Yulia Kovalchuk: my slender figure is not a gift of nature, but the result of labor

Yulia Kovalchuk: my slender figure is not a gift of nature, but the result of labor

For four months, the singer helped the participants of the Weighted People show, which started on April 18 on the STS channel, to lose extra pounds and gain faith in themselves.

18 people from 13 cities of Russia, including 29-year-old Nizhny Novgorod resident Maxim Nekrylov (by the way, who weighed 176 kg at the start of the project!), Decided to radically change their lives, getting rid of annoying kilograms. In addition, the most persistent have the opportunity to compete for an impressive prize pool of 3 rubles. However, this very big money is by no means the main motivation for the project participants. “Psychologically, people are so tired of their weight that they even decided to undress in front of the camera, exposing all their problems in front of the whole country,” Yulia shared.

The presenter is sure that their show will be not only spectacular, but also very useful: “The problem of obesity is becoming more acute for Russia every year. At the same time, most obese people do not know how to deal with this excess weight. We do not have too much information on how to do it correctly so as not to harm health and maintain the result for many years. And I really hope that people suffering from excess weight, looking at the screen, will be able to help themselves cope with their misfortune. “

On the eve of the premiere of the show Woman’s Day, I asked Yulia about her impressions of filming, as well as how she manages to maintain an ideal figure.

A slender girl is the best motivation for a man to lose weight

I think, first of all, as an example of real motivation. Indeed, in order to stimulate a person to do something, you need to show what he should strive for. So, for project participants who dream of losing weight, the sight of a person with a problem-free figure is a very powerful incentive. Particularly inspired were the male participants who, next to a slender woman, also strive to get in shape as quickly as possible. I’m afraid to sound immodest, but I try to keep an eye on my figure and am quite happy with how I look for my age. By the way, harmony did not come to me genetically, but is the result of serious work on myself and on my diet. Of course, it’s hard for me to understand how a painfully fat person feels, because I didn’t have any global problems with weight. Nevertheless, in the first year of the choreographic institute, I weighed five kilograms more than now, although I had a lot of physical activity. This was not due to the fact that I ate a lot. She just ate the wrong food: she had snacks on pies and junk food, because there was no money for good food, no time to cook the right food. I am absolutely sure: laziness is the same for all of us, both overweight and thin. And people get fat precisely from laziness, when they are lazy to look after themselves. I can understand this feeling, because I am an ordinary person, and sometimes I also have days when I want to relax and feel sorry for myself. Another thing is that I try not to allow myself this.

Perhaps psychological. The participants certainly did not suffer from hunger. Our nutritionists developed such a diet that at first they even complained that such a quantity of food was too much for them. The secret was that the portion could be large, but its calorie content was extremely insignificant. But defeating your laziness was not easy. Our participants were also puzzled by the fact that the body did not always adequately respond to the expended efforts. For example, when, after intense weight loss, there was a period of the so-called stop (which is quite normal from the point of view of physiology), people lost faith in themselves. There were even nervous breakdowns and a desire to quit the project. And then everyone had to connect: both me as a presenter, and coaches, and psychologists. Allowing a person to break loose at this difficult turning point, to lose self-confidence – this meant for him to say goodbye to the dream of gaining health and a normal life without excess weight.

Food alone cannot solve the problem

That is why each participant of the Weighted People show underwent a medical examination before filming and was approved to participate in it. In addition, in addition to the nutritionist, a doctor was always with the participants. It was not a whim, but a necessity. Because many came to us with a “bouquet” of very serious diseases, most of which were due to excess weight. I can proudly say that after the filming period, almost all of our participants not only lost weight, but also got rid of most of the diseases that they had at the start of the project. The key to success in this case is a gradual, and not a hurricane, weight loss under the close supervision of doctors.

Indeed, this show turned out to be very informative for me as well. I learned a lot, for example, about the compatibility of some products. She even made some adjustments to her diet. Although I already have it quite balanced. I don’t eat anything heavy, fatty or spicy. I have not used ketchup and mayonnaise for a long time. I prefer everything that is made on the grill or in the airfryer. I love everything boiled and stewed. I just love boiled potatoes, for example!

Losing weight, of course, without physical education is possible, but in what state will the body then be? Without tone, with a lot of saggy, ugly skin. Moreover, without supporting exercises and procedures, the lost pounds will certainly return. In addition, if you do not ensure the presence of a muscle corset along the spine, after thirty-five years, back problems are guaranteed to you, regardless of whether you are losing weight or gaining weight. In short, for the body to be healthy, both proper nutrition and physical activity are necessary.

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