxide. Fruitflow also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects; it also prevents arrhythmia and lowers the concentration of LDL-cholesterol. In this way, it improves the work of the heart and ensures adequate oxygenation of the body cells. One capsule of the supplement Zaax contains 150 mg of active ingredient. Preparation Zaax is available in pharmacies no prescription; the package contains 30 capsules, and its price, depending on the facility, is PLN 35-40.

Indications for the use of the Zaax supplement

An indication for supplement use Zaax are diseases of the cardiovascular system and prophylactic measures to prevent hypertension, blood clots and elevated cholesterol levels. The supplement can also be taken for dietary purposes. The use of this preparation should first be agreed with a doctor.

Zaax supplement dosage

Taking each drug or supplement should be agreed with the doctor, and his dose adapted to the individual needs of the patient. Recommended dose supplement Zaax is one capsule a day, taken in the morning after a meal. At the beginning of use, a dose of 2 capsules a day is recommended. Crossing this one doses it is not advisable. Also, do not make up for the missed dose double dose.

Contraindications, warnings and information related to the use of the Zaax supplement

The only Mr.a contraindication do application supplement Zaax is hypersensitive or allergic to any component of the preparation, in particular to the active substance. The effectiveness and safety of the supplement in children is not known. No interactions of the supplement with other drugs and substances were found. Zaax may be applied by pregnant and breastfeeding women; however, this must first be consulted with a doctor. The supplement can be applied for a longer period. The therapy initiated by the doctor should not be interrupted prematurely, even after the symptoms have subsided. It should be remembered that a dietary supplement cannot be its only element and is not the equivalent of a healthy, balanced diet.

Side effects of the Zaax supplement

Use of the supplement Zaax does not cause any known side effects.

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