The TV presenter’s apartment has a huge collection of plush toys. “I was one of the first to transport the bears from London. How many of them, I have never counted. Probably because I treat them as individuals, ”says Yulia.
March 18 2020
On Julia: Elisabetta Franchi dress, Jimmy Choo sandals
Home is where my children are (Artem is 14 years old, Yana is 11 years old, Arseny is 7 years old. – Approx. “Antenna”). Where is it? Here today, there tomorrow. In my life there have been many moves, rented apartments and houses – in St. Petersburg, London, everywhere. In this sense, I am an experienced person. I immediately understand what concessions can be made when choosing a home, and which categorically not.
My friend Inna Zhirkova (the wife of footballer Yuri Zhirkov – comment of “Antenna”) encouraged me to buy an apartment in which I now live in the north of Moscow. I would not go on such an adventure. Buying an apartment seemed really impossible: it was necessary to take out a mortgage, pay a down payment, but Inna said: “We will think of something, we will help.”
I looked at a certain area, because I was already used to it, because at first I lived here with the Zhirkovs. For two months I went through the options. I categorically disliked everything. But when I entered this apartment, I fell in love at first sight. There is a crazy view from the window. I’m a fan of sunsets and sunrises, and here I have a 180 degree red glow, insanely beautiful! By a happy coincidence, it turned out that the house belonged to my friend. And all the problems were solved thanks to him.
On Julia: Genny jacket, Guess jeans
My children and I enjoy spending time together. We love it when guests come and everyone gathers in the living room. There is an unusual bird that I brought from Bali. My friends have a house in which there are many beautiful designer things, where I first saw this figure of a rooster. My friend and I decided to buy these birds too, but when the boxes with them were brought to us, and the day before departure, we opened our mouths, because we realized that the luggage was completely oversized. Packed with great difficulty.
The birds flew to Moscow, but my paws fell off. I had to look for where to weld them. The rooster was repaired. Since it has undergone repairs, sometimes it staggers, we tie it so that it does not fall, as a sharp beak can ruin the parquet. I love this rooster very much, he has such kind eyes.
When you are not the first apartment that you are equipping, then in the interior you get a collective image from all the previous ones, and from experience too. In the house where we lived in London (in 2009, Julia, together with her common-law husband, footballer Andrei Arshavin, moved to the UK. – Approx. “Antennas”), we had clear plastic designer chairs. The house was already with the interior, and when we first saw them, there was a delight, then they seemed quite unusual.
Now similar chairs, although they are rather whole armchairs, are in my kitchen. Their peculiarity is that they do not make the room heavier, but, on the contrary, visually expand.
On Julia: dress by Patrizia Pepe
My bears are scattered throughout the house. Kinder faces than theirs, I have not met in any toy. The first ones were presented to me, and from that moment the collection began. I always drag them from somewhere. I’ll buy it, and the children are outraged: “Mom, how will we take them?” Each time it’s a whole story: the problem is that they all sit on boxes, and in order not to crush them, you need to handle them very carefully.
I was one of the first to transport the bears from London. There are so many of them that I have never counted the exact number.
Probably also because I treat them as individuals and I don’t really like the idea of counting on their heads.
One of the most touching – a bear with a chamomile in its paws, so healthy, and the flower is very small. And another bear lived in my car for a long time. He had a bag in his paws, in which I was hiding something. For example, I put my glasses there, a trifle for parking. Previously, they broke the windows of cars, robbed, and the bear guarded my things.
On Julia: sweater M.Reason
For myself, I wanted a bright bedroom. In principle, I like white space, beige, coffee with milk. And then I decided to make an experiment – to combine white and silver inserts, choosing between them and gold. I stopped at the fact that it will probably be warmer in silver. And she made the right decision, the room turned out to be cozy.
Silver and chandelier. To be honest, this is a Chinese copy of a piece of my dream. My London friends have an incredible chandelier in their house – a huge, very long, wave on it is made of insanely beautiful chains, a fairly well-known design work. Naturally, when I saw a Chinese chandelier in the store, which looks like the same one only in chains, I realized that it should hang with me, but someday the real one will definitely appear in the house.
When decorating children’s rooms, I consulted with them. Yana had the opportunity to choose a pink or blue bedroom. I conceived it in pink in the house that was being built in St. Petersburg, but it did not work out with it. When I, having moved to Moscow, saw the Russian analogue of that Italian bedroom, the decision came with lightning speed. The only thing that the domestic manufacturer had a blue bedroom was more advantageous, so we settled on it. And Artem wanted to make a wall-panel with New York in the room. Why this particular city? Can’t explain intuitively. Maybe his future will be connected with him? Probably, in a few years I will be able to answer you.
“Male / Female”, Monday – Friday, 16:00, Channel One
“Friday with Yulia Baranovskaya”, Friday, 19:00, Russian Radio