Your stomach hurts at the top, left, near the navel? Find out what that means

No stomach pain should be taken lightly. Most often it results from food poisoning, but also from the fact that we eat on the run, too greedily, too much or we do not eat at all. We recognize a rumbling in the abdomen, women – menstrual pain. The abdomen may sting, stinging, pressing. Where it hurts and how can indicate a cause – a specific disease.

  1. Pain alerts you that something is wrong and we should react. If we do not listen to our body and ignore it, we can quickly lead to the development of disease and even death
  2. Abdominal pain varies in nature. It can sting us, constricting us, burning us. Depending on the location and intensity of the pain and other symptoms accompanying it, we can suspect various diseases
  3. The liver and pancreas usually do not cause pain, while other organs cause a certain type of discomfort
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

Abdominal pain tells us something

Abdominal pain passes quickly by itself. It hurts us for many reasons. Sometimes it is enough to use a few home remedies, to apply medicines available at the pharmacy and how he took away with his hand. However, if the pain continues or becomes more persistent, we should contact a specialist as soon as possible. It is this alarming symptom that is intended to draw our attention to the fact that we may be suffering from a chronic disease. Pain develops at various stages, at the beginning of the disease or when the disease is advanced.

The site of the pain may indicate a disease

The place and strength of the pain may indicate, with an emphasis on “maybe”, some ailments. Pain is most often localized and characteristic of the course of certain diseases. However, there are always exceptions and exceptions. “The whole abdomen”, the upper abdomen or the navel area may hurt. Pain may radiate or spread out. Be uniform or come in waves. There are a number of symptoms common to certain diseases of the digestive system. After them, we can guess what’s wrong with us.

The coexistence of these symptoms requires a visit to the doctor

Below we show the places of pain and decipher what it can mean. Regardless of its location, however, when it is accompanied by additional disease symptoms, it should always be consulted with a doctor.

They can be:

  1. vomiting that does not go away for six hours
  2. diarrhea that lasts more than four days
  3. blood and mucus in the stool
  4. high fever – above 39 degrees C
  5. maintaining high fever for more than three days
  6. dehydration – a small amount of dark urine, irritability
  7. reduced pressure and heart rate, sagging skin, which after being pulled in the fingers does not return to normal for a long time

Long-lasting abdominal pain (somatic), i.e. any stinging, burning or squeezing sensation may indicate ulcers, inflammation, urolithiasis or obstruction. In this case, a visit to the doctor is necessary. There are also times when we literally wind up in pain. Then we should see the doctor as soon as possible, because some conditions require immediate surgical intervention. On the other hand, the liver and pancreas may not be signaling through pain for a long time that something is wrong. Remember that the disease must be properly diagnosed to properly treat it, but above all, not to underestimate any of its symptoms.

Specific places of pain

Pain spreading around the navel, often above it

This is a signal that we may be cold or poisoned. At the beginning, home remedies may work, but as soon as we feel worse or other symptoms appear, we must see a doctor. In such situations, we can switch to an easily digestible diet. Drink a lot, in small sips, for example, boiled warm water, tea. All this so as not to get dehydrated. Ginger tea or mint will help stop vomiting, and diarrhea can be stopped by medical charcoal, blueberries or boiled rice. On the other hand, over-the-counter medications (paracetamol, ibuprofen) will probably kill a fever.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen that radiates to the shoulder blades and spine

This pain is very similar to that above, but is chronic. It is not an emergency. Nausea, belching, gas and vomiting are also added. Most often we feel a burning sensation or a feeling of hunger. Such pain could indicate ulcers in the stomach, duodenum, or both.

The therapy is not complicated, but it must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic. It used to be a more serious condition. Currently, it is not too complicated and the treatment gives good results.

Pain above the navel which radiates to the back and ribs

This is pain that may be accompanied by:

  1. subfebrile condition
  2. vomiting
  3. flatulence after a heavy meal
  4. weight loss
  5. smelly diarrhea

All of this may indicate a pancreatic disease in which the help of a gastroenterologist is essential.

The inflammation of the pancreas causes severe pain that radiates. It is located under the navel. There is vomiting, nausea, constipation, high fever and an increase in blood sugar. In this case, the patient must be hospitalized.

Pain and shortness of breath in the dimple

It could be heartburn or indigestion, but if you are suffocated and the pain is more in the chest than in the abdomen, and it does not go away with breathing in and changing positions, it could be a heart attack or ischemic heart disease.

In women, these symptoms may be less severe and more difficult to define.

These are the most common:

  1. oppression in the “dimple”
  2. baking
  3. weakness
  4. fatigue
  5. short breath
  6. muscle aches and even nausea
  7. hand numbness or a feeling of limp hands

If you suspect a heart attack, a sick person becomes unconscious, or has irregular breathing or shortness of breath, you should call an ambulance right away. The greater risk of a heart attack concerns people in their forties, obese people, smokers, diabetics or people suffering from arterial hypertension, as well as those who have experienced a trauma or have severe stress in their lives.

Abdominal pain in the upper left side

This type of pain may indicate infection, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer.

Abdominal pain on the right, in the upper part

If we feel pain in this part of the abdomen, it may be diseases related to the liver or gallstone disease. It is important, however, that the liver often does not hurt, even in the case of advanced disease. However, it can be constricting when it is enlarged.

The gallbladder has similar symptoms. In this case, it is caused by gallstones that accumulate in it. Deposits also form in the bile ducts and the bile ducts. Such ailment ends on the operating table.

Abdominal pain, mostly in the lower right side

This increasing pain could be a sign of appendicitis. At first, it’s hard to say exactly where it hurts. Apart from severe pain, this ailment is accompanied by pain over the right groin. Abdominal palpation can be done. To do this, slowly put your fingers on the right side of the abdomen above the groin, squeeze and tear them off suddenly. If severe pain occurs, it may be a sign of appendicitis. This is a symptom of Blumberg. To all this, fever, lack of appetite and vomiting can also be added. The youngest often have diarrhea and a feeling of flatulence.

Pain on the left side, at hip level

It used to be believed that this area should not hurt. Meanwhile, such a location of pain may indicate intestinal problems: irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation or obstruction. It is also worth knowing that these ailments can cause pain in other parts of the abdomen, on the right side or in the middle.

On the other hand, when the pain can be described as colic and moving, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, maybe the signals sent to us by the small intestine. The diseases do not occur often, but if these ailments recur, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Pain in the middle and below

Abdominal pain, flatulence, a feeling of “overflow” in the stomach, different bowel movements, alternating between diarrhea and constipation, mucus or blood in the stool – this can make the large intestine feel itself. With such symptoms, we should go to a specialist gastrologist as soon as possible. Detailed research will allow to exclude serious diseases of this organ.

Pain in the lower abdomen and radiating to the back

This characteristic pain can be experienced by women on a monthly basis during their period. It may also indicate gynecological ailments, e.g. infection of the genital tract, and in both sexes – diseases of the urinary system. To exclude them, laboratory tests should be performed and the diagnosis should be deepened by performing an ultrasound. They should be ordered by the family doctor. In the event of disturbing changes, he will refer us to a urologist or nephrologist.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to astrology. Is astrology really a forecast of the future? What is it and how can it help us in everyday life? What is the chart and why is it worth analyzing with an astrologer? You will hear about this and many other topics related to astrology in the new episode of our podcast.

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