Youthful skin without injections

Youthful skin without injections

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We have learned one of the main beauty secrets! Today, painful injections are not necessary to get rid of wrinkles and restore a velvety radiant look to your face.

Recently, thanks to Spanish scientists, a wonderful alternative to injection methods of combating the signs of skin aging has appeared – the apparatus “Hyalurox”… No more allergic reactions, side effects and painful sensations – the needle is replaced by a laser beam! Thanks to a unique tandem, namely a special gel with hyaluronic acid nanospheres and its conductor – a cold laser, the biorevitalization procedure (which literally translates as natural revitalization of the skin) has become absolutely comfortable and atraumatic.

Under the action of a cold laser with a wavelength of 905 nm, hyaluronic acid, enclosed in nanospheres, is delivered directly to the dermis. As a result of the penetration of hyaluronic acid molecules into the deep layers of the skin, the production of collagen and elastin fibers occurs most intensively. In addition, the skin is saturated with other components that make up the gel, namely: vitamin C, which helps to even out the complexion, and an extract of elm leaves, which protects the skin from the appearance of edema and allergic manifestations. And this is another undoubted advantage of needle-free biorevitalization – right after visiting the salon, you can safely go out “in people” without fear of the appearance of unsympathetic papules.

The result of the procedure can be assessed already after the first session – the complexion is noticeably fresher, superficial wrinkles, including crow’s feet, are smoothed, skin tone and turgor are improved. However, to increase and consolidate the effect, a course of procedures is still recommended, the duration of which is determined individually, depending on the initial condition of the skin. To achieve the desired result, as a rule, 3-6 sessions are enough, and it lasts up to six months.

Perfect face without injections. Really? Quite! See for yourself!

Center “Medical cosmetology”:

Saratov, st. May Day, 69.

Pre-registration by phone: (8452) 23-63-90.

Learn more about the salon and the procedure here.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

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