Yuzberg beer: history, overview of types + interesting facts

Uzberg – beer of Suzdal production. In terms of quality, it is comparable to imported ones. While there are only German varieties, it was planned to launch Czech, Belgian and others, but it did not take place due to the crisis situation.

History of Huesberg beer

2010 In the Vladimir region, in the village of Chirikovo, Suzdal district, a plant was opened, which belonged to LLC Suzdal Brewing Company. All thanks to the desire of the owner Alexander Yuzvik to come up with such a beer that it could compete with well-known foreign varieties.

German equipment was purchased from GEA Brewery SystemsGmbH. The Germans also advised Russian brewers. The initial volume of sales was 65 thousand hectoliters per year, it was planned to increase it to a million.

The development of the logo was entrusted to the Wellhead studio, so the image of a stately golden griffin appeared on the bottle. To create the label, we used the classical style, in which German landscapes are made.

2013 In the spring, the first varieties of Münchener Helles and Weissbier appeared on store shelves. In autumn it became possible to acquire Schwarzbier and Kellerbier.

2014 After the notorious events, the foreign exchange rate rose sharply, which affected the financial situation of the plant, because all the materials were imported. The amount of the loan taken earlier increased, the crisis began.

2018 Dubious financial transactions were carried out, which resulted in a fine. The creditor of the enterprise was Sberbank, the funds to which were never returned. In autumn, the owner, businessman A. Yuzvik, was officially declared bankrupt. The year before, his company had been declared bankrupt.

The plant in the Vladimir region was put up for sale. The Avito website posted information about its cost of half a billion rubles.

Yuzvik counter-charged the bank, calling the sale illegal, but they did not agree with his opinion. Nevertheless, Sberbank was ready to make concessions and change the lender.

2020 Sales haven’t stopped. The sale of all four varieties continues, but what this will lead to is still unknown.

Types of beer Yuzberg

  1. Weissbier, 4,9%

    Intense wheaten color with non-persistent foam. Bread with a slight yeast sourness and a smoked aftertaste. Bright banana flavor.

  2. Munich Helles, 4,8%

    A golden lager with subtle hop flavors and dominant malt. It definitely smells like grain, namely pale Pilsner barley malt. The aftertaste is weak dry.

  3. Black beer, 4,9%

    Dark beer with yeasty sourness, caramel and roasted malt on the palate. Banana and burnt notes in the aroma.

  4. Cellar beer, 4,4%

    Light sweetish golden lager. The taste is rich, combines bread and caramel.

Interesting facts about Yuzberg beer

  1. The bottle has finger moldings to make it easier to hold. In addition, a griffin is engraved on it.

  2. When Schwarzbier went on sale, disputes began among buyers. Its sweet, fruity and toffee character has been attributed more to a Belgian ale than a German lager.

Relevance: 04.07.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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