Youth pills, or five health and beauty benefits

Youth pills, or five health and beauty benefits

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Why do we take birth control pills? The answer to this question seems obvious: so as not to get pregnant before we ourselves want it. But is this the only limitation of the effect of oral contraceptives? Medicine answers this unequivocally: no! In addition to its main function, combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, can also be extremely beneficial to our appearance and beauty. Let’s take a closer look at what kind of bonuses hormonal contraception can give.

Bonus 1. Old age will not pass!

Few people know that changes in hormonal levels are one of the factors in skin aging. The number of collagen fibers decreases, the skin becomes thinner, loses elasticity and is less hydrated. However, research shows that taking oral contraceptives containing estrogen can successfully address this problem. After several cycles of taking COCs, the skin condition improves markedly. Smooth, firm, well-hydrated skin – what better evidence of a woman’s youth and health?

Bonus 2. Acne is no longer a problem!

Alas, problem skin with acne is a “delight” not only in adolescence. A hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body can provoke the appearance of such rashes at any age. And external influence on the skin with the help of creams and other cosmetics, alas, cannot stop the appearance of acne. But balancing the hormonal background copes with this task quite successfully. That is why in the treatment of acne, experts use hormonal oral contraceptives as an additional treatment. Most importantly, do not forget that you should consult your doctor before using contraception.

Bonus 3. Hair is softer than silk.

Hormonal disturbances are not good for hair either. The scalp begins to secrete too much oil. Hence, unkempt, damaged hair. Correctly selected oral contraceptives in this case, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the condition of the hair is noticeably improved: it is cleaner, softer, healthier and more beautiful. Such a bonus to beauty will obviously not go unnoticed!

Nothing knocks you out of the usual rhythm of life like a violation of the menstrual cycle. A sudden onset of menstruation can lead to many awkward situations. And how many nerve cells a girl can lose, experiencing a delay and suspecting an unplanned pregnancy! And hormonal imbalance may be to blame. In such a situation, oral contraception also comes to the rescue: an increase and decrease in the level of hormones in the body becomes strictly regulated due to the correct intake of pills, the cycle normalizes, PMS symptoms are eliminated, menstrual blood loss decreases, and pain is not so disturbing. As a result, no problems with mood and self-confidence.

In some cases, taking COCs prevents the occurrence of female infectious diseases due to the thickening of the cervical mucus – it becomes more difficult for bacteria to enter the body. This is certainly not a panacea, but additional protection is always beneficial to the body. Therefore, in combination with the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, taking oral contraceptives can be a good help in the prevention of female genital infections.

As you can see, such a list of pleasant “side effects” clearly speaks in favor of hormonal contraceptives. The main thing is not to forget about the dangers of self-medication and be sure to first consult with a specialist to choose the most optimal contraceptive pills.

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