Your ego – what is it really?

We often use the word “selfish” with a negative connotation. We are told to “forget about your ego”, implying that we are doing something wrong. What does it really mean to be selfish and is it so bad?

What are we really doing here on earth? We work all day. We sleep at night. Many of us go through the same schedule every day. We become unhappy. We want more and more money. We desire, we worry, we hate and we are disappointed.

We envy others, but we are not sure that this is enough to change ourselves. After all, we all seek the love and approval of others, but many never find any of it. So what is really the starting point, the origin of all this activity that we all call life?

When you think of the word “ego”, what does it mean to you? As a child and teenager, I always heard phrases like “Forget about your ego” or “He’s selfish.” These were phrases that I hoped no one would ever say to me or about me.

I tried to find a way that would help me deny that I, too, from time to time only think about my own feelings and desires, but at the same time I still feel and behave confidently. After all, the only thing most children want is to successfully fit into the team and at the same time go unnoticed. Don’t stand out.

We are often not confident enough to stand up for our own opinions. In this way we find a way to harmonize with others. We shun those who are different, and at the same time we try to be open, altruistic and never show our desires too openly, for fear of being considered selfish.

In reality, the word “ego” simply means “I” or “I” of any independent person.

What matters is what we know about ourselves. We need to be aware not only of ourselves, but also of our actions and actions towards others. Without this awareness, we are unable to find and realize our true purpose on earth.

We are always trying to “fit in” so that after that we continue to experience fear of our desires and do and say only what is expected of us. We naively believe that we are safe.

However, with all this, we cannot dream, which means, ultimately, that we cannot grow, develop and learn. If you do not know your own personality well, you will continue to go through life, believing that all your moods, beliefs, partners, relationships and friends are completely random and everything that happens is always out of your control.

You will continue to feel like life is one huge, tedious day following on from the previous one. How can you be aware that your aspirations and dreams are actually achievable when you do not have faith in your strengths and the desire to develop them?

The average person has about 75 thoughts a day. Many of them, however, go unnoticed, mainly because we do not pay attention to them. We continue not to listen to our inner self or, if you will, “ego” and, therefore, end up ignoring what our unnoticed thoughts and secret desires tell us to strive for.

However, we always notice our feelings. This is because every thought produces emotions, which in turn affect our mood. Usually, when we have happy thoughts, we feel great – and this helps us feel positive.

When bad thoughts are present inside, we are sad. Our bad moods are the cause of our negative thinking. But you’re in luck! You can control your mood once you become aware of your “I”, your “ego”, and learn to direct or control your thinking.

Your “I” is not bad or wrong. It’s just you. It is your inner being that is here to help you successfully maneuver towards your goal through life. And also to guide you, teach you through right and wrong choices, and ultimately help you realize your great potential.

Every person has the right to dream, and dream about something global, almost unbelievable

It is the “ego” that can help you on the way to the goal not to become a victim of your bad thoughts. The next time you’re in a bad mood, ask yourself why. Try to track each thought and find out the reasons why it carries negative information. Regular visualization of what you want from life will sooner or later make you believe in yourself and that you can achieve it.

Take risks. Allow yourself to want more! Don’t limit yourself to small goals and dreams that you think you can’t achieve. Don’t think that your life is like one big repetitive day. People are born and die. People come into your life one day and stay the next.

Opportunities are right above your head. So don’t put it down to see that even your wildest dream can come true. We are not here on earth to do something that is dissatisfied or that brings only disappointment. We are here to find wisdom and love, to grow and protect each other.

Awareness of your “I” in this huge goal is already half the battle.

About the author: Nicola Mar is a writer, blogger, and columnist.

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