Your hands look like this? You may be seriously ill. Don’t take it lightly

Hands are a showpiece of a human being. And are you aware that they can also tell you a lot about your health? It turns out that it is on the hands that the first symptoms of serious diseases appear. Unfortunately, we very often ignore them or combine them with completely different ailments. What should we pay attention to? We advise!

  1. Our body gives us signals that something is wrong with it. Some of them appear on the hands
  2. Sean Marchese, a Registered Nurse, points out symptoms that should worry us
  3. First of all, we should observe the color of our hands and whether they are swollen. Any numbness or tremors may be disturbing
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Our body can give many warning signals to make us aware that something disturbing is happening with our body. Some of them appear on the hands. Sean Marchese, a registered nurse, told that we should be concerned.

How do you see diseases on our hands?

Rod fingers

They are also called the fingers of the Hippocrates or the sticks of the drummer. This symptom consists of sagging nail beds and thickening of the distal phalanges. They are accompanied by the so-called watch nails. They become convex and rounded. Some believe that they resemble the glass that protects the watch face. Hence their name. The reason for the occurrence of stick fingers is hypoxia of the peripheral parts of the body, especially the phalanges.

Here are the diseases that can manifest themselves like this:

  1. cancers, including lung cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, pleural fibroma, colorectal cancer,
  2. diseases of the respiratory system or the pleura, e.g. cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis,
  3. cardiovascular disease, e.g. aortic aneurysm
  4. digestive system diseases, including cirrhosis, Crohn’s disease.
Are you at risk of cancer?

At Medonet Market you can buy test packages checking the risk of cancer:

  1. women’s oncology e-packet
  2. male oncology e-packet

Numbness in the fingers or tingling

A tingling feeling in your fingers usually indicates nerve damage. A number of medical conditions can cause numbness in the fingers, including diabetes or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. In rare cases, this could mean a stroke or problems with the central nervous system.

Shaking hands

“Hand tremors are an ambiguous condition that can indicate a serious illness or be caused by mild problems such as muscle fatigue,” explains Sean Marchese. This symptom occurs when, for example, we are tired, malnourished or abusing alcohol. Unfortunately, trembling hands can indicate more serious medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.

An overactive thyroid gland can also manifest itself this way. This is influenced by an increase in heart rate and metabolism, which may also correlate with sleep problems, headaches and light sensitivity. There are many causes of hand tremors, but if they interfere with your daily activities, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Red, white and blue discoloration of the fingers

«White or blue fingers may indicate a lack of blood flow due to a cold or stress. If they become bright red, swollen, or painful when you warm them up, it could mean Raynaud’s disease, »explains Marchese.

Raynaud’s disease can occur without any other disease, but it is also associated with certain conditions, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, or certain blood disorders.

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